Saturday, April 3, 2010

Clash of the Titans Review

Thanks to Creative Loafing, I was able to see Clash of the Titans in 3-D early. So, check out my review and find out if you should spend your hard earned money on the movie or not. (Hint: yes, yes you should). Let me know what you think of the review in the comments section!!

The summer movie season has officially kicked off with the remake of the 1981
Clash of the Titans. I was a big fan of the original movie — a tale involving Greek Gods, a sacrificial virgin, a flying horse and a mechanical owl — so I had high hopes for this remake. Plus, after seeing the trailer, I knew I really wanted to see them “release the Kraken.” The question is: Can the long, effects-heavy journey to the Kraken really worth it? The answer is a big Oh Hell Yeah!

Check out the Loafing review HERE

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