Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Top 5 Tim Burton Films

(Editors Note: This article appeared in Creative Loafing. Check it out HERE)

Love him or hate him, director Tim Burton has done some really famous, and really good movies in a very long, impressive career. With his latest movie, Alice in Wonderland coming out, I wanted to look back at some of my favorites and hope his latest venture is like some of these, and not just another Cabinet of Dr. Caligari in a different setting like some of his other movies.

5) Edward Scissor hands - One of Johnny Depp’s more known roles, the movie has a great sense of heart, with an underlying meaning, and a truly bizarre concept only Burton could pull off. While this movie had some of Burton's usual style, back then, it was considered unique and refreshing.

4) Big Fish - This movie is one of those movies you simply have to love. It is sweet, and heartfelt, and larger than life, as the title applies and absolutely nothing like any of the other movies Burton has done. This movie, while it may have its dark parts, is a light, fun and heartwarming movie. Ewan McGregor flexed his acting chops, showing Burton has a way of brining it out of his actors.

3) Batman - Burton was the first to take this to where the original creators intended to take it; a dark place. This movie was not the Adam West Batman of the days of yore, and it was not something meant for kids. Michael Keaton was the definitive Batman until recently, and Keaton had a great opponent in a role made famous by Jack Nicholson, which was considered irreplaceable until the late Heath Ledger brought the role back for a new generation of the Joker.

2) BeetleJuice - Another Michael Keaton role, this movie was so bizarre and dark, and showed Burton's style perfectly in the bizarre makeup and set design. The concept was weird, the performances were hilarious and Winona Ryder wasn't really annoying. Whenever this movie is on, I'm usually watching it. I’d like to think of this movie as quirky.

1) Mars Attacks! - This movie had one of the biggest ensemble casts of all time, and is one of the most ridiculous movies as well. The movie has the tongue firmly planted in the cheek as Martians invade and destroy the world, with Jack Nicholson in two roles, this movie had way better performances than it deserved, and with this combination, you get one of the greatest bad movies of all time. Come on, you know your making the international symbol of the donut as we speak.

So, is one of your favorites missing? Let me know in the comments.


Anonymous said...

I think you will get a lot of backlash for not having the Nightmare before Christmas on here.

It is a cult classic, even though I have never seen it.


Kevin said...

Ya wanna know a little secret? I totally forgot about that movie. Although, if I had remembered it, I still wouldn't have included it.

The only leg I have to stand on is that according to IMDB, he didn't direct it, he only wrote it (which I didn't know).