One of the movies on this list is the classic by Robert Zemeckis, the famed '80s director, and one of my favorite trilogies of all time. That got me to thinking, even with J.J. Abrams directing, or even Robert Zemeckis rebooting his own franchise, would you like to see a remake, or is it too untouchable? I originally would have said, maybe a few years ago, some things are untouchable, and not able to be remade, but with Batman, Watchmen, and now Star Trek being remade, and near flawlessly in my opinion, I wouldn't hate someone helming the franchise who had as much respect and fun as I have had.
Now, on to the important stuff; if you would remake Back to the Future, who would you cast, and more importantly, what car would you use to replace the famed Delorean (I've wanted one of those since I first saw that movie). There are a couple of the cars I thought could possibly handle being iconic enough for the part, most are concept cars, but here we go.
The Cadillac Converj would be my ultimate choice.

The original Chevy Volt Conept would be my other.

Now, that the vehicles are done, who would you get as the famed Marty McFly?
I would choose Zac Efron. Ha, I had you for a moment, didn't I? Seriously, it's gotta be Thomas Dekker, the guy that played John Connor on the short lived Sarah Connor Chronicles. I think he could play my rebellious teenager pretty well.

For Doc Brown, I seriously doubt anyone can replace the great performance of Christopher Lloyd, but I would choose Liam Neeson. The guy is brilliant, and I think he could break out of his normal cool shell and truly shock people by playing an unorthodox scientist.

So, there you have it, my main cast, along with the car. I'm not super enthusiastic about a reboot, but, if it were to happen, and the way Hollywood is going, it probably will eventually, I hope it's made like this, and with as much respect as shown to other reboots, such as Star Trek.
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