So, Tom Wilson, the actor that played Biff in Back to the Future is a standup comedien! That's cool, althought he will never get rid of the Biff stigma. Anywho, here is a video of Biff singing about all the questions he always gets. Check it out!
I want to be a writer when I grow up. This blog is my journey. I will become a better writer, better husband, better Dad and a better movie geek.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
A couple of Dicks gets a trailer
The Kevin Smith movie that used to be called a Couple of Dicks now has a new title, Cop Out, and a new trailer. It looks pretty funny, but I have to admit, I'm not super excited yet. What do you think?
Apparently the title change was neccesary to run commercials for the movie, and the title change was the result of Smith saying "changing the title just feels like a cop out, man." Yeah, that's the stuff legends are made of.
Apparently the title change was neccesary to run commercials for the movie, and the title change was the result of Smith saying "changing the title just feels like a cop out, man." Yeah, that's the stuff legends are made of.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Chuck - John Casey presents
For all you Chuck fans out there, this is a hilarious character video called "John Casey presents: How to be a deadly spy." This is reason number one why Adam Baldwin is the friggin' man! Don't worry, this has nothing to do with any episode of Chuck, so there aren't any spoilers. Enjoy!
Avatar Wars
Check out this "trailer" for Avatar Wars. Basically, it's a pretty well cut trailer showing CG characters versus the classic human actors. This is really funny!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Avatar review
With all the hype over Avatar, and people claiming that it will revolutionize movie making, and that it’s the biggest thing to happen to cinema since Star Wars, there is no way Avatar can live up to that kind of hype, right? Well, maybe it can.
Every great movie has a tale of sorts behind it. We all love to hear how there was blood, sweat and tears involved in the making, and that it was a true miracle the movie happened. Avatar is no different, there were tales of how acclaimed director James Cameron had worked on it for years, waiting for technology to develop so he could push the bar that much higher and deliver Pandora. Fortunately for us, the time had come, and Cameron did just that, push the bar higher than it ever has been before.
Avatar’s plot maybe secondary in the film to the planet itself, it is still very important, and actually helps evoke plenty of emotion in the movie. Our hero, Jake Sully starts off with a recovery from an accident that leaves him with two useless legs and a dead brother. Since his brother was involved in the Avatar program, the company recruits Sully to take over at the last minute. Sully agrees and finds out he is set for Pandora in an attempt to convince the local species, the Na’Vi to move from their village so it can be mined. Once Jake Sully takes over the body of this remote controlled Na’Vi, he meets the tribes princess, Neytiri, he learns that the Na’Vi aren’t necessarily the monsters he was told they were, and the line between his mission and what is right starts to blur as he discovers an amazing culture and a more amazing planet. I know what you are thinking, it is a cross between Dances With Wolves and FernGully, but the movie manages to add much more depth than either movie.
Sam Worthington plays Jake Sully and shows why he is this year’s main star. Zoe Saldana plays Neytiri and is absolutely incredible and is easily the films shining star. The film also has good performances from a great Sigourney Weaver and the guy that plays the villain, Col. Quaritch, played expertly by Stephen Lane. The main character in the movie, however, is the world of Pandora. Normally, the environment is not a character, but here, it is, with everything alive and beautiful, which plays into the story perfectly. At one point, Sully and Neytiri are running through the tree tops at night with the ground glowing beneath them and bugs flying by them and you realize this planet is alive, and is beautiful.
The movie tops out at 2 and a half hours and it never seems like it. Throughout the movie, the 3-D is never gimmicky, it simply adds layers to the movie which further enhances the immersion in this new world. The characters start out 2-D and pretty quickly develop into great characters, especially the Na’Vi. While the story is good, this movie is all about showing you a new world, and the experiences we share while Jake Sully learns what beauty and danger Pandora has, and the film truly delivers in this area, and it’s here I thought I had never seen anything so amazing, and truly thought filmmaking just took a giant step forward.
Overall, I would agree completely with Steven Spielberg who said it best, I haven’t felt this kind of amazement since Star Wars. This is a wonderful movie and will change the world of moviemaking as we know it. It was truly refreshing to see something that isn’t a rehash, remake, or a sequel, rather something I’ve never seen before. I highly encourage everyone to see it in 3-D at the theaters, because the beauty may lose some of its glimmer on DVD.
Overall, easily a 9 out of 10
Every great movie has a tale of sorts behind it. We all love to hear how there was blood, sweat and tears involved in the making, and that it was a true miracle the movie happened. Avatar is no different, there were tales of how acclaimed director James Cameron had worked on it for years, waiting for technology to develop so he could push the bar that much higher and deliver Pandora. Fortunately for us, the time had come, and Cameron did just that, push the bar higher than it ever has been before.
Avatar’s plot maybe secondary in the film to the planet itself, it is still very important, and actually helps evoke plenty of emotion in the movie. Our hero, Jake Sully starts off with a recovery from an accident that leaves him with two useless legs and a dead brother. Since his brother was involved in the Avatar program, the company recruits Sully to take over at the last minute. Sully agrees and finds out he is set for Pandora in an attempt to convince the local species, the Na’Vi to move from their village so it can be mined. Once Jake Sully takes over the body of this remote controlled Na’Vi, he meets the tribes princess, Neytiri, he learns that the Na’Vi aren’t necessarily the monsters he was told they were, and the line between his mission and what is right starts to blur as he discovers an amazing culture and a more amazing planet. I know what you are thinking, it is a cross between Dances With Wolves and FernGully, but the movie manages to add much more depth than either movie.
Sam Worthington plays Jake Sully and shows why he is this year’s main star. Zoe Saldana plays Neytiri and is absolutely incredible and is easily the films shining star. The film also has good performances from a great Sigourney Weaver and the guy that plays the villain, Col. Quaritch, played expertly by Stephen Lane. The main character in the movie, however, is the world of Pandora. Normally, the environment is not a character, but here, it is, with everything alive and beautiful, which plays into the story perfectly. At one point, Sully and Neytiri are running through the tree tops at night with the ground glowing beneath them and bugs flying by them and you realize this planet is alive, and is beautiful.
The movie tops out at 2 and a half hours and it never seems like it. Throughout the movie, the 3-D is never gimmicky, it simply adds layers to the movie which further enhances the immersion in this new world. The characters start out 2-D and pretty quickly develop into great characters, especially the Na’Vi. While the story is good, this movie is all about showing you a new world, and the experiences we share while Jake Sully learns what beauty and danger Pandora has, and the film truly delivers in this area, and it’s here I thought I had never seen anything so amazing, and truly thought filmmaking just took a giant step forward.
Overall, I would agree completely with Steven Spielberg who said it best, I haven’t felt this kind of amazement since Star Wars. This is a wonderful movie and will change the world of moviemaking as we know it. It was truly refreshing to see something that isn’t a rehash, remake, or a sequel, rather something I’ve never seen before. I highly encourage everyone to see it in 3-D at the theaters, because the beauty may lose some of its glimmer on DVD.
Overall, easily a 9 out of 10
Friday, December 18, 2009
Jack Bauer interrogates Santa Clause
Yes, you read that right, Jack friggin' Bauer is trying to get the truth out of Santa Clause! I don't have to say anything else...
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Shrek Forever trailer
Well, we are coming to the end of the series, and if you believe that, I have some land for you. But, after the mediocre Shrek 3, I am interested to see if they can redeem themsevles. So, here is the trailer, let me know what you think!
Iron Man 2 trailer is up
If you haven't seen this yet, I want you to promptly slap yourself in the face (don't ask me how, just do it). Either way, here it is for your entertainment pleasure. I can't wait for May, now!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Hoppers 2009
The Hopper Awards, the single greatest award a movie can ever hope to achieve is finally here. So, without any further delay, the winners are....
Best Director - J.J. Abrams
With 2009's Star Trek being the huge success it is, and due to the massive scale of the movie, I'm choosing J.J. On top of the hugely successful movie, which is also my top pick for 2009, he is also producing Fringe, which is a great TV show.
Best Actor - Sharlto Copley
The guy who carried District 9 to the success it was. Granted he had help from some truly amazing special effects, this guy was absolutley amazing. I still just want to hear him drop the F-bomb 20 or 30 more times.
Best actress - Katie Featherstone
That's right, you just asked 'who,' but with performances like the underfunded blockbuster Paranormal Activity, she will soon be a household name.
Breakout star - Bradley Cooper
After Wedding Crashers, you may have still had some questions about whether Cooper could hold a movie on his own, but after the smash hit, The Hangover, Cooper is quickly becoming the top name on everyone's list.
Biggest letdown - Terminator Salvation
This franchise is known for the adrenaline pumping action, the chase scenes, the drama, the time traveling, and of course, the Governator. The McG film, however, didn't have any of those. Terminator 2, especially is one of the greatest sci-fi movies of all time. This years edition didn't see the traditional chase. Instead, it saw Christian Bale as a mediocre John Connor, and Sam Worthington as something completely unrelated to anything we've known. It also saw Star Trek's Anton Yenchliv as soon to be father Kyle Reese. The movie was convoluted, and messy, and only barely entertaining. The franchise deserved so much more.
Well, there you have it, some more Hopper Awards are coming, and of course, some more movie geek goodness. So, until then, let me know what your picks would be in the comments section!
Best Director - J.J. Abrams
With 2009's Star Trek being the huge success it is, and due to the massive scale of the movie, I'm choosing J.J. On top of the hugely successful movie, which is also my top pick for 2009, he is also producing Fringe, which is a great TV show.
Best Actor - Sharlto Copley
The guy who carried District 9 to the success it was. Granted he had help from some truly amazing special effects, this guy was absolutley amazing. I still just want to hear him drop the F-bomb 20 or 30 more times.
Best actress - Katie Featherstone
That's right, you just asked 'who,' but with performances like the underfunded blockbuster Paranormal Activity, she will soon be a household name.
Breakout star - Bradley Cooper
After Wedding Crashers, you may have still had some questions about whether Cooper could hold a movie on his own, but after the smash hit, The Hangover, Cooper is quickly becoming the top name on everyone's list.
Biggest letdown - Terminator Salvation
This franchise is known for the adrenaline pumping action, the chase scenes, the drama, the time traveling, and of course, the Governator. The McG film, however, didn't have any of those. Terminator 2, especially is one of the greatest sci-fi movies of all time. This years edition didn't see the traditional chase. Instead, it saw Christian Bale as a mediocre John Connor, and Sam Worthington as something completely unrelated to anything we've known. It also saw Star Trek's Anton Yenchliv as soon to be father Kyle Reese. The movie was convoluted, and messy, and only barely entertaining. The franchise deserved so much more.
Well, there you have it, some more Hopper Awards are coming, and of course, some more movie geek goodness. So, until then, let me know what your picks would be in the comments section!
Friday, December 11, 2009
The Hoppers 2009
The end of the year is near, and with it comes list after list, counting down everything from music, to the top news stories to the best celebrity scandals; but there is only one award that counts, the Kevin's Movie Blog Awards, also known as The Hoppers. The Hoppers are kinda like the Oscars, except real people actually consider movies, not politics, and there will be no Clint Eastwood worshiping. So, with that said, I present the top movies of 2009.
10) The Cove
A Documentary about dolphins being slaughtered in Japan, the movie decided it would be so much more. The movie had interesting characters, some amazingly beautiful and tragic cinematography and elements of true drama and suspense. The movie entertained the audience and still made them stand up and ask what could be done; a sign of a good documentary.
9) G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra
This adaptation of the 1980's animated childrens movie saw cheesy over the top effects, crazy fight scenes and women in tight leather beating the crap out of each other, which naturally earned it a spot on the list. This movie was pure popcorn entertainment and made no apologies for it. Will you be smarter after this movie? No, but you will have a good time. And, isn't that half the battle?
8) Night at the Museum 2: Battle at the Smithsonian
This one could be the most debated on the list, but I had a great time at a fun, action packed movie that has Theodore Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, Einstein and Amelia Aerhardt, along with a hilarious General Custard and some egyptian pharoah guy. The movie had great one liners and was completely entertaining all the way through.
7) Watchmen
The movie based off a graphic novel was faithfully adapted. The problem is, once the fan boys got what they wanted, they didn't know what to do with it, and apparently no one else did. This movie was harsh, brutal, and filled with anti-heroes all around, and that is what made it truly unique among super hero movies.
6) District 9
Neil Blomkamps inexpensive sci-fi blockbuster blew everyone away with the amazing special effects, heartfelt story, and lets not forget, one of the breakout stars of the year, Sharlto Copley, this movie was everything so many sci-fi films that came before it were; good. I loved this movie, and look forward to what such a talented director has in store next.
5) Taken
The movie exploded onto screens early this year and showed the once Jedi Liam Neeson was still able to kick some serious ass. This movie was a nonstop action movie that kept audiences on the edge of the seat from beginning to end. The best part of this movie was possibly the trailer, featuring an amazingly bad ass speech from Liam Neeson, followed by the words "good luck," which sent chills down the spine of the audience. This is what an action movie should be. It's good to see Hollywood can still blow shit up without Michael Bay.
4) Hangover
The top R-Rated comedy of all time, this little movie came out of nowhere (a trend in 2009) and became a huge phenomenon. The movie deserved all the success it got, as it was completely hilarious from beginning to end, ushering in a new group of actors to take the reigns of comedy in Hollywood, including Bradley Cooper, Zach Galifinakis and Mike Friggin' Tyson.
3) Paranormal Activity
Anyone who knows me, or has followed my movie blog knows this movie scared the crap outta me. The interesting first person camera style made for an incredibly real feeling movie that, coupled with an incredibly ending made for the scariest movie of the year, and in my opinion, of all time. The movie also shattered the previous record, held by The Blair Witch Project for making the most money, mainly due to the fact the movie was only shot for $15,000.
2) Zombieland
I loved this movie. There, I said it. I completely marked out over the zombie movie that made me laugh throughout the movie, and made me cheer for Woodey Harrelson all over again. I think this movie was meant just for me, and entertained me like few have. While Shaun of the Dead maybe the reigning king of zomedies, this movie challenged that idea, and made you think twice about that distinction, which is really saying something.
1) Star Trek
This may not be a surprise to you, but I love sci-fi, I love action, and I love a good movie. The 2009 reboot-ish of Star Trek was all those things and more. This movie made Star Trek relevant and cool all over again, while bringing the die hard trekkies along for the ride. I thought this movie did everything right, and almost nothing wrong and showed that no role, no matter how iconic is completely irreplaceable. I look forward to J.J. Abrams followup, and in the mean time, look forward to anything that stars this young, talented cast.
So, there you have it, the best movies of 2009. However, stay tuned, there are still a few more awards to give out, so don't nobody go nowhere.
10) The Cove
A Documentary about dolphins being slaughtered in Japan, the movie decided it would be so much more. The movie had interesting characters, some amazingly beautiful and tragic cinematography and elements of true drama and suspense. The movie entertained the audience and still made them stand up and ask what could be done; a sign of a good documentary.
9) G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra
This adaptation of the 1980's animated childrens movie saw cheesy over the top effects, crazy fight scenes and women in tight leather beating the crap out of each other, which naturally earned it a spot on the list. This movie was pure popcorn entertainment and made no apologies for it. Will you be smarter after this movie? No, but you will have a good time. And, isn't that half the battle?
8) Night at the Museum 2: Battle at the Smithsonian
This one could be the most debated on the list, but I had a great time at a fun, action packed movie that has Theodore Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, Einstein and Amelia Aerhardt, along with a hilarious General Custard and some egyptian pharoah guy. The movie had great one liners and was completely entertaining all the way through.
7) Watchmen
The movie based off a graphic novel was faithfully adapted. The problem is, once the fan boys got what they wanted, they didn't know what to do with it, and apparently no one else did. This movie was harsh, brutal, and filled with anti-heroes all around, and that is what made it truly unique among super hero movies.
6) District 9
Neil Blomkamps inexpensive sci-fi blockbuster blew everyone away with the amazing special effects, heartfelt story, and lets not forget, one of the breakout stars of the year, Sharlto Copley, this movie was everything so many sci-fi films that came before it were; good. I loved this movie, and look forward to what such a talented director has in store next.
5) Taken
The movie exploded onto screens early this year and showed the once Jedi Liam Neeson was still able to kick some serious ass. This movie was a nonstop action movie that kept audiences on the edge of the seat from beginning to end. The best part of this movie was possibly the trailer, featuring an amazingly bad ass speech from Liam Neeson, followed by the words "good luck," which sent chills down the spine of the audience. This is what an action movie should be. It's good to see Hollywood can still blow shit up without Michael Bay.
4) Hangover
The top R-Rated comedy of all time, this little movie came out of nowhere (a trend in 2009) and became a huge phenomenon. The movie deserved all the success it got, as it was completely hilarious from beginning to end, ushering in a new group of actors to take the reigns of comedy in Hollywood, including Bradley Cooper, Zach Galifinakis and Mike Friggin' Tyson.
3) Paranormal Activity
Anyone who knows me, or has followed my movie blog knows this movie scared the crap outta me. The interesting first person camera style made for an incredibly real feeling movie that, coupled with an incredibly ending made for the scariest movie of the year, and in my opinion, of all time. The movie also shattered the previous record, held by The Blair Witch Project for making the most money, mainly due to the fact the movie was only shot for $15,000.
2) Zombieland
I loved this movie. There, I said it. I completely marked out over the zombie movie that made me laugh throughout the movie, and made me cheer for Woodey Harrelson all over again. I think this movie was meant just for me, and entertained me like few have. While Shaun of the Dead maybe the reigning king of zomedies, this movie challenged that idea, and made you think twice about that distinction, which is really saying something.
1) Star Trek
This may not be a surprise to you, but I love sci-fi, I love action, and I love a good movie. The 2009 reboot-ish of Star Trek was all those things and more. This movie made Star Trek relevant and cool all over again, while bringing the die hard trekkies along for the ride. I thought this movie did everything right, and almost nothing wrong and showed that no role, no matter how iconic is completely irreplaceable. I look forward to J.J. Abrams followup, and in the mean time, look forward to anything that stars this young, talented cast.
So, there you have it, the best movies of 2009. However, stay tuned, there are still a few more awards to give out, so don't nobody go nowhere.
3 Guys & Glee ep. 13 "Sectionals"
Here it is, the podcast that launched a thousand ships. Ok, that was some chick named Helen, but if she had a podcast, it would be a lot like ours.
In the podcast, we talk about the season finale of Glee, the music, what is up next, and of course, our love of Leah Michele.
So, if you haven't already, give us a listen!
3 Guys & Glee - The Podcast "Sectionals"
In the podcast, we talk about the season finale of Glee, the music, what is up next, and of course, our love of Leah Michele.
So, if you haven't already, give us a listen!
3 Guys & Glee - The Podcast "Sectionals"
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Top 10 of the past decade
The past decade has seen many great movies; the Star Wars saga was completed with episodes two and three, Harry Potter shattered all kinds of records and put what will be a 7 movie series into history, there were remakes, reimagineings, sequels, and more remakes and even James Bond himself saw a makeover. While there are many, many amazing movies that came out over the past decade, I’m going to list ten of my favorite. They may or may not be the best, but, they’re my favorite. So, let me know what your list would be in the comments section!
10) Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl
The first true blockbuster for Johnny Depp, and who could imagine anyone else but him as Captain Jack Sparrow? Keira Knightly and Geoffrey Rush also made a great appearance in a beautiful, action packed movie that had great actors, great scenery and a great soundtrack. While the sequels didn’t quite live up to the first, this movie is one of the best ever.
9) Star Trek 2009
While I feel slightly guilty for putting such a new movie on the list, this movie ranks as one of my favorite sci-fi movies of all time, so I got over it. While I enjoyed the show, I never thought the Star Trek movies were any good until now. Thanks to J.J. Abrams, Star Trek can be cool again, for a whole new generation.
8) Shrek
Who can forget the Dream Works smash hit that mocked all the fairytale creatures, and the company who made them, all while having great heart, and something kids would like? Shrek was one of the greatest animated movies of all time, and even though it looks like the franchise will be run into the ground, we still have the first movie.
7) Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
I can’t tell you how many times I have used lines from this movie as Facebook status updates, and all my friends chime in with other quotes from what is possibly Will Farrell’s greatest movie. I loved this comedy, and all the characters in it, and if it’s on tonight, I will watch it again for the fifty-something-ish time.
6) Spiderman 2
This is the franchise that showed truly how to do a comic book movie. There were others that invented the formula, sure, but Spiderman perfected it. The sequel with great villains, a torn hero, and an amazing fight scene is still one of the greatest comic book movies ever.
5) Memento
Back when Christopher Nolan was just some guy who did American Psycho, he did a movie that blew your mind, and made you do a double take on the entire movie with your jaw open. The movie was shown in reverse, revealing a complicated murder, and a man with a really weird problem. This is my favorite Nolan movie to date, and one of the most genius screenplays in history.
4) V for Vendetta
Sure the Wachowski’s would end up on this list. Unfortunately, the sequel’s to my favorite movie ever, the Matrix, would not make the list, but this movie, that stars Natalie Portman and a constantly covered Hugo Weaving is absolutely brilliant and has some of the best, most heartfelt dialogue ever, all while showing an interesting view on government and terrorism.
3) Serenity
Are you surprised? I admit it, I’m a Sci-Fi junkie, and this is Sci-Fi’s masterpiece. The movie by Joss Whedon, based on my favorite short lived show, Firefly does everything right, innovative, and funny, all while giving the perfect amount of screen time to some truly wonderful characters. If you’re going to do a sci-fi movie, take notes on this one.
2) Shaun of the Dead
Remember when zombies just hung out at the mall? It’s amazing this movie, with the help of two of the best characters in cinema changed all that and begged you to question whether dogs really can look up (they can). This movie made zombies popular all over again, and while they still were scary, they proved in the right hands, they can also be friggin’ hilarious. There have been many attempts to duplicate this movie, and none have gotten close to this, besides maybe, Zombie Land.
1) Ocean’s Eleven
I have seen this movie probably more than any other. Any time it’s on TV, it is what I’m watching. I can easily quote the movie from front to back, and still enjoy the tale of the awesomely cool Danny Ocean, and his eleven comrades and their crazy heist. While the sequels failed to achieve the epic quality of chemistry, this movie has, there are very few others who have. I would put this movie up against Casablanca in that regard, and happily debate the merits for years to come. (Sounds like another column to me)
10) Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl
The first true blockbuster for Johnny Depp, and who could imagine anyone else but him as Captain Jack Sparrow? Keira Knightly and Geoffrey Rush also made a great appearance in a beautiful, action packed movie that had great actors, great scenery and a great soundtrack. While the sequels didn’t quite live up to the first, this movie is one of the best ever.
9) Star Trek 2009
While I feel slightly guilty for putting such a new movie on the list, this movie ranks as one of my favorite sci-fi movies of all time, so I got over it. While I enjoyed the show, I never thought the Star Trek movies were any good until now. Thanks to J.J. Abrams, Star Trek can be cool again, for a whole new generation.
8) Shrek
Who can forget the Dream Works smash hit that mocked all the fairytale creatures, and the company who made them, all while having great heart, and something kids would like? Shrek was one of the greatest animated movies of all time, and even though it looks like the franchise will be run into the ground, we still have the first movie.
7) Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
I can’t tell you how many times I have used lines from this movie as Facebook status updates, and all my friends chime in with other quotes from what is possibly Will Farrell’s greatest movie. I loved this comedy, and all the characters in it, and if it’s on tonight, I will watch it again for the fifty-something-ish time.
6) Spiderman 2
This is the franchise that showed truly how to do a comic book movie. There were others that invented the formula, sure, but Spiderman perfected it. The sequel with great villains, a torn hero, and an amazing fight scene is still one of the greatest comic book movies ever.
5) Memento
Back when Christopher Nolan was just some guy who did American Psycho, he did a movie that blew your mind, and made you do a double take on the entire movie with your jaw open. The movie was shown in reverse, revealing a complicated murder, and a man with a really weird problem. This is my favorite Nolan movie to date, and one of the most genius screenplays in history.
4) V for Vendetta
Sure the Wachowski’s would end up on this list. Unfortunately, the sequel’s to my favorite movie ever, the Matrix, would not make the list, but this movie, that stars Natalie Portman and a constantly covered Hugo Weaving is absolutely brilliant and has some of the best, most heartfelt dialogue ever, all while showing an interesting view on government and terrorism.
3) Serenity
Are you surprised? I admit it, I’m a Sci-Fi junkie, and this is Sci-Fi’s masterpiece. The movie by Joss Whedon, based on my favorite short lived show, Firefly does everything right, innovative, and funny, all while giving the perfect amount of screen time to some truly wonderful characters. If you’re going to do a sci-fi movie, take notes on this one.
2) Shaun of the Dead
Remember when zombies just hung out at the mall? It’s amazing this movie, with the help of two of the best characters in cinema changed all that and begged you to question whether dogs really can look up (they can). This movie made zombies popular all over again, and while they still were scary, they proved in the right hands, they can also be friggin’ hilarious. There have been many attempts to duplicate this movie, and none have gotten close to this, besides maybe, Zombie Land.
1) Ocean’s Eleven
I have seen this movie probably more than any other. Any time it’s on TV, it is what I’m watching. I can easily quote the movie from front to back, and still enjoy the tale of the awesomely cool Danny Ocean, and his eleven comrades and their crazy heist. While the sequels failed to achieve the epic quality of chemistry, this movie has, there are very few others who have. I would put this movie up against Casablanca in that regard, and happily debate the merits for years to come. (Sounds like another column to me)
Friday, December 4, 2009
Check it out
So, there is a new site that is still in the beta stages, but sounds like they are well on their way to being a daily go-to time waster. The site is
The site boasts clips from thousands of movies, and is continually getting more clips from additional studios, so when you want to broadcast your mood on your facespacey's or your tweety pages, you can pick a movie clip that clearly announces your mood.
For me, it's 5' o'clock on Friday, so, I'm thinking maybe the ending to Breakfast Club, what do you think?
The site boasts clips from thousands of movies, and is continually getting more clips from additional studios, so when you want to broadcast your mood on your facespacey's or your tweety pages, you can pick a movie clip that clearly announces your mood.
For me, it's 5' o'clock on Friday, so, I'm thinking maybe the ending to Breakfast Club, what do you think?
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Iron Man 2 poster
If you haven't seen the new Iron Man 2 poster featuring Iron Man and War Machine yet, it's worth your time. Check it out!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
The Muppets: Bohemian Rhapsody
I don't know why this was done, but anything muppets is always appreciated. I had previously reported that Forgetting Sarah Marshall star Jason Segal was helming a new muppet project, but I don't think this has anything to do with it. But, here you go, the Muppets, just as you expect them to be with Bohemian Rhapsody.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Luke Skywalker is on Facebook?
Check this out from, Luke Skywalker, Vader, and the rest are apparently all on Facebook.
Chuck Season 3 Trailer
How can you not be excited by this? Check out the teaser for Chuck, Season 3. Hopefully, the next show to be graced with the 3 Guys and ... Podcast!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Psych gets a season 5!
That's right, you heard it here first, Psych, the USA Network TV show just got officially renewed for a fifith season. The show stars James Roday, Dule Hill, Corben Bernsen and Maggie Lawson, and is currently looking to come back from winter break on the 29th of January. So, get your DVR's ready, and stock up on popcorn, because we have plenty more adventures with our favorite fake-psychic.
Joseph Gordon Levitt is the man?!?
I never thought I would say those words. Sure, he was good in 3rd Rock, and he was the quintessential new kid in 10 Things I hate About You, and believe it or not, he was friggin' Cobra Commander in G.I. Joe, but none of this prepared me for the excitement of him performing perfectly "Make 'em laugh" from Singin' in the Rain. I mean, it looked like he was truly about to burst from excitement, which is always a pleasure to see, and he did the flips and everything! Truly a great performance. Check it out!
Friday, November 20, 2009
3 Guys & Glee - The Podcast -"Ballads"
Here it is, guys, the second episode of 3 Guys and Glee. It hasn't appeared on Loafing's site yet, but when it does, I will provide a link. In the meantime, you can listen to our witty banter, attempts at humor, and mallards! Check it out:
Download the podcast here.
Or, check out the link for Creative Loafing! Let me know what you think!
Download the podcast here.
Or, check out the link for Creative Loafing! Let me know what you think!
Chuck's new poster
Yeah, I know what your thinking.....god, that Yvonne Stahovski is amazingly hot!
I can't wait! January 10, set your watches, mark your calendars and clear your schedules!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Flick Picks - a Game for you hardcore box office number crunchers
Flickpicks is a community site that mixes some chat, along with fantasy football for movies. Basically, you have a certain number of theaters each week (you start out with 7 and get more) and you have to pick the movies that will get you the highest dollar per theater.
It's interesting for all the movie geeks out there who are always guessing as to the box office results, and from the small amount of experience I've had, the community seems really interesting.
There are also ways of challenging people to get more points, and group making to go for the title.
So, if you're interested in challenging me, check me out!
Theater - The Burg Megaplex
Username: The Hopp
It's interesting for all the movie geeks out there who are always guessing as to the box office results, and from the small amount of experience I've had, the community seems really interesting.
There are also ways of challenging people to get more points, and group making to go for the title.
So, if you're interested in challenging me, check me out!
Theater - The Burg Megaplex
Username: The Hopp
Friday, November 13, 2009
Glee and the tale of the podcast
First off, if you want to hear the epic, award-winning, Tony-inspired, amazing, podcast, HERE it is.
So, I decided I wanted to do a podcast. I had heard some of them, and while some were good, some made me want to gouge out my eyes, so I wanted something a bit different. I decided upon Glee, a very popular show that could be good for the clicks, and easy to talk about, given the shows different feel.
I decided to ask my friends to help out in the commentary part, which everyone seemed pretty excited about. When I realized I didn't have the software, the hardware or the slightest clue what I was doing, I thought about just bailing on the whole thing. But, like all great things, pieces started to fall into place, friends showed up and Glee started.
Afterwards, there was an uneasyness in the air, knowing what followed would be something we had not done before. But, as we started talking, the vodka started flowing and out the podcast came. Sure, the podcast was a bit unorganized, and the audio peaks into static on occasion, but we were doing something that we always did, talk about tv.
So, now, the podcast is up, things flowed nicely, and we all got that high you get when the adrenaline combines with a feeling of accomplishment. Now, we're aiming to improve on the quality, streamline the alcohol flow, and more importantly, increase the fun.
Overall, a good experience! What did you think about the podcast?
So, I decided I wanted to do a podcast. I had heard some of them, and while some were good, some made me want to gouge out my eyes, so I wanted something a bit different. I decided upon Glee, a very popular show that could be good for the clicks, and easy to talk about, given the shows different feel.
I decided to ask my friends to help out in the commentary part, which everyone seemed pretty excited about. When I realized I didn't have the software, the hardware or the slightest clue what I was doing, I thought about just bailing on the whole thing. But, like all great things, pieces started to fall into place, friends showed up and Glee started.
Afterwards, there was an uneasyness in the air, knowing what followed would be something we had not done before. But, as we started talking, the vodka started flowing and out the podcast came. Sure, the podcast was a bit unorganized, and the audio peaks into static on occasion, but we were doing something that we always did, talk about tv.
So, now, the podcast is up, things flowed nicely, and we all got that high you get when the adrenaline combines with a feeling of accomplishment. Now, we're aiming to improve on the quality, streamline the alcohol flow, and more importantly, increase the fun.
Overall, a good experience! What did you think about the podcast?
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Three new trailers to get you excited
If you’re a movie fan, than this week has been quite exciting with the release of three very interesting trailers, including Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, the Angelina Jolie spy flick Salt and the Sam Worthington remake, Clash of the Titans.
Check out these three trailers and the general B.S. I have to say about them at Loafings website.
Thanks for the support, and let me know what you think of the trailers!
Check out these three trailers and the general B.S. I have to say about them at Loafings website.
Thanks for the support, and let me know what you think of the trailers!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Christopher Walken is a god...and Lady Gaga
So, Christopher Walken is one of my favorite actors/characters in all of cinema. I say it like that because Christopher Walken always plays himself, and it's always entertaining. From being a blonde Bond villain to the greatest SNL skit of all time (I gotta have more cowbell) Christopher Walken is comedy gold. So, check out this video where Walken is reading the lyrics (some of the worst I've ever heard) to a Lady Gaga song. If you can make it through this video without rolling on the floor, then you have no sense of humor.
Joss Whedon's letter to the owners of the Terminator franchise
There has been a ton of rumors floating around that Joss Whedon was trying to buy up the Terminator franchise. Now, while I have to admit, my inner (and outer for that matter) geek freaked out, I knew it was a bit silly. So, check out the actual letter sent to the owners and decide for yourself, was it all a bunch of bumkiss? And, after reading this letter, I'm currently trying to get Joss Whedon to write for Kevin's Movie blog....maybe call it "Jevin's movie blog" ... see what I did there? I put the "J" for Joss where the "K" for Kevin is...ya know, make him feel important and all.
Dear Sirs/Ma’ams,
I am Joss Whedon, the mastermind behind Titan A.E., Parenthood (not the movie) (or the new series) (or the one where ‘hood’ was capitalized ’cause it was a pun), and myriad other legendary tales. I have heard through the ‘grapevine’ that the Terminator franchise is for sale, and I am prepared to make a pre-emptive bid RIGHT NOW to wrap this dealio up. This is not a joke, this is not a scam, this is not available on TV. I will write a check TODAY for $10,000, and viola! Terminator off your hands.
No, you didn’t miscount. That’s four — FOUR! — zeroes after that one. That’s to show you I mean business. And I mean show business. Nikki Finke says the Terminator concept is played. Well, here’s what I have to say to Nikki Finke: you are a fine journalist and please don’t ever notice me. The Terminator story is as formative and important in our culture — and my pretend play — as any I can think of. It’s far from over. And before you Terminator-Owners (I have trouble remembering names) rush to cash that sweet cheque, let me give you a taste of what I could do with that franchise:
1) Terminator… of the Rings! Yeah, what if he time-travelled TOO far… back to when there was dragons and wizards? (I think it was the Dark Ages.) Hasta La Vista, Boramir! Cool, huh? “Now you gonna be Gandalf the Red!” RRRRIP! But then he totally helps, because he’s a cyborg and he doesn’t give a s#&% about the ring — it has no power over him! And he can carry it AND Frodo AND Sam AND f@%& up some orcs while he’s doing it. This stuff just comes to me. I mean it. (I will also offer $10,000 for the Lord of the Rings franchise).
2) More Glau. Hey. There’s a reason they’re called “Summer” movies.
3) Can you say… musical? Well don’t. Even I know that’s an awful idea.
4) Christian Bale’s John Connor will get a throat lozenge. This will also help his Batwork (ten grand for that franchise too, btw.)
5) More porn. John Connor never told Kyle Reese this, but his main objective in going to the past was to get some. What if there’s a lot of future-babies that have to be made? Cue wah-wah pedal guitar — and dollar signs!
6) The movies will stop getting less cool.
Okay. There’s more — this brain don’t quit! (though it has occasionally been fired) — but I think you get my drift. I really believe the Terminator franchise has only begun to plumb the depths of questioning the human condition during awesome stunts, and I’d like to shepherd it through the next phase. The money is there, but more importantly, the heart is there. But more importantly, money. Think about it. End this bloody bidding war before it begins, and put the Terminator in the hands of someone who watched the first one more than any other movie in college, including “Song of Norway” (no current franchise offer).
Sincerely, Joss Whedon.
Dear Sirs/Ma’ams,
I am Joss Whedon, the mastermind behind Titan A.E., Parenthood (not the movie) (or the new series) (or the one where ‘hood’ was capitalized ’cause it was a pun), and myriad other legendary tales. I have heard through the ‘grapevine’ that the Terminator franchise is for sale, and I am prepared to make a pre-emptive bid RIGHT NOW to wrap this dealio up. This is not a joke, this is not a scam, this is not available on TV. I will write a check TODAY for $10,000, and viola! Terminator off your hands.
No, you didn’t miscount. That’s four — FOUR! — zeroes after that one. That’s to show you I mean business. And I mean show business. Nikki Finke says the Terminator concept is played. Well, here’s what I have to say to Nikki Finke: you are a fine journalist and please don’t ever notice me. The Terminator story is as formative and important in our culture — and my pretend play — as any I can think of. It’s far from over. And before you Terminator-Owners (I have trouble remembering names) rush to cash that sweet cheque, let me give you a taste of what I could do with that franchise:
1) Terminator… of the Rings! Yeah, what if he time-travelled TOO far… back to when there was dragons and wizards? (I think it was the Dark Ages.) Hasta La Vista, Boramir! Cool, huh? “Now you gonna be Gandalf the Red!” RRRRIP! But then he totally helps, because he’s a cyborg and he doesn’t give a s#&% about the ring — it has no power over him! And he can carry it AND Frodo AND Sam AND f@%& up some orcs while he’s doing it. This stuff just comes to me. I mean it. (I will also offer $10,000 for the Lord of the Rings franchise).
2) More Glau. Hey. There’s a reason they’re called “Summer” movies.
3) Can you say… musical? Well don’t. Even I know that’s an awful idea.
4) Christian Bale’s John Connor will get a throat lozenge. This will also help his Batwork (ten grand for that franchise too, btw.)
5) More porn. John Connor never told Kyle Reese this, but his main objective in going to the past was to get some. What if there’s a lot of future-babies that have to be made? Cue wah-wah pedal guitar — and dollar signs!
6) The movies will stop getting less cool.
Okay. There’s more — this brain don’t quit! (though it has occasionally been fired) — but I think you get my drift. I really believe the Terminator franchise has only begun to plumb the depths of questioning the human condition during awesome stunts, and I’d like to shepherd it through the next phase. The money is there, but more importantly, the heart is there. But more importantly, money. Think about it. End this bloody bidding war before it begins, and put the Terminator in the hands of someone who watched the first one more than any other movie in college, including “Song of Norway” (no current franchise offer).
Sincerely, Joss Whedon.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
Tucker & Dale Vs. Evil
Check out this trailer for an upcoming movie called Tucker & Dale Vs. Evil. It stars Alan Tudyk (Firefly & Dodgeball) for one thing, and for another, it puts a hilarous spin on the whole evil hillbillies thing. I personally can't wait for this movie.
Let me know what you think!
Let me know what you think!
DirectTV round 2...FIGHT!
So, you all remember last week I posted a column about how I thought DirecTV had taken their ad campaign a bit too far by using a scene from Tommy Boy, especially the scene they used, which featured Chris Farley, an actor who died several years ago. In the article, I had said that while I wouldn't stop using DirecTV if I had it, (which I don't because satellites suck in Florida) I don't particularly find this commercial in good taste. Well, there were several comments on Loafing's website, some good, and some saying to suck it up.
Today, I found a great post on /Film about the whole thing, which includes a video on what might be next for DirecTV. They use several now dead celebrities including Heath Ledger, President Kennedy and Jesus Christ. Now, while this video is meant to be funny, and illustrate a point, I found myself offended. However, the point is made, there is no difference between what is done here, and what is shown in the Farley ad. The final sentence in the /Film post was "well Farley’s family approved it, so its okay.” Poor taste is not decided by the family of the dead actor, that’s just a ridiculous statement."
Well said!
So, what do you think, do you see a difference between the two?
Today, I found a great post on /Film about the whole thing, which includes a video on what might be next for DirecTV. They use several now dead celebrities including Heath Ledger, President Kennedy and Jesus Christ. Now, while this video is meant to be funny, and illustrate a point, I found myself offended. However, the point is made, there is no difference between what is done here, and what is shown in the Farley ad. The final sentence in the /Film post was "well Farley’s family approved it, so its okay.” Poor taste is not decided by the family of the dead actor, that’s just a ridiculous statement."
Well said!
So, what do you think, do you see a difference between the two?
Friday, October 30, 2009
Kevin's Kreapy Korner is up!
Hey, everyone!
It's been a busy week or so, but this week had a ton of posts go up, and I actually had some success this week with a few of them. So, thank you all for your support.
I hope you all have a great, safe Halloween!
Here is another post I did this week reguarding the alternate ending to Paranormal Activity. Obviously, if you haven't seen it, don't see the video. It's a great ending, so don't spoil it.
Here is the link to Kevin's Kreapy Korner (it's a bit much on the illiteration, isn't it?)
It's been a busy week or so, but this week had a ton of posts go up, and I actually had some success this week with a few of them. So, thank you all for your support.
I hope you all have a great, safe Halloween!
Here is another post I did this week reguarding the alternate ending to Paranormal Activity. Obviously, if you haven't seen it, don't see the video. It's a great ending, so don't spoil it.
Here is the link to Kevin's Kreapy Korner (it's a bit much on the illiteration, isn't it?)
Thursday, October 29, 2009
the Epic debate to end epic debates - Slow or Fast?
Among the great debates of all time, I decided to tackle one of the more prominent ones; no, not Coke vs. Pepsi, Star Wars vs. Star Trek, or Freddy vs. Jason. No, today, we are talking about slow zombies vs. fast zombies. That’s right, the debate over whether our zombies should be sprinting or slow, methodical monsters rages on here today!
Zombies started out with George Romero’s Night of the Living Dead. The brain-starved monsters were slow, methodical creatures that were the embodiement of fear, and were representing death, unstoppable, unavoidable, and slowly coming for us all. The fear was balanced between the gruesomeness of brain-eating people and the idea that you will never escape the terror.
After several years of Romero movies that formed a legacy, zombies lost a bit of their dread when they learned to talk, use tools, and all sorts of un-zombie-like behavior. When 2002’s remake of Romero’s Dawn of the Dead came out, it featured a much more aggressive zombie with blood dripping from their lips as they sprinted to viciously tear apart their prey. Many horror fans liked the new, more modern zombies as they showed a new, vicious kind of terror not seen before in zombie movies. Now, you have to try and out run something that looked like it could’ve been a sprinter in a previous life. The downside here is that it loses it’s primal fear of death following you.
For my money, the zombie horde closing in slow, and methodical like is much more terrifying, as there is nowhere to run, and nowhere to hide.
So, which to you prefer, the slow, meandering ones, or the running, sprinting ones?
Zombies started out with George Romero’s Night of the Living Dead. The brain-starved monsters were slow, methodical creatures that were the embodiement of fear, and were representing death, unstoppable, unavoidable, and slowly coming for us all. The fear was balanced between the gruesomeness of brain-eating people and the idea that you will never escape the terror.
After several years of Romero movies that formed a legacy, zombies lost a bit of their dread when they learned to talk, use tools, and all sorts of un-zombie-like behavior. When 2002’s remake of Romero’s Dawn of the Dead came out, it featured a much more aggressive zombie with blood dripping from their lips as they sprinted to viciously tear apart their prey. Many horror fans liked the new, more modern zombies as they showed a new, vicious kind of terror not seen before in zombie movies. Now, you have to try and out run something that looked like it could’ve been a sprinter in a previous life. The downside here is that it loses it’s primal fear of death following you.
For my money, the zombie horde closing in slow, and methodical like is much more terrifying, as there is nowhere to run, and nowhere to hide.
So, which to you prefer, the slow, meandering ones, or the running, sprinting ones?
The mother of all geek-outs. Firefly edition
If you haven't seen Castle yet, you are missing something. The show features Nathan Fillion and Stana Katic and involves a horror writer following a detective around and helping solve murders. While the story is good, the true gem is the characters, and the chemistry, specifically Fillion's Rick Castle.
This week, the halloween episode starts off with Fillion dressing up as a "space cowbody" a costume, according to his daughter he last wore five years ago. Does anyone reckognize it?!? Yeah, I haven't geeked out like that in a long time. Bonus points to the people who spotted the power coupling that was the pineapple in Firefly sitting on the shelf. The part in question was the MacGuffin in the episode "out of gas."
Check it out, and prepare to squeal like a little girl.....errr uhh, grunt, yeah, that's it, like a man!
This week, the halloween episode starts off with Fillion dressing up as a "space cowbody" a costume, according to his daughter he last wore five years ago. Does anyone reckognize it?!? Yeah, I haven't geeked out like that in a long time. Bonus points to the people who spotted the power coupling that was the pineapple in Firefly sitting on the shelf. The part in question was the MacGuffin in the episode "out of gas."
Check it out, and prepare to squeal like a little girl.....errr uhh, grunt, yeah, that's it, like a man!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
"women are box office poison" - A rebuttle to a rebuttle
In an article that ran in today's tbt* by Ann Hornaday of the Washington Post, the writer talks about how strong female leads lead to poor box office results. Amelia was the most current example of a flop, and the writer is saying she is being told, it's because of the fact all movie-goers are male, and they just don't like strong women in a main role (In my opinion, in the case of Amelia, they forgot ugly). The writer also goes on to site Erin Brokovich, Sex in the city and Mamma Mia! as examples of movies that had strong leads, and had financial success. Finally, it seems, the writer is suggesting sexism in the movie theater.
So, I had to rebute this. First off, examples of poor box office results include the recently released Amelia and the Jodie Foster bomb The Brave One. While both of those movies bombed, it's not due to the fact they both had female leads, but rather that both suck, and suck bad. Sure, there are female leads, but that's like saying 'every movie with Dinosaurs will do well' just because Jurassic Park had success. The film also drops a Drew Barrymore movie called Whip It as another example of a bomb, despite the pull of Barrymore. I would say a determining factor in all three of these would be the sub-par marketing done for all three of these films. I've seen one TV commercial, no internet ads and no newspaper ads for Amelia, so, instead of blaming the incredibly untalented Hillary Swank, maybe blame the marketing company in charge of wasting a studio's money.
So, why is it that female leads aren't as popular as their male counterparts? There is a study that shows that women actually buy more movie tickets than men (clearly some cheap-skate dates out there) so why is it that they don't go to see female leads? Let's look at some of them..
Ripley - Aliens - Awesome
Erin Brokovich - Awesome
Clarice Starling - Silence of the Lambs - Awesome
Clearly, if I can think of three great examples, either they are the exception to the rule, or there is no rule.
So, when you have a good premise, plenty of marketing behind it, you have a good movie, despite the sex of the lead.
So, I had to rebute this. First off, examples of poor box office results include the recently released Amelia and the Jodie Foster bomb The Brave One. While both of those movies bombed, it's not due to the fact they both had female leads, but rather that both suck, and suck bad. Sure, there are female leads, but that's like saying 'every movie with Dinosaurs will do well' just because Jurassic Park had success. The film also drops a Drew Barrymore movie called Whip It as another example of a bomb, despite the pull of Barrymore. I would say a determining factor in all three of these would be the sub-par marketing done for all three of these films. I've seen one TV commercial, no internet ads and no newspaper ads for Amelia, so, instead of blaming the incredibly untalented Hillary Swank, maybe blame the marketing company in charge of wasting a studio's money.
So, why is it that female leads aren't as popular as their male counterparts? There is a study that shows that women actually buy more movie tickets than men (clearly some cheap-skate dates out there) so why is it that they don't go to see female leads? Let's look at some of them..
Ripley - Aliens - Awesome
Erin Brokovich - Awesome
Clarice Starling - Silence of the Lambs - Awesome
Clearly, if I can think of three great examples, either they are the exception to the rule, or there is no rule.
So, when you have a good premise, plenty of marketing behind it, you have a good movie, despite the sex of the lead.
Kevin's Korner this week
And now, the article you’ve waited all month … err, all week … err, all day … well, you’ve waited long enough, it’s Kevin’s Korner (Insert applause here). This week we have all kinds of fun movie news, a trailer and a bit of a rant. So buckle up, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride; well, not really, but you get the idea.
So, are you teased, tittelated, intrigued even? If so, check it out, and if not, well....I guess, don't check it out.....dick!
Here is Kevin's Korner. Next weeks edition is the Halloween edition. Better get cookin!
So, are you teased, tittelated, intrigued even? If so, check it out, and if not, well....I guess, don't check it out.....dick!
Here is Kevin's Korner. Next weeks edition is the Halloween edition. Better get cookin!
Is Chris Farley on TV a bad thing? I think so.
Recently, DirecTV brought out its newest commercial featuring a scene with Chris Farley and David Spade in the movie Tommy Boy. The commercial has caused quite a stir since it features Farley, who died in December of 1997. So, should people quit being prude and get over it, or did DirecTV actually commit a no no?
I think the commercial isn’t exactly offensive, but I don’t particularly appreciate it. It just feels kind of wrong to be trying to get customers by making fun of a dead guy. While it wouldn’t stop me from getting a DirecTV package if I so chose, I think the advertising tactic is low and immoral.
This isn’t the first time they have been less than considerate regarding a deceased actor. Previously, they ran another ad, featuring Heather O’Rourke, a 12 year old actress who died back in 1988. I just find it hard to believe it’s so hard to find a movie with actors that are still alive.
So, what do you think, do you find it immoral, or am I being too serious with a commercial that is meant to be funny? It’s alright, you can tell me!
EDITORS NOTE: This was published in Creative Loafing's website along with a poll. Check out the results HERE.
I think the commercial isn’t exactly offensive, but I don’t particularly appreciate it. It just feels kind of wrong to be trying to get customers by making fun of a dead guy. While it wouldn’t stop me from getting a DirecTV package if I so chose, I think the advertising tactic is low and immoral.
This isn’t the first time they have been less than considerate regarding a deceased actor. Previously, they ran another ad, featuring Heather O’Rourke, a 12 year old actress who died back in 1988. I just find it hard to believe it’s so hard to find a movie with actors that are still alive.
So, what do you think, do you find it immoral, or am I being too serious with a commercial that is meant to be funny? It’s alright, you can tell me!
EDITORS NOTE: This was published in Creative Loafing's website along with a poll. Check out the results HERE.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Top Comedies of all time? That's a tough list...
Alright, so I decided I was going to do a top 10 or 15 list of comedies. The tough part about comedies is that it takes different elements to make different people laugh. So, while some people may find fart jokes entertaining (and who doesn't) some people like a more intellectual approach.
Obviously the list won't please everyone, but I'm gonna do my favorites. Here is where I need YOUR help. Every time I do a list, I always think of one later on that truly should've been on the list. So, what do you guys think should be on there? Is it hard to think of some? I know, it's not easy. But, instead of working, I was busy thinking of great comedies for a bit of a list. Don't worry, I worked a bit, too. So, here is a list of comedies that came to mind, to make your decision making a bit easier.
Thanks for the input.
40 year old virgin
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
Animal House
Austin Powers
Balls of Fury
Beer Fest
Blazing Saddles
Captain Ron
City Slickers
Clerks 2
Dr. Strangelove
Dumb and dumber
Ferris Buellers Day Off
Harold & Kumar Go to Whitecastle
History of the World Part I
Hot Shots
Life of Brian
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Monty Python The Meaning of Life
Naked Gun
National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation
National Lampoon’s Vacation
Office Space
Old School
Raising Arizona
Robin Hood: Men in TightsShaun of the Dead
Super Troopers
Support Your Local Sheriff
The Big Lebowski
The Blue’s Brothers
The Hangover
The Jerk
The Princess Bride
The Three Amigos
Tropic Thunder
Van Wilder
Waynes World
Wedding Crashers
Young Frankenstein
Obviously the list won't please everyone, but I'm gonna do my favorites. Here is where I need YOUR help. Every time I do a list, I always think of one later on that truly should've been on the list. So, what do you guys think should be on there? Is it hard to think of some? I know, it's not easy. But, instead of working, I was busy thinking of great comedies for a bit of a list. Don't worry, I worked a bit, too. So, here is a list of comedies that came to mind, to make your decision making a bit easier.
Thanks for the input.
40 year old virgin
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
Animal House
Austin Powers
Balls of Fury
Beer Fest
Blazing Saddles
Captain Ron
City Slickers
Clerks 2
Dr. Strangelove
Dumb and dumber
Ferris Buellers Day Off
Harold & Kumar Go to Whitecastle
History of the World Part I
Hot Shots
Life of Brian
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Monty Python The Meaning of Life
Naked Gun
National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation
National Lampoon’s Vacation
Office Space
Old School
Raising Arizona
Robin Hood: Men in TightsShaun of the Dead
Super Troopers
Support Your Local Sheriff
The Big Lebowski
The Blue’s Brothers
The Hangover
The Jerk
The Princess Bride
The Three Amigos
Tropic Thunder
Van Wilder
Waynes World
Wedding Crashers
Young Frankenstein
Box office predictions: Trailer vs. dollars
In an interesting chart this week (because you can't argue with a chart) we have a comparison between how popular a trailer is and how popular the movie is. After looking at this chart, which takes some of the top movies lately; it looks to me like how popular the trailer is may actually hurt the movie. And, in some cases, the trailer has no effect at all.
In light of this data, my opinion should change on trailers, but I still think a trailer can be the most useful marketing tool out there, if done right. The problem is, most trailers are done poorly in my opinion, and either give too much away, or go the opposite and don't pull in the audience. I think there are very few great trailers this year. I think I found another post!
So, what do you think, are the importance of trailers diminishing with all kinds of info on the interweb?
In light of this data, my opinion should change on trailers, but I still think a trailer can be the most useful marketing tool out there, if done right. The problem is, most trailers are done poorly in my opinion, and either give too much away, or go the opposite and don't pull in the audience. I think there are very few great trailers this year. I think I found another post!
So, what do you think, are the importance of trailers diminishing with all kinds of info on the interweb?
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Mos Eisley - the real dialogue
In Star Wars, Ep. 4, Obi Wan Kinobi introduces us to Mos Eisley by saying "you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy." Granted, that is a pretty good intro to a place, I mean, I want to go there now! I would think you could easily find the droids you are looking for there.
However, thanks to this video, we see what Obi Wan was really saying!
However, thanks to this video, we see what Obi Wan was really saying!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
The Cove worked!
Just in case you haven't heard about the Cove, it's a documentary about a town in Japan, called Taijii, and how they hunt and brutally slaughter dolphins. The film was so much more than just a collection of brutal shots; it was beautiful, suspensful, and at times comical. It was also one of the first movies I ever reviewed for Creative Loafing. On top of that little milestone, I also got a chance to talk with the director, Loui Psihoyos and star Rick O'Barry about the film. There mission was simple, stop the slaughter of dolphins, and it seems like they have done just that. Here is the link for a story Yahoo! presented today, check it out, and when you read the article, you will see that documentaries really do change the world!
When I talked to both gentleman, they were very kind, and freely anwsered any questions I had, but both were very excited about the project, and the prospect of stopping the slaughter of dolphins. Another thing that I was surprised about, was how much respect they had for the town itself, Taijii. Both gentleman said the town was beautiful, and with the exception of the few fisherman (a couple dozen) the town was very friendly and also completely unaware of the dark stain that layed beneath it.
Originally, it looked like the film would be banned from Japan completely, but O'Barry had promised me that would not stop him and his colleagues of finding a way to get his message out, even if it meant a free showing. Obviously, he was a man of his word.
So, have you seen the documentary yet? If so, what did you think?
When I talked to both gentleman, they were very kind, and freely anwsered any questions I had, but both were very excited about the project, and the prospect of stopping the slaughter of dolphins. Another thing that I was surprised about, was how much respect they had for the town itself, Taijii. Both gentleman said the town was beautiful, and with the exception of the few fisherman (a couple dozen) the town was very friendly and also completely unaware of the dark stain that layed beneath it.
Originally, it looked like the film would be banned from Japan completely, but O'Barry had promised me that would not stop him and his colleagues of finding a way to get his message out, even if it meant a free showing. Obviously, he was a man of his word.
So, have you seen the documentary yet? If so, what did you think?
What if the Pixar Lamp was a murderer?
So, this is the best video ever, and yet, I just felt dirty watching it. The best part is the "P" in the beginning!
Check it out!!!
Check it out!!!
Thor is coming...but does anyone care?
Circulating the movie blogs today was a story about how Domonic Cooper is rumored to take hold of the hammer of Thor. Of course, other casting was mentioned, and of course, Stan Lee is set to make a cameo. Now, normally, I soak up all this juicy info like a sponge, but I found myself not really caring at all. That got me thinking, first off; did I have enough coffee? 2 cups, check. Am I awake? Not really. Check. So, why do I not care? I think it has to do with the project itself.
I have to admit, I simply have no excitement or desire about this project at all. Granted it is Marvel, and they have given me some goodies in the past with Spiderman, Iron Man, X-men and the like. And, the casting is looking quite good, but come on, a god on earth, but they're trying to make it a regular world, despite gods wandering around. I mean, come on, it was a weak concept back in the day, and its still weak.
I say, drop Thor and concentrate on more exciting projects. There are a ton for Marvel to choose from, I never understood why they chose Thor.
Am I the only one that feels this way?
I have to admit, I simply have no excitement or desire about this project at all. Granted it is Marvel, and they have given me some goodies in the past with Spiderman, Iron Man, X-men and the like. And, the casting is looking quite good, but come on, a god on earth, but they're trying to make it a regular world, despite gods wandering around. I mean, come on, it was a weak concept back in the day, and its still weak.
I say, drop Thor and concentrate on more exciting projects. There are a ton for Marvel to choose from, I never understood why they chose Thor.
Am I the only one that feels this way?
Monday, October 19, 2009
Chuck is going to Thursdays?
Well, a bumbling move for NBC leads to us possibly getting more excited about our favorite Buy More employee and super spy, Chuck.
There were rumors going around that since some of the shows on NBC were doing really, really terrible, Chuck could be brought back early; as in late October early. Obviously, that got all the Chuck fans excited and trembling, but a bit apprehensive about just throwing the show back on with no warning and no advertising. Well, NBC came out with a banner today, and thanks to Spoilertv, here it is. It sounds like the mest up on the time, but Thursday's, hopefully soon!
There were rumors going around that since some of the shows on NBC were doing really, really terrible, Chuck could be brought back early; as in late October early. Obviously, that got all the Chuck fans excited and trembling, but a bit apprehensive about just throwing the show back on with no warning and no advertising. Well, NBC came out with a banner today, and thanks to Spoilertv, here it is. It sounds like the mest up on the time, but Thursday's, hopefully soon!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
FAQ About Time Travel Review
Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel
I saw a trailer this week on Facebook, and the trailer said the movie was a combination of Dr. Who meets Shaun of the Dead. With that kind of billing, how am I not going to see a movie like that?
The title pretty much explains it all with this one. Basically, you have your text-book movie geeks which right away make me like the movie, and they stumble across a sort of time paradox, Anna Faris, and some beer in the course of 30 minutes, or hundreds of years, I’m not really sure.
Time travel is always a tricky think, and can easily be a cheap way to write yourself out of a corner, but in this case, it was kind of the opposite. The movie was written by someone who had a very good knowledge of time travel theories (minus Dr. Sam Beckett’s theory from Quantum Leap, but we won’t hold that against him) and the movie uses pretty much every theory…together…in the same movie. And, if your not confused yet, you certainty will be.
I liked this movie to a point. It was simple, yet incredibly complicated. The characters were a bit clichéd, and while the time travel was written perfectly, the dialogue was a bit on the rough side. Also, the humor was basically movie geek one-liners. So, if you’re a movie geek like me, the one liners that come are hilarious, and probably something you and your friends talk about. If you haven’t fully embraced your inner movie geek just yet, however, you will find this movie incredibly boring.
Overall, I’m thrilled I saw it, and will probably watch it again. Just, next time, I will have far more alcohol in me.
I give it 6 Deloreans out of 10
Friday, October 16, 2009
Google Wave Demo goes Pulp Fiction-ey
Have you heard of Pulp Fiction? Sure you have; don't be silly. Now, have you heard of Google WAVE?
No? Well, now you have. "Wow, Kevin's Movie Blog, thank you so much!" Your Welcome!!
Google Wave is a new form of IM/Email/Twittering that Google is still working the kinks out on, and is distributing for beta testing as we speak. And no, Google hasn't given me one yet, but soon, I'm sure.
So, check out this video that mixes Pulp Fiction with Google Wave, and see the possibilities of Google Wave while Samule L. Jackson amuses you...
No? Well, now you have. "Wow, Kevin's Movie Blog, thank you so much!" Your Welcome!!
Google Wave is a new form of IM/Email/Twittering that Google is still working the kinks out on, and is distributing for beta testing as we speak. And no, Google hasn't given me one yet, but soon, I'm sure.
So, check out this video that mixes Pulp Fiction with Google Wave, and see the possibilities of Google Wave while Samule L. Jackson amuses you...
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Blockbuster streams on Tivo today
What was once considered a competition for video rental chain Blockbuster has become a possible lifeline for the struggling company. As of today, if you have a Tivo service, you will see an option to rent movies from Blockbuster on your menu. This will allow you to pay anywhere from $2 to $4 for a movie rental that will stream right to your TV. This move was made to try and combat Netflix's streaming service that goes along with their monthly rental fee.
Everyone already knows my feelings on Blockbuster, but this is the perfect example of what is wrong with Blockbuster. This is a very reactive move, as opposed to what needs to be done, a proactive move. I find it hard to believe many people will use this service with Netflix having already one-upped them months ago. If Blockbuster wants to make it through the next year or so, they need to be ahead of the curve, not months behind it. And, partnering with Tivo, another fading fad, is just silly.
What do you think, is this smart for the Block, or is it just another step towards the grave? (Sounds scary, doesn't it?)
FAQ About Time Travel
So, check out this trailer, described as "Dr. Who meets Shawn of the Dead." If that wasn't enough, Anna Faris is in it.... I know! I don't think its in the U.S. yet, but, I'm sure it will be soon enough.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Heroes has sold out-my take on the lesbian kiss
I generally don't comment too much about TV, but I came across this, and I had to comment, because Heroes isn't the only one blatently selling out, they just did it without any tact.
Alright, so, the story goes... once upon a time...ok, nevermind.
Last week's episode of Heroes had the local honeypot and all around hottie Hayden Panitiere kiss her roomate chick in a steamy lesbian scene. As a guy, I have to say its a turn on, and no, I'm not getting into why, but as a fan of TV and cinema, I have to cry fowl.
Heroes ratings have been in the toilet, circling the drain for awhile now, and instead of writing some good characters in, killing off the bad ones, and thinking up some good angles, they just decided to go with "the cheap pop." Granted they have been giving the cute Hayden some skimpier and skimpier outfits to wear, but here, they just come out and admit they have nothing creative and milk the proverbial cow for all its worth.
It's sad, Heroes used to have some creativity, great characters, and some great acting, especially in Sylar (Zachary Quinto), but now, the shark has been jumped.
Alright, so, the story goes... once upon a time...ok, nevermind.
Last week's episode of Heroes had the local honeypot and all around hottie Hayden Panitiere kiss her roomate chick in a steamy lesbian scene. As a guy, I have to say its a turn on, and no, I'm not getting into why, but as a fan of TV and cinema, I have to cry fowl.
Heroes ratings have been in the toilet, circling the drain for awhile now, and instead of writing some good characters in, killing off the bad ones, and thinking up some good angles, they just decided to go with "the cheap pop." Granted they have been giving the cute Hayden some skimpier and skimpier outfits to wear, but here, they just come out and admit they have nothing creative and milk the proverbial cow for all its worth.
It's sad, Heroes used to have some creativity, great characters, and some great acting, especially in Sylar (Zachary Quinto), but now, the shark has been jumped.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
I found out what I'm getting my new niece:
This was posted today, and now I really want one. I don't want one for me...ok, yes I do, but I really want one for my newborn niece. I think this would be perfect for her. Don't you agree?
Kevin's Korner
Ladies, gentleman and movie geeks, Kevin’s Korner is back, and better than ever. This week, I wrap up some great news that was found floating around the Interwebs, along with some box office news *cough Zombieland cough* what’s out on DVD, along with a mild rant and the trailer of the week. So, let’s get going with the good stuff, shall we?
Movie News
A Pryor Engagement – You see what I did there? Cause the story is about a Richard Pryor biopic…ok, fine, enough of the puns. So, it was announced that Eddie Murphy was going to portray Richard Pryor in a biopic entitled Richard Pryor: Is It Something I Said? for Paramount. Now, unfortunately, Paramount and Eddie Murphy have backed out because they don’t like each other. So, the show must go on, but now Happy Madison (Adam Sandler’s production company) is now backing the film with Marlon Wayans as the star. Despite Wayans doing a good job in G.I. Joe, I simply don’t see him as a lead in a movie like this, but, I guess we’ll see.
Lost in La Mancha no more - Recently, director Terry Gilliam told Empire the famed flop Man of La Mancha is back up and running, with a reworked script that is finally theirs again, along with a possible lead, although Gilliam is mum on who it is. You’ll remember the last time Gilliam tried to tackle this project; his subsequent failure and loss of the rights and scripts were turned into a documentary that was absolutely tragic. Hopefully, Gilliam will have more success this time around.
Venom gets legs – Variety is reporting Gary Ross (Pleasantville) will be writing and directing a Venom spin-off after helping with the Spiderman 4 script. There are some rumors going around about a possible crossover between the two characters, which Marvel seems really keen on lately. There is no word on Topher Grace coming back as Eddie Brock, but I would think it would be someone else inside the black ooze.
On Stranger Tides IS based off a book – When Disney announced the title to the fourth Pirates of the Caribbean movie, somewhere, there was someone saying “timeout, there is a book with the same name.” The book, now confirmed as the source material for the story was written by Tim Powers and features a pirate on a quest for the fountain of youth. The books main character hardly resembles Johnny Depp’s Jack Sparrow, uhh, sorry, Captain Jack Sparrow, but the quest is probably what Disney was after.
The Griswalds are back – Yes, you heard me correctly. It was announced this week that National Lampoon, now owned by WB is hiring David Dobkin to head a new Vacation movie. This time, the adventures will center around Rusty Griswald, Chevy Chase’s son, who is now head of his own family as they … well, they go on vacation. I know what you’re thinking; National Lampoon hasn’t put out anything good in twenty years, and your right!
Predators remake got some actors – Adrian Brody and Topher Grace have joined Danny Trejo and Oleg Taktarov in a Predator reboot helmed by Robert Rodriguez. Apparently, the idea is that predators capture some of the most skilled hunters and assassins on earth and take them to their crib from a duel to the death. I just really don’t see Topher Grace or Adrian Brody lasting that long against a predator.
Box Office Report
1. Zombieland: $24,733,155
2. Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs: $15,809,039
3. Toy Story & Toy Story 2 (3D): $12,491,789
4. Surrogates: $7,241,054
5. The Invention of Lying: $7,027,472
6. Whip It: $4,650,812
7. Fame: $4,626,952
8. Capitalism: A Love Story: $4,447,378
9. The Informant!: $3,689,235
10. Love Happens: $2,749,025
Opening This Week
Couples Retreat
Good Hair
An Education
St. Trinian's
New DVDs This Week
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Year One
My Life in Ruins
Trick 'r Treat
Bones: Season 4
My Rant –
Well, I was scratching my head as to what topic to choose; I mean, there are so many, the Roman Polanski topic came to mind, but I decided to go in a different direction. So, this week, I chose Torture Porn, and why it should die.
Torture Porn is a term for a style of a movie, in my opinion, made popular by Saw, where it graphically shows someone getting mutilated in some fashion, generally the more grotesque, the better. This technique generally pushes the limits of the R rating to the extreme and seems to drive crazy amounts of teenagers into theaters.
I have never been a fan of torture porn, not because of a week stomach, or because it looks like they use General Tsao’s chicken for some guys leg, but because it just feels like a cheap way to get a reaction. Movies like Blair Witch, The Ring, Paranormal Activity, Jaws, and Alien all made great movies without pushing the gross factor. The idea is that what is not seen is generally made more terrifying by the persons imagination, far better than some cheesy special effects and sheep’s blood. With Paranormal Activity, there was almost nothing of a scary monster actually seen, and no blood, and it was incredibly terrifying.
So, remember, filmmakers, next time you think about trying to remake Saw or Hostile, remember less is more.
Trailer of the week –
This week, is a bit of tribute to Woody Harrelson after his amazingly entertaining performance in Zombieland. This week’s trailer is for The Messenger, a complete switch from Harrelson’s last performance. The movie also stars Ben Foster who is one of the more underrated stars in Hollywood. So, check it out!
HERE is the link to the Creative Loafing article. I always appreciate the clicks!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
TMNT a look at a weird trailer
I love the Internet sometimes, because everyone throughout the world can come together and discuss a wide variety of subjects from politics to religion to movies. So, when someone from 'across the pond' at wrote about a classic movie called Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, naturally my interest was peaked, I mean, as a kid (*cough* and still today *cough*) I loved those movies. So, when he said it was originally called "Teenage Mutant Ninja Heroe's" I started to get a little worried; then, he shared the trailer for the movie. The dubbing is just disturbing. I mean, its like having great songs sung by Peter just feels wrong.
So, check out the trailer, and let me know if I'm just freakin' out for nothin' or if the voices
See? The voices are weird, and the dubbing seems off, but whatever. Anyway, you should check out the article. Looking back on the franchise is pretty entertaining, despite the 411 mania writer looking at the series a bit harshly. Well, now, I need to get back in the right frame of mind....I need... ... ... Vanilla Ice!
So, check out the trailer, and let me know if I'm just freakin' out for nothin' or if the voices
See? The voices are weird, and the dubbing seems off, but whatever. Anyway, you should check out the article. Looking back on the franchise is pretty entertaining, despite the 411 mania writer looking at the series a bit harshly. Well, now, I need to get back in the right frame of mind....I need... ... ... Vanilla Ice!
Trick 'R Treat Review
Halloween has many traditions, from carving pumpkins to dressing up, to begging for candy, to toilet papering your teachers house (not that I ever did that). One of my favorite traditions is the scary movies, especially the Halloween-themed ones. Sure there is Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin, but there are few other good Halloween themed movies out there. Trick 'R Treat tries to make a movie that is fun, scary and Halloween-ey (it's a word) all at the same time.
The movie starts out at the end of the night with a classic case of someone dissing Halloween. We see them immediately pay for blowing out the jack-o-lantern. After that, the movie doubles back on itself and goes back to earlier in the evening to show the events of the night for four other groups of people. The four stories are classic Halloween stories of people not following the rules of Halloween, and then paying for it. After a second double-back in the movie, events going on in the background are more interesting; given you already know what happens to them later on.
This movie was kind of campy, but really fun. The best way to describe this movie is to compare it to a really scary costume. Sure it's a bit spooky, but that is part of the fun of Halloween. The stories offer a few little twists and a very sexy Anna Paquin, and the movie concludes with a bizarre scare-crow fight scene that starts off scary and just ends up silly and campy.
Over all, this was a fun little flick that would've been great in theaters. I recommend renting it before Halloween and enjoy the festivities.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Paranomal Activity director gets new project
The story, which has a reported budget of over $5 million, (well over the $15,000 budget of Paranormal Activity) involves some stupid teenagers heading to Nellis Air Force Base and the site of more urban legends than any other place in America, Area 51. After these teenagers get inside the base, all kinds of weird extra-terrestrial shenanigans will ensue.
The movie will have the same crew and same feel as Paranormal Activity with the “found footage” idea, which means whatever happens to the camera operator isn’t a good thing.
After the greatness that is Paranormal Activity, I am excited to see what this director can do with a real budget, but I just hope the whole found footage idea doesn’t get run into the ground and this doesn’t become Paranormal Activity with Aliens.
What do you think does this sound like a good idea or a worn out concept? And, have you seen Paranormal Activity yet, and if so, did you squeal like a little girl?
I did NOT get paid Jillions of dollars for this blog
The FTC made a move that changed everything for the better, but also made things confusing at the same time. In a move earlier this week, they ammended the rules for fines on writers to include blog writing. Basically, if you are given an item, or compensated in anyway for an article, it needs to be clearly outlined in the blog post to avoid hefty fines. While this seems like a great idea, it does include companies sending their gadgets to be tested, and let the blog company keep them, it also includes DVD screeners, from what I understand.
Another great point mentioned on G-4's Attack of the Show last night was the fact that it is not clear who the FTC is going after and who is considered a writer. Could they fine someone who tweets, saying a movie rocked, or a gadget is great? No one really knows, and how would someone enforce one blog without looking at another?
So, while the idea makes sense, the execution will be poor at best.
Kevin, or Kevin's Movie Blog were unfortunetly not compensated for this article...not a friggin' dime...that's right, this loser does this for, I don't think he gets laid....
Another great point mentioned on G-4's Attack of the Show last night was the fact that it is not clear who the FTC is going after and who is considered a writer. Could they fine someone who tweets, saying a movie rocked, or a gadget is great? No one really knows, and how would someone enforce one blog without looking at another?
So, while the idea makes sense, the execution will be poor at best.
Kevin, or Kevin's Movie Blog were unfortunetly not compensated for this article...not a friggin' dime...that's right, this loser does this for, I don't think he gets laid....
Monday, October 5, 2009
5 movies that scare the hell outta me
So, it's October, which means scary movies. You can't go through October without watching a good horror movie or two, so here are 5 of the scariest movies I have ever seen!
EDITORS NOTE: This article appeared on Creative Loafings site, HERE, and also was in the October 14th Edition of the Loafing Newspaper!
Event Horizon – This movie brought the terror that is space along with gallons upon gallons of blood, and some really creepy images of Sam Neil with his eyes gouged out. I am not sure why, but this movie was incredibly scary. From the time the rescue crew gets to the eerie Event Horizon all the way until the end with the few people left running for their lives, this movie was a sci-fi terror. This movie gets a few bonus points for casting Lawrence Fishburn.
The Descent – This movie was tremendous. It has the scary creature part to it, but it also has that continuous feeling of claustrophobia. In the first third of the film, there is a scene where a girl gets trapped in a narrow passage that starts collapsing that had me terrified long before creatures showed up. When the creatures did show up, that was scary too as the girls in the movie were ravaged by these eerie monsters. Extra bonus points for the awesome ending that follows.
Blair Witch Project – What Jaws did for the water, Blair Witch did for the woods. It is ridiculous how easy and simple this movie was, yet how terrifying it is. There is a scene, after they are lost and finding stupid little stick things, where they hear children laughing, and all of a sudden, the tent starts shaking, and I am scared beyond all reason. The ending was kind of weird, and going for the shock value, which I liked, but ended just a bit too quickly. Bonus points for the viral marketing that is king of viral marketing. When they showed this in the host town the first time, at the end of the movie, the 911 dispatcher got over 600 calls from people who thought it was real. Party on!
Jaws – I love the water and going to the beach, so when I saw Jaws when I was about 6 years old, I wanted to never go near the water again. Fortunately I got over it, but the movie was still incredibly scary. There is just something about not being able to see the killer; in this case, a giant shark until it’s too late. I still think the scene at night on the boat, when they are comparing scars, and the barrels pop up, and the boat starts sinking is one of the scariest scenes in history.
Paranormal Activity – This movie just recently came out, but don’t let that sway you from the terror it brings. This movie just kept ratcheting up the tension and dread throughout the movie, all the way to the jaw-dropping climax. At one point, the girl gets up and just stands at the side of the bed for hours before going back to bed, which doesn’t sound scary until its coupled with the rest of the events, the sounds, and the bizarre behavior to make one of the scariest moments on film, second, maybe only to the finale of the film.
EDITORS NOTE: This article appeared on Creative Loafings site, HERE, and also was in the October 14th Edition of the Loafing Newspaper!
Event Horizon – This movie brought the terror that is space along with gallons upon gallons of blood, and some really creepy images of Sam Neil with his eyes gouged out. I am not sure why, but this movie was incredibly scary. From the time the rescue crew gets to the eerie Event Horizon all the way until the end with the few people left running for their lives, this movie was a sci-fi terror. This movie gets a few bonus points for casting Lawrence Fishburn.
The Descent – This movie was tremendous. It has the scary creature part to it, but it also has that continuous feeling of claustrophobia. In the first third of the film, there is a scene where a girl gets trapped in a narrow passage that starts collapsing that had me terrified long before creatures showed up. When the creatures did show up, that was scary too as the girls in the movie were ravaged by these eerie monsters. Extra bonus points for the awesome ending that follows.
Blair Witch Project – What Jaws did for the water, Blair Witch did for the woods. It is ridiculous how easy and simple this movie was, yet how terrifying it is. There is a scene, after they are lost and finding stupid little stick things, where they hear children laughing, and all of a sudden, the tent starts shaking, and I am scared beyond all reason. The ending was kind of weird, and going for the shock value, which I liked, but ended just a bit too quickly. Bonus points for the viral marketing that is king of viral marketing. When they showed this in the host town the first time, at the end of the movie, the 911 dispatcher got over 600 calls from people who thought it was real. Party on!
Jaws – I love the water and going to the beach, so when I saw Jaws when I was about 6 years old, I wanted to never go near the water again. Fortunately I got over it, but the movie was still incredibly scary. There is just something about not being able to see the killer; in this case, a giant shark until it’s too late. I still think the scene at night on the boat, when they are comparing scars, and the barrels pop up, and the boat starts sinking is one of the scariest scenes in history.
Paranormal Activity – This movie just recently came out, but don’t let that sway you from the terror it brings. This movie just kept ratcheting up the tension and dread throughout the movie, all the way to the jaw-dropping climax. At one point, the girl gets up and just stands at the side of the bed for hours before going back to bed, which doesn’t sound scary until its coupled with the rest of the events, the sounds, and the bizarre behavior to make one of the scariest moments on film, second, maybe only to the finale of the film.
Paranormal Activity continues to grow
Paranormal Activity, the scariest movie of the year continues to expand. After stellar reviews, especially from yours truly (check it out here), the viral “demand it” marketing has taken off, and given Paranormal Activity over $535,000 for this past weekend.
As a result, Paranormal Activity will be doubling its markets to over 40 now, with more to come this weekend. They are also adding additional shows at AMC Veterans all week to go along with the midnight showings already scheduled.
The film has already been a huge success in marketing with the “Demand it” campaign, compounded by word of mouth through Twitter with TweetYourScream. The budget was roughly $15,000, so expect some great things to come from this incredibly terrifying movie.
So, if you haven’t seen it yet, and are looking for a great scary movie, I encourage you to check it out…if you’re brave enough.
This story also appeared on Creative Loafings website. You can check out the journalistic goodness HERE.
As a result, Paranormal Activity will be doubling its markets to over 40 now, with more to come this weekend. They are also adding additional shows at AMC Veterans all week to go along with the midnight showings already scheduled.
The film has already been a huge success in marketing with the “Demand it” campaign, compounded by word of mouth through Twitter with TweetYourScream. The budget was roughly $15,000, so expect some great things to come from this incredibly terrifying movie.
So, if you haven’t seen it yet, and are looking for a great scary movie, I encourage you to check it out…if you’re brave enough.
This story also appeared on Creative Loafings website. You can check out the journalistic goodness HERE.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Zombieland review
Zomedy: a movie that has zombies in the plot yet gets put in the comedy section at Blockbuster. Ok, sure, that is not the official definition, but its close enough. Zombieland takes that definition and runs with it in one of this year’s funniest movies.
The movie is about Tallahassee , brilliantly played by Woody Harrelson and Columbus , played by Jesse Eisenberg. These two people are exact opposites, one brash and aggressive, the other meek, and shy. Somehow, they have managed to survive while nearly everyone else in the world has been turned to zombies. After they meet two girls, they team up to visit a theme park to have one night of normalcy.
Besides the fact this movie is hilarious, it seems like they just sat around and thought up all the crazy stuff you and I would want to do if there were zombies, and they do it. Examples include “zombie kill of the week;” backing over zombies multiple times, smashing up abandoned storefronts and enjoying spraying thousands of bullets at the undead hordes.
On top of the crazy zombies, the characters are perfect, as is their portrayal. Tallahassee is easily liked by all as the crazy zombie killer who just wants a Twinkie. The interesting part is the guys past who is just briefly touched on. Eisenberg does a good job as the obsessive compulsive wimp guy who outlines rules for staying alive, which pop up frequently through the movie. Rules like “rule #4: Double Tap” are often made clear to the reason, along with others such as cardio and enjoying the little things.
The girls, Wichita (Emma Stone) and Little Rock (Abigail Breslin) are also portrayed very well. Emma Stone is hot, but it’s also clear she is no push around, and often is the brains in the group. It’s good to see a strong female character in a zombie movie.
Finally, another element that seems to stand out is the cameo. I won’t spoil anything, and I encourage you not to look it up before partaking, but the cameo is easily one of the best cameos of the year, possibly ever.
Zombieland is exactly what it looks like, a funny comedy with great characters, plenty of laughs, line after line of quotable dialogue and of course, zombies. I highly encourage you check this out for yourself, possibly twice, just to make sure!
Rule # 33: Zombieland Rocks!
Friday, October 2, 2009
Paranormal Activity Review
When I was 6 years old, I saw Jaws for the first time and was truly terrified my trip to the beach the next day would be my last. Despite my love for the water, I still feel the terror that movie caused. Now, twenty something years later, I experience that true terror again. This time, the terror isn’t in the water; it’s in the bedroom with a movie called Paranormal Activity.
I had heard reports that is was the scariest movie some people had seen, so I sought out the movie and “demanded it” on the films website, and sure enough, the movie came to Tampa (your welcome) but only for a midnight showing. After seeing the movie that only cost a small amount to make, I was truly terrified and amazed at something as simple as a shadow, and a random light turning on could be so scary.
The movie involves a couple who experience some sound effects the girl, Katie thinks are a ghost. When the boyfriend, Micah comes home with a camera, they set up the camera in the bedroom to film the goings on, and see if they can catch a ghost. Fortunately, instead of the comparable Blair Witch Project, Micah was smart enough to buy a tripod so the audience doesn’t get sick. The shot that is setup in the bedroom is the source of dread and terror throughout the film, as night after night, the haunting get more and more intense and the dread and suspense build with no release in sight.
I have to say, this is one of the scariest movies I have ever seen. The acting was pretty good, and the camcorder gimmick wasn’t as annoying as Blair Witch or Cloverfield. After the movie ended, the ending was so shocking, I just sat there, with my mouth open, trying to relax after the great terror I just saw. The most amazing part is this movie has no torture scenes; no blood and guts and no masked man running around with a big knife; in fact you never actually see the source of the terror, which is the scariest part.
I highly recommend this movie for anyone looking for a good scare. This movie is an excellent date movie, because it will get the two of you (or three, I don’t judge) holding each other for comfort; but guys, remember; don’t expect the date to go farther if you scream like a little girl!
EDITORS NOTE: This did appear on Creative Loafing's website. Here is the link, as always, I appreciate the clicks!!
How it should have ended: Terminator/Back to the Future
So, I had never heard of, but after this video, it could become my favorite website ever....yes, better than (I really ought to see if that website is real).
So, the folks over at put together a great mashup of Terminator and Back to the Future, and showed what could and should have happened. Seriously this 1 minute trailer is better than Terminator 3 and Salvation combined!
So, check it out, and remember, you don't have to take my word for it! (Take THAT LeVar Burton)
So, the folks over at put together a great mashup of Terminator and Back to the Future, and showed what could and should have happened. Seriously this 1 minute trailer is better than Terminator 3 and Salvation combined!
So, check it out, and remember, you don't have to take my word for it! (Take THAT LeVar Burton)
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