Saturday, March 19, 2011

Is learning to be a Jedi really a good idea?

Before you say anything, the answer is a resounding "YES!" Of course it's a good idea. What kind of stupid question was that? Who doesn't want to be a Jedi? Well, like some kind of geek heaven that just appeared, /Film is talking about a school down in Chile for Jedi's. You heard it, a Jedi Academy. They have kids from 6 to 12, and they're about to get a late 20's addition as well, if they ever pick up their phone! Anyway, is this too much?

While I really want to be a Jedi, there is a small part of my brain that is saying "ok, really? Is this smart parenting?" I have this fear that this academy, while providing real world knowledge of meditation and martial arts just enhances peoples inability to determine reality and fiction. After going to this academy, you may actually start to think you're a Jedi. Especially if your 6! (Yoda at least won't see you're too old to train). Is that really bad?

Alright, so if you look a bit deeper into a Jedi religion, you see that it's a fairly positive religion, with a crazy amount of followers. There is no singular God, just a believe in midichlorions, or some sort of being that lives in all cells. It's a belief in being neutral and passive, so you can be one with the universe (similar to that of Budha's Nirvana). It also states that you can't become attached to anything, and have no emotional attachments, from people to objects. Is this an interesting idea? Sure, in a movie, but real world applications are a tough sell. No love, no house, you can't own anything. It does seem less complicated, but it's tough to truly achieve.

So, what do you think? Good idea, or teaching kids a bad lesson? I still don't know when you get a lightsaber. That's all I care about!

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