Friday, August 27, 2010

I'm a blogger

I haven't posted too much as of late on here. I'm sure the trillions of fans that visit this site daily all let out a collective "what the hell." It's been a crazy couple of weeks, fans. My confidence in my writing, and just about everything else has been a bit shaky, along with my dedication to this and other blogs. So, as I was trying to figure out what was going on, I finally came to a conclusion; I'm a blogger.

For awhile there, I was trying really hard to impress everyone with my writing, my knowledge of movies and my dedication to whatever I was doing. I was kind of missing out on the point. I don't write blogs because I'm trying to impress someone, or show my dedication, or even my movie knowledge, I do it because it's what I do, and I couldn't not do it.

I love me some blogging. I love writing, and talking about something that gets me so excited that if I don't get it down on paper, or the electronic equivalent, I may explode. That's what theHopp.NET is all about, and while I love my fans, it's gotta be for me. So, let's get back to it, shall we?

Hopefully, there won't be anything standing between me and some serious writing in the upcoming future. There are some great movies coming out, and tons of movie news to speak of. I'm trying to work out a new column, get the Holy FAIL crew back into gear, and prepare for the return of some of my favorite television. Clearly, it's time to go monk....

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