Tuesday, December 30, 2008

top 10 movies of 2008

According to a Deadline Hollywood sample of men and women, they released a top 10 list for women and for men. Clearly this pool is a perfect example of what will do well this year and should be taken as cold hard fact. Yep, no possibility or margin for error. Non, whatsoever.

According to Men:
1. Star Trek 23%
2. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen 17%
3. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 14%
4. X-Men Origins: Wolverine 9%
5. Terminator Salvation 7%
6. Watchmen 7%
7. Angels & Demons 5%
8. Public Enemies 3%
9. G.I. Joe 3%
10. New Moon 3%

According to Women:
1. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 25%
2. New Moon 15%
3. Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen 11%
4. Angels & Demons 9%
5. X-Men Origins: Wolverine 7%
6. Star Trek 6%
7. Public Enemies 5%
8. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian 4%
9. The Lovely Bones 3%
10. Where the Wild Things Are 2%
It's interesting to see the difference between the two lists. So, what do you think, does the list hold true for you?
For me, I would have Angels & Demons at the bottom, not really looking forward to that.


Anonymous said...

I think I am a boy on this list! The only change would be to switch Star Trek and Angels and Demons! I can't wait for that one!!


Kevin said...

I guess, I'm not excited because I didn't see the first one and am not impressed with either showing, I think there are others that could be on the list.