Ever since Apple came out with a personal computer, society has been terrified about that computer taking over and completely screwing up your life. Back in the day, no one was all that worried because the computer couldn't even use a color screen, but nowadays with IPhones, a nosey government, and technology that most people 20 years ago couldn't even imagine, that terror is well founded, and no longer in the realm of Sci-fi, but in the realm of 'when....fi'. Yes, I am copyrighting that as we speak, it'll go in next year's Webster, along with 'strategery.'
Eagle Eye is one of the hundreds upon hundreds of movies to try and capitalize on that fear, using technology that is current, with a movie set in todays society, so did it seem real, was the movie more than a lot of cars blowing up? Well, it had Shiah Labeuf and Michelle Monaghan, so, it wasn't just stuff blowing it, it had car chases and people running too....but mainly stuff blowing up.
The movie starts off with Lebeuf's character being a smooth talking loser who works at their version of Kinko's. You find out Jerry's brother worked for the government and kicked the bucket. At that point, he gets a phone call from a mysterious women who seems to know everything about him, and what he's doing at every second of the day. This women gives him an assignment that he really doesn't have much of a choice in accomplishing. At the same time, Monaghan's character is given a similar phone call, threatening the death of her young son if she doesn't comply. The two meat and are driven to follow the mysterious voices orders to find out who, or what is behind this, and get out alive, or at least some reasonable facsimile.
The movie is, more or less one big chase scene, with some great footage and some average stunts. Both actors were good, but I really think, once again Shiah has shown he is a top notch action actor, despite playing his usual part, he has shown he can do it well. Michelle did an ok job, nothing to write home about, but she was there more for eye-candy than anything else, and she accomplished that goal. The main plot, however, is what got me. Once you find out what is chasing them, the whole movie seems very cliched, it's hard to take anything seriously. The movie tries to be clever, and has a lot of "oh, it's that guy" moments, but, for the most part, is drawn down by the mediocre plot.
I enjoyed this movie as a popcorn flick, but it is something I don't think I would ever watch again. I might feel ripped off if I had spent $10 to go see this in theaters, though.
I'm gonna give this a 6 out of 10 for some really cliched ideas, and a story that comes across has 'been there, done that.' If you like the idea of this movie, check out Enemy of the State, and if your just watching this for Shiah, check out The Battle of Shaker Heights, and if your like me, watching it for Michelle, check out Mission Impossible III.
FUN FACT: Aria is voiced by Julianne Moore, who chose to go uncredited.
Coolest Fun Fact ever!! I love her. Unlike you.
I make you watch a lot of movies, not all of them suck!
I didn't say this one sucked, but it wasn't great, still a good time, though! And, yes, I was blown away by who the voice was, I would not have seen that coming at all!
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