Friday, November 13, 2009

Glee and the tale of the podcast

First off, if you want to hear the epic, award-winning, Tony-inspired, amazing, podcast, HERE it is.

So, I decided I wanted to do a podcast. I had heard some of them, and while some were good, some made me want to gouge out my eyes, so I wanted something a bit different. I decided upon Glee, a very popular show that could be good for the clicks, and easy to talk about, given the shows different feel.

I decided to ask my friends to help out in the commentary part, which everyone seemed pretty excited about. When I realized I didn't have the software, the hardware or the slightest clue what I was doing, I thought about just bailing on the whole thing. But, like all great things, pieces started to fall into place, friends showed up and Glee started.

Afterwards, there was an uneasyness in the air, knowing what followed would be something we had not done before. But, as we started talking, the vodka started flowing and out the podcast came. Sure, the podcast was a bit unorganized, and the audio peaks into static on occasion, but we were doing something that we always did, talk about tv.

So, now, the podcast is up, things flowed nicely, and we all got that high you get when the adrenaline combines with a feeling of accomplishment. Now, we're aiming to improve on the quality, streamline the alcohol flow, and more importantly, increase the fun.

Overall, a good experience! What did you think about the podcast?

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