I want to be a writer when I grow up. This blog is my journey. I will become a better writer, better husband, better Dad and a better movie geek.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Box Office breakdown
1. Saw 3D - $24.2 million ($24.2 million total)
2. Paranormal Activity 2 - $16.5 million ($65.7 million total)
3. Red - $10.8 million ($58.9 million total)
4. Jackass 3D - $8.4 million ($101.6 million total)
5. Hereafter - $6.3 million ($22.2 million total)
6. Secretariat - $5.1 million ($44.8 million total)
7. The Social Network - $4.7 million ($79.7 million total)
8. Life As We Know It - $4.0 million ($43.5 million total)
9. The Town - $2.0 million ($87.6 million total)
10. Conviction - $1.8 million ($2.4 million total)
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Move Review - MegaMind

The movie takes many very familiar elements from movies like Superman and adds in a lot of pop culture elements, the voices of Will Farrell, Brad Pitt, Tina Fey, Jonah Hill and David Cross and creates a fun story, albeit a slightly complicated one for the younger audience.
The idea is that Farrell's MegaMind and Pitt's MetroMan are sent to earth from a dieing world into separate places. Megamind lands in a jail and takes the part of villain to MetroMan's hero. Once MetroMan is gone, in a slightly disturbing death scene, Megamind realizes he no longer has a challenge, so he creates a new hero, from a lonely camera guy, played by Jonah Hill, only to realize his creation is a terrible villain. Now, the once great super villain must put on the cape and be a hero, with the help of a journalist and love interest, voiced by Tina Fey.
I saw the movie in 3-D and was blown away by how good it looked. Sure, there were some gimmicky shots like spiders and popcorn being dangled in front of the audience, but the movie did a really good job of keeping the effects subtle and beautiful. The little things like the hair on MetroMan's head, or the water surrounding MetroCity, or the building landscapes all looked crisp and clear and stood out with the 3-D glasses.
The soundtrack was the best part, however, with an extremely lively selection of songs by the likes of AC/DC and Michael Jackson to name a few. The songs really added to the story, and every time MegaMind made a flashy entrance, the music only added to the enjoyment.
The characters were extremely cliched, but it was part of the slightly different take on the genre the movie used. In the movie, we weren't cheering for the perfect, Superman-esque hero, or the lonley, pathetic dork-turned Superman, we were cheering for the evil super-genuise who only wanted to win one battle, and be the one to get the girl. The eventual role reversals were really interesting and quite different as we see the villain reluctantly be forced into the role of hero.
While I truly enjoyed the movie, I was left wondering if some of the more complex plot points were wasted on my tiny friends watching the movie with me. While I couldn't seem to tell if they got it, I can say the audience was completely silent for the entire hour and a half of the movie, which probably says something right there. Megamind is a very entertaining movie for the whole family, and one you shouldn't feel uncomfortable going to, no matter your age.
EDITORS NOTE: This review appeared on SpoilerTV HERE, and Creative Loafing HERE
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Sanctum Trailer
Avatar 2 & 3 are announced as Cameron's next project

Christopher Nolan dishes on third Batman film
The third film will be called The Dark Knight Rises, according to director Christopher Nolan. He also said we are able to rule out the Riddler, a popular rumor for the main villain in the third movie. Rumors of Inception stars Tom Hardy and Joseph Gordon-Levitt circulated for the role, but with the character out of the running, along with Mr. Freeze, it leaves us wondering who will be the villain. “We’ll use many of the same characters as we have all along, and we’ll be introducing some new ones," Nolan cryptically exclaimed. Because that’s a lot of help.
So, who would you like to see as the villain of the third Batman? And, what do you think of the title?
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
John Landis calls Inception unoriginal - I need to vent
Netflix streaming out-does DVD's for first time ever
Pretty good obit, right? It's a gift, really. You may be asking why I am writing an obit for Netflix DVD's. The reason is because for the first time ever, Netflix streaming out sold the DVD counterpart. It's a huge deal because it seems to be a sign of things to come for the company and the industry as a whole.
So, are you contributing to the alarming trend of DVD's being dead? Do you like the streaming or do you think DVD's are alive and well?
Indiana Jones in 3-D?

Alright, enough is enough. It seems like every other day, I read about some beloved franchise getting dusted off and converted into 3-D. This week, the news in one of my favorite franchises of all time, Indiana Jones. The question is, will people go see it.
A new trilogy in the works for Star Wars?

Monday, October 25, 2010
Do you have a "calm down Movie"?
Muppet Treasure Island - Alright, shut up, I like that movie! I know the music, and Kermit is an extremely versatile actor. The movie is light, has no scary elements to it, and will leave you singing Cabin Fever, ahh!
Back to the Future - Like the go carts in Clerks II, this movie takes me back to a simpler time. It's funny, isn't really heavy, and I can quote everything in the movie. On top of that, the themes are engaging, and the characters are good enought to take your mind off any para raptor.
Blazing Saddles - This one seems like an easy one. AFI's number two funniest movie of all time, this movie will make you laugh, from the Camp-Town Ladies at the beginning all the way to the great pie fight at the end, this movie will prove laughter can get rid of any thoughts of terror.
Balls of Fury - The title alone probably gives away the reason. Sure, there is a lot of comedy on this list, but in my opinion, comedy is the exact opposite of terror, and the best medicine for a creapy evening. This movie has Christopher Walken as a Chinease guy, a whole bunch of blind jokes, and a great parody of Enter the Dragon with ping-pong, or as the Chinease call it Ping-Pong. Besides, it has the Dragon; the least intimidating ping-pong player of all time.
Oceans 11 - This one is a bit different. Sure, it's comedy, but it isn't the silly slapstick of the previous two. This one has so many quotable moments, and funny parts, from the beginning with Danny Ocean and Rusty, to "the little Asian guy" to the amazing finale. It's a fun movie I could watch, and have, over and over again. There's also a bonus here that this movie is always on TV.
The Replacements - This is what I used last year, actually, and it worked well. It's a fun football movie that has the little guy winning in the end; what more could you want? The movie has some great moments that are funny, and also very heart-felt, along with that one scene where the team gets a penalty when a cheerleader smacks the other on the ass (quality TV).
So, there you go, your remedy to Halloween, and the scary movies playing during the season. If you have another remedy, let me know!
Inception 2 - Secret of the Ooze

Sunday, October 24, 2010
TheHopp.NET blogtastic project
Box Office Report - Paranormal Activity 2 dominates
Jackass 3D dropped an expected 60% to come in second, with Red coming in third. Not a bad box office weekend for films.
What did you see this weekend?
1. Paranormal Activity 2 - $41.5 million ($41.5 million total)
2. Jackass 3D - $21.6 million ($87.1 million total)
3. Red - $15 million ($43.5 million total)
4. Hereafter - $12 million (12.3 million total)
5. The Social Network - $7.3 million ($72.9 million total)
6. Secretariat - $6.9 million ($37.6 million total)
7. Life As We Know It - $6.1 million ($37.6 million total)
8. Legends of the Guardian: The Owls of Ga'Hoole - $3.2 million ($50.2 million total)
9. The Town - $2.7 million ($84.6 million total)
10. Easy A - $1.8 million ($54.8 million total)
Movie Review - Paranormal Activity 2

The first movie setup some rules, such as waiting for the now iconic bedroom cam signifying something terrifying is going to happen, along with most of the events happening at night. The sequel smashes those rules and amps up the terror as the film uses a clever story of security cameras being installed after an alleged break in. With the security cameras and an addition of a handheld camera, we see a family with an interesting relation to the events to the first film as something terrible unfolds before the audiences eyes.
The movie did some really clever things like interweaving the story of this movie with the first. As a result, both movies are scarier. The film also took advantage of some of the primal fears we have, such as something in the basement, fear of the dark, and afraid of being alone. The script was also more complex with more characters, like the father, who was pretty funny and quite genuine; the mother, who is also Katie's sister; the younger daughter, who was also convincing, and the maid, which was a bit silly.
While the first filmed had some jarring moments, there were probably only two or three, leaving the tension and eerie events to sit, leaving it a bit more cerebral. The second had some cerebral elements, but the jarring moments were much more frequent with three or four moments that scared the crap out of the audience, leaving the theater buzzing with an uneasy laughter that few movies can reproduce.
With all the brilliant things the movie did, I think the movie abandoned the steady incline of tension the first one had, and started off a bit slow, setting the premise and the rules, only to notch the terror up to an 11, and kept it there until the end of the movie, which left the possibility of a third movie open, without it being necessary.
Overall, I really enjoyed the movie, and thought it did a good job of amping up the terror, and being a great compliment to the first film, which is required viewing for this film. The storyline was original and fresh, and the jump scares were effective over and over. While I was blown away with the first, I really enjoyed the second as a solid scary movie. I will be telling my sister not to see this movie, because I just don't her nerves can take it.Friday, October 22, 2010
Reel Terror Film Festival - A Night in Review

There were some pleasant surprises in movies, which included the short film Risen, a film about a Ted Bundy esque killer in the middle of a zombie uprising. The shots were clever, along with the performance of Al Mauro, who played Henry, the killer.
Other great films include 2:22, a beautiful short film about a woman who wakes up in a fog, naked and sick, and recalls the terrifying events of the night before. The movie had a great performance, along with some great sound and visual effects. I also enjoyed Wine, a perfectly short film about a wine connoisseur with a bizarre taste in wine. Another memorable short was Simone, about a woman who wakes up after a lesbian filled evening and finds the results of her fun.
There were plenty of other films there that showed, above all else, a passion for film. The audience also seemed very excited to see the films and mingle with the films makers and stars, some of which were on hand to promote the movie, but most of which just seemed excited to be with others who enjoy film.
Overall, it was a really fun experience that I hope will be an annual, or even semi-annual event that had everything a film fan could want.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
The Hopp.NET blog-tastic project!
Movie Trailer - Scream 4
Monday, October 18, 2010
Movie Trailer - Paul

The latest comedy is about two comic-book geeks who travel across the U.S. to visit the famed Area 51, only to encounter a real life alien (voiced by Seth Rogen). Jason Bateman, Kristen Wiig, Jane Lynch and Sigourney Weaver also star in the movie that hits theaters March 18, 2011 in the U.S.
Check out the trailer that hints at the plot, but not the comedy that is sure to ensue and let me know what you think in the comments section!
Jackass is king in the box office
1. Jackass 3D - $50 million ($50 million total)
2. Red - $22.5 million ($22.5 million total)
3. The Social Network - $11 million ($63.1 million total)
4. Secretariat - $9.5 million ($27.5 million total)
5. Life As We Know It - $9.2 million ($28.9 million total)
6. Legends of the Guardian: The Owls of Ga'Hoole - $4.2 million ($46.0 million total)
7. The Town - $4.0 million ($80.6 million total)
8. My Soul To Take - $3.2 million ($11.9 million total)
9. Easy A - $2.7 million ($52.3 million total)
10. Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps - $2.4 million ($47.9 million total)
Friday, October 15, 2010
More Back to the Future goodness

Thursday, October 14, 2010
Tom Hardy cast in Batman

Wednesday, October 13, 2010
A Back to the Future fans wet dream
Here's the trailer. WARNING: Your inner geek will have a geek-gasm.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Bumblebee gets taken out...for real
Monday, October 11, 2010
And Spiderman's new villain is ...

Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Pt. 1 - Not in 3-D

Thursday, October 7, 2010
Movie Review - Red

Superman movie gets new director and a lot of questions

The first big announcement is Dawn of the Dead director Zack Snyder will be directing the reboot/sequel movie with Christopher Nolan helping with the project. You’ll remember Snyder as the director of 300 and Watchmen, and while both had varying degrees of success, he wasn’t WB’s first choice. Apparently, Black Swan director Darren Aronofsky was the first choice. I think Snyder is an interesting choice, and while Aronofsky has the bigger name, this could very easily make or break the director.
I’m sure there were plenty of reasons to choose Snyder to helm such a big movie, but reports are saying the main reason is due to the script being rushed, and not completed, and WB wanting to go through with the movie and not wait for someone to redo the script. Apparently they are counting on Snyder to rework the script and shoot the movie, which could be interesting. The movie is set to revolve around Clark Kent traveling the world as a journalist, trying to decide whether to become Superman or not and will feature General Zod as the villain.
There aren’t many clues as to who Snyder could be looking at to wear the cape, but rumors are swirling, and it seems Superman Returns star Brandon Routh is not one of them, despite doing a respectable job in the previous movie. WB show Smallville is ending it’s series this year, maybe they’ll get Tom Welling, which would be kind of fitting, considering the end of Smallville is said to have Welling’s Clark Kent pickup the Superman costume.
So what do you think of Snyder as director? Who would you cast as the big, blue boy scout?
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Emma Stone in Spiderman Reboot
Monday, October 4, 2010
DVD Review - Monk series box set

The British have Sherlock Holmes, and we have Adrien Monk, an ex detective who has many issues, including Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and a phobia of just about everything. Despite his near lack of ability to have a normal life, he has exceptional observational skills that are way beyond normal. Monk used to have his compulsions under control until the murder of his wife Trudy when he became catatonic for three years. Now, as the series starts, Monk is getting back on his feet with the help of an assistant, and taking cases for the San Fransisco Police Department in an attempt to get his badge back. And, as each episode begins, we see the crime, and Monk's incredible observational gifts attempt to solve the crime, and ultimately solve the most important crime; his wife's death.

Mr. Monk Goes to the Asylum: Monk is losing it and is confined to an insane asylum, but it doesn't stop him from solving a murder. The episode was great because it focuses on the dramatic and sad truth regarding his loss of his wife, but at the same time is incredibly funny.
There are another six or seven more that are truly worth mentioning, but I'm going to skip to the end of the series, Mr. Monk and the End, Part 1 & 2. The finale sees the conclusion to Monk's wife, Trudy's murder, as Monk is poisoned and dyeing. It's a great two-parter, as you see an incredibly dramatic conclusion where you aren't certain of anyones future until the end as we get a really good send off to a great group of actors.
There are also some great episodes involving some wonderful guest stars, starting with my favorite, John Turturo (Monk's brother); Tim Daly (playing himself, and great for anyone who saw Wings), Sarah Silverman (an obsessive Monk fan), Andrew McCarthy, Craig T. Nelson (the guy from Coach plays a judge), Alfred Molina, Snoop Dogg, James Brolin, Brooke Adams, and Tim Curry, amongst others.
I learned a lot about Monk, including liking Sharona more than Natalie as Monk's assistant; Lt. Disher (Jason Gray-Stanford) doesn't really have a purpose; seasons five and six show a bit of bitterness for Monk; Tony Shalhoub is amazingly talented; every episode makes me feel kinda sorry for Monk and finally, that I should invest in more disinfectant wipes.
The DVD picture quality came across as kind of grainy, which I thought would end in season one, but continued throughout all 8 seasons, which was noticeable on my HD TV, but the sound quality was quite good, as was the special features and the presentation. However, at $190.99 on Amazon.com, I think the price needs to drop a bit before I can recommend this set. Once it hits around $150, which I'm sure it will be by Christmas time, it will be a must-have for everyone.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Movie Review - Catfish