First off, there should never, ever be a 24 hour marathon of one movie, let alone this movie, and second, they are celebrating the 25th anniversary of A Christmas Story this year with a new DVD, and I couldn't care less.
I was never a huge fan of this movie, but my true disdain of this movie has come from TNT continually showing a 24 hour marathon every frickin' Christmas, along with every teacher I had in school showing this movie instead of jumping into new material right before the holiday, strike that, CHRISTMAS break.
Everyone seems to love to quote this movie, and it seems to offer some sort of comfort, knowing someone else is more screwed up then them, but I have never found it funny, or even amusing.
If you are going to watch some Christmas movies, start with the classic Rudolph, and maybe go to Elf, A Charlie Brown Christmas, National Lampoons Christmas, heck, one of my friends always watches The Ref every year; watch one of those instead of this movie. If I have to hear that terrible narration again about a double-dog-dare, I may shoot someone, and I will aim for the eye!
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