Thursday, March 18, 2010

Mega Con

The final chapter of my tales of MegaCon includes the story that was placed in Creative Loafing HERE. We have some of the great videos, courtesy of Rabid Nick, but of course, they don't tell the whole story.

The panels were great, and the nerds were plenty, as we went from movie making panel to movie making panel. It was great to see some of the celebrities, like Leah Thompson, and Ray Park, and Nichelle Nichols looked great, and Brent Spiner looked exactly like he did back in the day when he played Data. Claudia Wells looked a bit rough, and I think Levar Burton was there, but he must be a ninja or something because every time I turned around, he was gone...but you don't have to take my word for it! HA!

Anyway, we had crazy amounts of fun, and I was really encouraged by the Indie filmmakers I met, and I hope to meet more in the next few weeks, as the Rabid one and I plan our Indie filmmaking week for Creative Loafing. Oh, it ought to be good!

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