Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Wedding to Remember Part XIV: Bad JuJu

With barely two weeks remaining until the big day arrives, there is tons of talk about what we will be doing that day before doing the walking and the vowing and the drinking. One of the things brought up was that I wasn't allowed to see my future wife that day until the wedding march played, and she walked, all dramatic-like towards me, with her wedding dress on. I found it odd that I was forbidden from my bride that entire day, not just lunchtime, or the time leading up, or snack time, but the whole day. I couldn't even wake up with her.

A friend of mine was talking about this the other day, thinking that it may have had something to do with arranged marriages back in the day, not unveiling the bride until the last moment. She had also said that it was about the big reveal. I'm all for the whole thing, and I can't wait to see the woman I love, looking like the most beautiful woman on the planet, coming towards me to vow to marry me, but does that mean we can't even share an egg McMuffin? I've lived with my future wife for about eight months now, so, waking up without her will be a different experience, one I'm glad is reserved for one day only.

I'm not into superstitions, although I occasionally knock on wood, or cross my fingers, I don't believe stepping on cracks would break my mothers back, or that black cats are bad luck, or breaking a mirror is the holiest of all bad-luck things, with a seven-year sentence. I also don't believe that seeing my bride before the wedding is a big deal, and will affect the outcome of the soon to be married us. That being said, I guess, what could it hurt? It'll just make me yearn for her company that much more, it'll make me want to be with her more than I do of every second of every day, and if it's even possible, the wait will make me appreciate her stunning beauty even more. And if she wants a big reveal, it's her day, she can have it, and she can see the stunned look on my face as she walks towards me, ready to vow.

I guess I'll have to eat that egg McMuffin on my own.

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