Halloween has many traditions, from carving pumpkins to dressing up, to begging for candy, to toilet papering your teachers house (not that I ever did that). One of my favorite traditions is the scary movies, especially the Halloween-themed ones. Sure there is Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin, but there are few other good Halloween themed movies out there. Trick 'R Treat tries to make a movie that is fun, scary and Halloween-ey (it's a word) all at the same time.
The movie starts out at the end of the night with a classic case of someone dissing Halloween. We see them immediately pay for blowing out the jack-o-lantern. After that, the movie doubles back on itself and goes back to earlier in the evening to show the events of the night for four other groups of people. The four stories are classic Halloween stories of people not following the rules of Halloween, and then paying for it. After a second double-back in the movie, events going on in the background are more interesting; given you already know what happens to them later on.
This movie was kind of campy, but really fun. The best way to describe this movie is to compare it to a really scary costume. Sure it's a bit spooky, but that is part of the fun of Halloween. The stories offer a few little twists and a very sexy Anna Paquin, and the movie concludes with a bizarre scare-crow fight scene that starts off scary and just ends up silly and campy.
Over all, this was a fun little flick that would've been great in theaters. I recommend renting it before Halloween and enjoy the festivities.
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