That's right, that creepy clown movie starring the immortal Tim Curry as Pennywise, the weird, alien, monster, clown, thingy is being remade. Apparently casting is already begun, I wonder if everyone just has to go "they all float down here, Johnnie?"
Anyway, I have nothing against remakes, as a rule, but some movies make it really difficult to make a better movie than the original, especially with such an odd story as this. I think there has been plenty of time since the original, and watching the movie over again, something is lost in the translation with all the early '80's haircuts and the semi-pedophile acting done there. However, I don't know how you can recast Tim Curry, I mean the guy has to be one of the best badguy actors of all time, how do you touch that?
Does anyone have any ideas for a guy who can do a killer clown impression? My casting idea would be maybe Hugo Weaving, but I would worry it would sound too much like "Mr. Anderson, welcome back, they all float in the Matrix." What about Robin Williams, I mean, clearly the guy can do the voice, and he was kinda creepy in one hour photo, and death to smoochey, I dunno. I guess it's better to go with an unknown, but it's fun to speculate. So, what's your idea for Pennywise, is there some actor that creaped you out as a kid? (please leave all priest jokes out of this)
Samuel L Jackson, all the way. =)
Samuel L. Jackson is good in everything! So, what are you thinkin....."I'm tired of these muther effin kids floatin in my mother effin sewer!" Something like that? I like it! Sign me up.
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