Monday, June 14, 2010

I saw some stuff

That headline is the winner of this year's "TheHopp.NET best headline of the year award."

Anyway, in my attempt to escape the sweltering heat this weekend, I saw a couple of movies, and since this is a movie blog, and more specifically my movie blog, I decided to talk about it.

The first thing I saw was I Love You Man. It's the latest Judd Apatow clone, trying to take the success of 40 Year Old Virgin and twist it just enough to be considered fresh. In this case, the twist is that it is what is now referred to as a "Bromance."

The idea is that Paul Rudd, who is great in the movie, never had a best friend, or really any guy friends, so when he goes to get married, he looks for a guy friend and goes out on man-dates. He finally finds a friend in Jason Segal's Sydney, and they two enjoy each other. Of course, the wife gets jealous and shenanigans ensue.

The movie is incredibly awkward at times, and takes something like enjoying a friends company and makes it weird. The movie has two great performances, however from Paul Rudd and Jason Segal, which is enough to make it enjoyable in the end.

The second movie I saw was Max Payne, and that movie just sucked. There is nothing I can say positive about the movie. The movie was like a polished Holy FAIL movie, where nothing makes sense, the acting was terrible, and Mila Kunis had way too much clothes on, which just makes it a terrible, crappy movie. It's based off a video game, and sadly, kept the streak of crap alive.

So, I saw the A-Team as well, which had it's own post, but that is about it. It looks like I didn't have too much of a life this weekend, but I swear, I was just really dedicated to my movie friends out there! ;)

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