Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Star Tours is closing?!? Nooo.....

Disney's wonderful simulator called Star Tours is closing soon. The simulator that took you into the trenches of the Death Star will be closing in Florida on September 8th, and in California on July 27th according to Gizmodo.com

There is already news of the 20 year olds replacement; another Star Wars themed 3-D simulator based on the pod race seen in Star Wars: The Phantom Menance.

That's right, you saw that correctly, they are replacing a dip into the death star with the podrace, because that first movie was just so wonderful. I guess the first movie appeals to the younger audience, where as the classic ride appeals to the audience that less frequents the lines of Disney, but it will be a day long remembered, seeing the closing of Star Tours, and one very fond childhood memory.

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