Thursday, March 10, 2011

What do you do? How do you take the journey of 1000 miles?

"A Journey of 1,000 miles starts with one step". I think Buddha said that, or maybe Lawrence Fishburne, or maybe I just saw it on a fortune cookie. Either way, it's great advice, especially when you're starting a blog, or a book, or any other writing adventure. But, the first step is a tough one. How do you start off?

Some of my blogs can be easy. They just flow, from beginning to end. I could close my eyes and open them up five minutes later, and viola, a blog! The quality is debate able, but it's there for better or worse. Sometimes, however, that first sentence kills me. I simply can't get through it. Usually the worst is when I have a big project to start. For instance, I have a screen play to start, and a book to work on. Knowing the colossal undertaking I plan, it turns that small ant hill of a first sentence into a giant mountain.

So, what are some techniques you use to get that first step done? I used to type up five or six openings and just move on, returning to decide which one later. I also will just type something stupid, just to get into my thought, and once I have something, go back and properly introduce it. It doesn't work with big projects, though. So, where does your start come from?

I've tried everything for this book I'm starting. Nothing seems to work, and without a good opening, I can't seem to get my thought process in gear. As a famous director said, it's like building a house, if you don't have a good foundation, then you're screwed. He also said something about windows, too, but I wasn't paying attention.

So, give me your thoughts! Your tips! Your discussion!

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