Alright, I have to post this. Let me talk about why....wait...eyes...HERE! First off, I choose not to do what other movie blogs do and just splash hot movie stars all over the place. It's not that I don't enjoy some of the pictures, but it's cheap, and there is no discussion, outside the casual, approving male grunt (of which I'm guilty). On top of that, it's not news, and, most of the time, they are skeletons with glitter that are shallow, horrible people. One of my favorite movie blogs said "I usually don't go crazy over a woman that weighs less than my DVD collection, but Ms. Fox is an exception." I say good for Ms. Fox, who seems to have embraced her inner geek, and made a million movie geeks freak out, showing there are women who can have a geeky side, and be hot (for example, the Autobots tattoo on her shoulder). Ms. Fox has signed up for a third Transformers movie and two comic book movies. This woman is everywhere, which, from where I am standing isn't that bad of a thing. And, yes, I know what you are can renew your subscription to Empire magazine on their website.

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