Saturday, June 5, 2010

Dr. Who recap 5.07 "Amy's Choice"

Editors Note: This also appears at the wonderful You can see all the comments by going HERE. The post does contain *spoilers*

Amy's Choice is all about, well, Amy's choice, weird how the works, huh? The episode finally brings to a head the conflict that has brewed ever since we met the grown up Amelia Pond back at the beginning of the season. The conflict is between the men in Amy's life, her soon to be husband, Rory, or the Doctor. Amy has been running from that choice, and her wedding since the beginning, but in this episode, her path becomes clear.

The episode starts with Amy and Rory living happily in a small town; Amy is pregnant and Rory has a ponytail. It has been 5 years since their adventures in the TARDIS, and life seems to be good, albeit dull for them, until the Doctor shows up. Once the Doctor comes, we realize that may not be real, they may be stuck in the TARDIS, barreling toward a frozen sun, and they will continue to switch between the worlds, being manipulated by a character known as the Dream Lord until Amy chooses between one or the other. With the Doctor and his time machine in one world, and a quiet family with Rory in the other, she must choose, or everyone will die. Her choice is interesting, and not fully expected, and the episode leaves many more questions than answers.

The real shining star in the episode is the chemistry that has developed between Rory, Amy and the Doctor. While everyone shines in the drama, it is Matt Smith who truly excels as he watches Rory trying to convince Amy to choose him, while trying to figure out who the Dream Lord is, and maybe convince Amy to stay with him. Finally, when he tells Rory to "stop competing," we know the Doctor realizes Amy belongs with Rory, but the mystery doesn't end there. While the Doctor is quick to explain the Dream Lord, his answers, like many the Doctor has given through the season, may not be what they seem.

I thought the creepy alien old people were a great threat (I live in Florida, and let me tell you, old people are scary!). I think there are two kinds of Doctor Who episodes; ones that progress the plot of the overall arc, and ones that provide contained adventures, and this was definitely a story arc episode. While I first thought the crack in time and space would be the overall arc, I am now wondering if the mystery behind the Dream Lord is the real question.

So, overall, it was an amazing episode in a great season that settles some questions, and raises many more. If you have an idea about who the villain is, I would love to hear them in the comments section!

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