Friday, June 17, 2011

Korner 9

Welcome to another Kevin's Korner. This week has all kinds of fun, geeky stuff. I'm still trying to get over the geek-tastic Doctor Who episode, and there are some bits of news this week that made my inner geek do cart wheels. So, without any further B.S., here's the news...

I'm in the news business, and business is a boomin...

Killer Clowns are back! - The epic, epic movie, Killer Clowns from Outer Space is one of those movies that are probably only enjoyed by the fans of the FAIL, like me. It was a wonderfully ridiculous movie before the latest renaissance of bad movies was popular. Well, now, there is news that a sequel to the cotton candy epicness has been written, and is simply looking for some funding. Does anyone have, oh, say, fifty bucks?

Favreau and Downey discuss Iron Man 3 - There is a great interview up with Iron Man one 1 and 2 director Jon Favreau, along with Robert Downey Jr., as they talk about handing the reigns over to Shane Black for the third movie. Favreau sarcastically talks about how his character deserves a way bigger part, and how he deserves a raise, and the struggles of a post-avengers Iron Man "what do you do, pretend they all just lost each other's cell phone numbers?" It presents an interesting problem, to be sure, but it sounds like Black, who directed Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang is already talking to Favreau, which is a very good sign.

8 actors you never even know voiced a character - Over at one of my favorite blogs,, they have a great post about 8 actors you never even knew voiced animated characters. If you are a hardcore TV buff, you probably know most of them, but I bet there is one or two that can surprise you. Check it out HERE.

Meet Curly - Check out the latest photo of behind the scenes of the Three Stooges. We finally see a bit of Curly going on. What do you think? Is this going to be a huge bomb, or a goldmine?

The fall of Comic Con? - This story is a little worrisome. It was made known that certain marketing companies will not be marketing certain movies at this year's San Diego Comic Con happening in July. Big movies like The Dark Knight Rises and Avengers will not be making an appearance at this years con. It leaves movies like Twilight and Cowboys vs. Aliens (who announced they would premiere the movie at the convention) as the conventions headliners. If I had spent the large amount of money on airfare and a pass, I would be a bit upset by the no-shows of the biggest movies of next year.

I'm wondering if this new model, or realization will be contagious. The articles I'm reading are blaming movies like Tron: Legacy and Scott Pilgrim because of the very large marketing attempts, with poor box office results. It makes me wonder why Twilight is even showing up. Everyone knows their die-hard fanbase of swooning "team Jacob or Team Edward" fans will blow up the box office, so why market it? Also, if big movies like the Avengers and the third Batman do well at the box office, does it prove you don't need comic con? I would say it does. And, let's face it, those movies will almost certainly do well at the box office.

I would say this is possibly the start of the end of the overly crazy comic con. I'm sure anyone who has been there would say it's not a bad thing to go back to more of the comic base, but it makes me wonder if there will be anything popping up to take its place, or if the Internet will be the main source of movie marketing. Thoughts?

Super 8 easter eggs - This post is only for the people who saw Super 8, and does have some SPOILERS AHEAD. You have been warned. In a few posts online, there was talk of a certain entry in the credits of a pretty well known actor, Bruce Greenwood. You may be like me and say "I never saw him." You would only be about half right. Greenwood has an interview up about his part in the movie, which is really interesting, because his part is, shall we say right in front of your face...for a moment or two, anyway. There is also a great post up at /Film talking about some of the little easter eggs in the film, such as a Slusho sign and more. Check it out HERE.

There are now 5 ... maybe 6, ok, 7...up to 10 nominations for best picture - If you haven't heard this news, or even if you have and don't understand, let me time for that, let me sum, in an effort to create more drama, and in turn, make more than 2 people watch the Oscars, the committee has decided "5 to 10 movies can be nominated." This means if there is a crappy year, only 5 get nominated, while a good year could have up to 10. I can see where they are going, here, because "Academy Award Nominated" still has a lot of pull, and it's silly to give it out to a film that is truly not worthy, but the excitement geeks like me had, that our favorite films could receive a nod has now taken a hit. Will it create more drama? I actually think it will have the opposite affect, in that now, there's less of a chance a little-known movie has a shot, and it could leave people still feeling alienated from the committees tastes.

The Doctor is in, for now - In some seriously horrible news, we found out this week that Doctor Who will not have a full series next year, as they gear up for their 50th anniversary in 2013. While it should be a monumentus anniversary, it means fans of the show will get even less than the poultry 13 episodes we get this season. While it isn't known how many we will get, it doesn't matter, I'm still going to be upset I now have less of the Doctor. I suppose there is Torchwood: Miracle Day to comfort me, but damn it, BBC, get your act together.

How Thor should have ended - There is another video of How it Should Have Ended up. The group, who has done videos for Terminator and Back to the Future set their sights on Thor. There may be slight spoilers if you haven't seen the movie, but if you have, you'll find this pretty funny:

Amazing Wedding Cake - I'm getting married in under four months, and you can be sure this wedding cake was in the discussion. It's possibly the greatest rendition of the Millenium Falcon you will see, and it looks delicious. Want one? Me too!

The Dark Knight Rises has surprise guest shoot some lines - In a possibly huge SPOILER moment, the third Batman film has a very surprising guest shoot on set the other day in Liam Neeson. If you've seen the first in Nolan's trilogy, you will know Neeson played Ra's Al Ghul, the mentor and later villain of Bruce Wayne/Batman. It's not know if this is a flashback scene, or something else, but you can bet fans are going nuts over the news. This just adds to the list of questions on this film, supporting my theory that it's the most anticipated movie since Episode 1.

Jurassic Park 4 won't go away - There is a story on the interwebs this week about how Steven Spielberg is talking with scriptwriters on a way to reboot Jurassic Park. You may remember I reported I a few weeks ago that actor Sam Neil said that it would be wrong to continue, since special effects creator Stan Winston, and writer of the novels Michael Crichton were both dead. However, there is still talk, if a way can be found to reboot the franchise. So, after the last movie, is a reboot in order? I would say it's the only way to continue after the events of the second and third movie. That being said, I don't see where you can go with Jurassic Park that would bring something fresh to the table. The special effects from the first film still hold up incredibly well, and the story was adapted very well. So, what new could you bring without making it look like one of those campy SyFy movies?

Video: is too nerdy a bad thing? - In this hilarious video, it proves the age-old adage 'be careful what you wish for,' especially if you wish for a hot nerdy woman. I am not sure, but I think I should be worried I knew exactly what they were talking about in this video, except I do like Halo, and I'm not apologizing.

Pottermore coming soon - J.K. Rowling has setup a website called Pottermore that promises something big coming soon. There is no word as to what it is. Author of the Harry Potter books has said it isn't another series of books, but fans are wondering if it's the official encyclopedia they have heard about, or something else. Gizmodo was posting a rumor of a possible Harry Potter phone last week, while others were hoping for an MMORPG. A few fansites have seen the page, and all they can say is that it's amazing...yeah, that does a lot of friggin' good. What do you think it is? Apparently the release date is the birthdate of a prominent character in the books.

The Avengers won't be in 3D - According to twitter, the Avengers film will not be in 3-D, depsite having Iron Man 2, Thor and Captain America all showing up in 3D. Now, the tweet, from the Incredible Hulk himself has said that they won't film in 3D, but I guess that isn't saying they can't convert it, which would be a shame, because I haven't seen any conversion that's been worth a damn. I hope they don't go 3D at all, Thor was useless in 3D, along with most of the movies out there trying to make a buck.

Box Office Breakdown -
Green Lantern, in no surprise at all, took first place. There was a surprise with how little the film took in, with a measly $54.7 million. The film came in under both Thor and X-Men: First Class for its first week. The film has gotten very polarizing, but overall mediocre reviews. It's not a good sign, when the film will have to work very hard to get back the $200 million budget. Mr. Poppers Penguins also opened this week, in third place, with $18.2 million, not bad, considering the small amount of marketing, and the crappy trailer.

1. Green Lantern - $52.7 million ($52.7 million total)
2. Super 8 - $21.3 million ($72.8 million total)
3. Mr. Popper's Penguins - $18.2 million ($18.2 million total)
4. X-Men: First Class - $11.5 million ($119.9 million total)
5. The Hangover Part II - $9.7 million ($232.7 million total)
6. Kung Fu Panda 2 - $8.7 million ($143.3 million total)
7. Bridesmaids - $7.5 million ($136.8 million total)
8. Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides - $6.2 million ($220.3 million total)
9. Midnight in Paris - $5.2 million ($21.8 million total)
10. Judy Moody and the NOT Bummer Summer - $2.2 million ($11.2 million total)

DVD's out this week -
The Adjustment Bureau
The Eagle
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules

Trailer of the week - Harry Potter
In this final trailer for the final Harry Potter film, we get a beautiful wrapup of what's happened with a really dramatic look at things to come. I think this trailer is about as good as anything for building anticipation, which is already extremely high; I mean, it's the final movie of a very long, very solid series.

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