Sunday, May 23, 2010

Megan Fox is not in Transformers 3?

After the drama behind the movie, and the camera-humping that went on during the second movie, Michael Bay was looking for a scape goat, and he found one...a very sexy, mutated thumbed scape goat in Megan Fox. ET has announced that Fox will not be picked up for the slightly anticipated (not by CL's Joe Bardi) Transformers 3. So, who will they pick up after dropping one of the hottest women in the world?

Do you think it was the crazy antics, the big mouth, the poor promotional skills, or the fact that Bay feels his masterpiece is complete that lead to her contract dropping? Bay has said previously that he likes to make stars, and Fox has become a star since appearing opposite of Shiah Labeuf in Transformers, the huge summer blockbuster that has so far spawned a mediocre sequel.

The big question will be how do you top Megan Fox? The girl is everywhere, and was named FHM's sexiest woman alive a couple of years ago, while still being in the top 10 on Maxim's list even this year, despite less than stellar outings in her previous movies. My choice would be number four on Maxim's hottie list this year, miss Blake Lively. She apparently does a good job in Gossip Girl, and has a long list of upcoming projects. Perhaps appearing opposite of Lebeuf and some stupid racist robots would be just what she needs to catapult her to number one next year. Other ideas would be the always incredibly hot Scarlett Johanson, or my personal favorite, geek goddess and Attack of the Show reporter Allison Haslip.

EDITORS NOTE: This also appeared in Creative Loafing HERE. Check it out!