The 1986 Disney movie about a boy and his flying saucer is said to be next on Disney's remake list. Now, normally I would be right there with people crying that Disney is ruining their childhood, however, I think this is a great idea. The movie is over 20 years old, so the target audience has either forgotten about it or can't remember it, and the kids won't wanna see it, I mean they make references to Twisted Sister and Starsky and Hutch.
I think the improvement in special effects over the past 23 years will really make MAX, the spaceship something special, but, just because I am feeling nostalgic today, I hope the original ship makes a cameo appearance. I just hope they don't turn to Lucas and make everything green-screened, I think you can do this movie without too much special effects as the original will show.
What do you think, good idea or bad idea...please tell me you remember this jewel, you'll make me feel really old if you don't!
FUN TRIVIA: The voice of MAX, the interstellar space ship is voiced by Pee-Wee, himself, Paul Reubens. If you go to MGM Studios in bright, sunny Florida, you can still see the spaceship in the studio tour. It just looks a little sad, now.
Just no Highschool Musical kids and no Jonas brothers in it, please!!
Yeah, I agree. If I hear one more thing about Zac Efron, I'm gonna go punch a baby!
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