Tuesday, September 14, 2010

If Bruce Campbell does Expendables for Horror, who should star?

Bruce Campbell, the legend known for movies like Evil Dead and Army of Darkness is talking about making the sequel to the smash hit that was My Name Is Bruce, a horror version of the Expendables. He said he wanted to get every big name in horror to do battle with Frankenstein's Monster (pronounced Franken-schtein).

While I loved My Name is Bruce, the movie wasn't as well received as Campbell or I would've liked, but I'm convinced it will be a cult classic one day. Until then, I'm wondering who he could be thinking about asking to be in this new movie.

So, who would you like to see? Robert Englund (Freddy Kruger)? Maybe Jaime Lee Curtis when she isn't doing yogurt commercials? I would like Tobin Bell (Jigsaw), personally, and you know Rob Zombie, Eli Roth and Brendan Fraser will have to make appearances.

So, who else would you like to see?

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