It just so happens today is the birthday of Marilyn Monroe. My soon to be sister-in-law posted a quote from Ms. Monroe that kinda had an impact at just the right time; "... if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best." I was thinking about this quote all day. I've seen my amazing fiancee go through some crazy stressful stuff lately. We joined a boot camp work out that starts at 5 am. Now, I know, I'm nowhere near my best, in fact, I'm about as far as I can be at 5 am, or at 5:30, when I'm trying to run a mile. Her, on the other hand, just continues to go, completely unaware of the sheer amazement I have for her.
My gorgeous future wife decided that she wanted to look better for her wedding, while I was wondering what was beyond perfection, she was signing up for a boot camp class. I later joined her, as I realized that I wanted to be sans the flab for my wedding, and working out together could be motivational. I was right, I've been very motivated. While I am still flabby, I feel like this effort could truly pay off...hopefully. As far my fiancee goes, she looks better than ever, and just increased my love of her.
My future wife has gone through health issues, money problems, planning a wedding, job concerns and on top of all that, has to deal with my less than stellar moments. When I saw that today, I realized that I'm seeing this amazing woman at a time where anyone else would be at their worst. Her? Nope, she's still the same woman I have dreamed of marrying for the past 7 and a half months. It put a smile on my face as I realized that if this is a time where most are at their worst, and I'm still here, not just here, but smiling and feeling blessed, than are we ever lucky, because this road we are on together will be filled with love and happiness; I mean, I love her through good times and bad, right? Isn't that part of the traditional vows? It's so much easier than I thought it would be. Now, I suppose I should work on the whole "obey" part ... or I can just erase that out of the vows. It could be easier.
Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I deserve this beautiful, amazing woman, but I am saying that going through highs and lows together has made me appreciate her even more. So, it's back to getting centerpieces done, and wine bottles ready, as we enter a very exciting, very busy stretch towards a wonderful day. The best part is that there is no worry of things to come. While things could always get worse, and I hope they don't, I feel like if this is a sample of what our life will be like, then I say bring it on, I'm ready to go.
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