A bunch of actors who get thrown into a real life war movie, and by the end, they aren't sure what is a movie, and what is not.
The movie of the movie stars Tugg Speedman (Ben Stiller), Kirk Lazarus (Robert Downey Jr.), Jeff Portney (Jack Black) and Alpa Chino (Brandon Jackson) as a group of actors with a really big ego. You have Stillers character who used to be the most famous in a lot of action movies, but after the last hollywood dud, he desperately needs a blockbuster. Next, you have Downey's character, who already has 5 Academy Awards and is an actor who immerses himself fully as an actor. Blacks character is only known for his Fatty's franchise, basically a movie like Eddie Murphys movies, where he is every character in a fat suit. Finally you have Jackson's character, who is the quintessential black, rapper guy. After having some clashing, the director decides to drop them off in a North Vietnam valley, they find themselves in a situation similar to the movie they are filming.
This movie was sheer brilliance in every degree. The movie had great comedy with the mocking of different situations in many movies, and mocking the Academy itself. This movie came so close to the line, without going over it, it was amazing. The film actually had some controversy due to the word "retard" being used, in possible one of the funniest dialogues in all cinema. They talk about never going "full retard" because if you do, the Academy will deny you the Oscar.
Another priceless part of the movie is Tom Cruise. It is a small part, but Cruise plays the Producer of the movie, and is nothing like the Tom Cruise in every other movie he plays in. He is balled, hairy, fat, a total D-Bag, and a great addition to the movie.
There are nonstop laughs throughout the movie, and actually, a bit of mocking of actors, and the process they go through to prepare themselves for the role they chose.
This is a must watch, I give it a 9.5 out of 10.
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