I want to be a writer when I grow up. This blog is my journey. I will become a better writer, better husband, better Dad and a better movie geek.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Movie Review - Tron: Legacy
Kevin Smith refuses to play media game
“I’m not press-junketing at all, anywhere,” said Smith, adding that journalists will have to listen to hours of his Smodcast if they want to get any information about his film. He is, however, considering transcribing a Questions and Answers session for “SUPER lazy writers.” Basically, “nobody needs to talk to me anymore anyway, as anyone who’s curious can always know what I’m thinking 24/7 right here on Twitter.”Now, I understand a certain disdain for some movie critics. There are those critics out there who feel they are entitled to free movies, and crazy amounts of ass-kissery. They think they have the power to make or break a movie, and as such, should be highly respected. Sadly, that isn't the case. While movie critics still wield power, with the internet, and the fact there is hundreds of thousands of people like me, the power is diminished.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Most Overrated? Is this a healthy list?
Monday, December 27, 2010
Top Action movies of Oh 10!

Despite the stigma of being a SNL movie, this movie was pretty funny. Sure, it had the same old stupid gags over and over again, but seeing MacGruber rip some throats out was awesome. Just fast-forward through anything with celery.
While I thought the plot was convoluted and silly, and the turns were stupidly predictable, I thought the action was quite entertaining. Angelina Jolie makes a fine action star, and she shows it off here. Sadly, it was the only thing showing off.
This movie was so much more than an action movie, but the action was stylized, beautiful and quite well done. Besides, ol’ Scotty pulls out a flaming sword for one boss battle and fights stunt doubles in another. Rating: Awesome.
The scene at Monaco Speedway was incredible. If the movies stopped there, it would probably still be on this list, but the movie added quite a bit more, including a thrilling end battle with more robots than you can count. It was glorious.
Who knew old people could do an action movie? Not only did they do it, but it was enjoyable and funny and an all around good movie. Bruce Willis played himself, Helen Mirren could give James Bond a run for his money and John Malkovich had a gun in a pig. Yeah, this movie deserves it's spot on the list.
This is another movie that was so much more than just an action movie. This movie was beautiful, thought-provoking, and incredibly well written, but after the zero-gravity fight scene in the hall-way, this movie instantly shot up the list. That scene alone was incredible.
Danny Trejo is Machete in the most ridiculously over the top movie of the year. At one point, Machete jumps out of the window and swings down to a lower window using a mans intestines. This is after he gets all the women. But don’t ask him to text.
I said in my review that it was Man-Tastic, and that about describes it. There is so much testosterone in this movie, when your done, you better have a rag to clean off your TV. It was over the top, and had more explosions that Michael Bay’s fantasies, so of course, it’s worth your time.
While this movie has the stigma of being a remake of an old TV show, this movie stands on its own with great performances by Bradley Cooper, Liam Neeson and Sharlto Copley in an over the top fun, action movie where despite billions of rounds fired, no one dies, but everyone has a good time. Oh, and they fly a friggin’ tank!
Doctor Who Series 6 teaser trailer -
Does going to the theater really suck?
Box Office Breakdown - Little Fockers wins Christmas
1. Little Fockers - $34.0 million ($48.3 million total)
2. True Grit - $25.6 million ($36.8 million total)
3. Tron Legacy - $20.1 million ($88.3 million total)
4. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader - $10.8 million ($63.9 million total)
5. Yogi Bear - $8.8 million ($36.8 million total)
6. The Fighter - $8.5 million ($27.6 million total)
7. Gulliver's Travels - $7.2 million ($7.2 million total)
8. Black Swan - $6.6 million ($29.0 million total)
9. Tangled - $6.1 million ($143.8 million total)
10. The Tourist - $5.7 million ($41.2 million total)
Friday, December 24, 2010
Merry Christmas Movie Geeks!!
Die Hard - It's a Christmas movie, a darn good one, too. And who doesn't like John McClaine?
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation - Because Chevy Chase is just so darn funny.
Santa Clause - Because it captures the Christmas mood really well, and it's my girlfriends favorite.
Elf - How can you not love this movie?
Rudolph the Rednosed Reindeer - This is just a classic. It's one that can capture the youthfull innocence of a childs Christmas.
Charlie Brown Christmas - A great Christmas movie that talks about the true meaning of Christmas.
The Ref - Dennis Leary and Kevin Spacey. Can it get any better?
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Fringe/Firefly mashup
Monday, December 20, 2010
Should Indy go to the tomb in the sky?

Sunday, December 19, 2010
Box Office Report - Tron: Legacy strikes gold
1. Tron Legacy - $43.6 million ($43.6 million total)
2. Yogi Bear - $16.7 million ($16.7 million total)
3. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader - $12.4 million ($42.8 million total)
4. The Fighter - $12.2 million ($12.6 million total)
5. The Tourist - $8.7 million ($30.8 million total)
6. Tangled - $8.7 million ($127.8 million total)
7. Black Swan - $8.3 million ($15.7 million total)
8. How Do You Know - $7.6 million ($7.6 million total)
9. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part I - $4.8 million ($265.5 million total)
10. Unstoppable - $1.8 million ($77.3 million total)
Friday, December 17, 2010
Movie Review - True Grit (2010)

Thursday, December 16, 2010
Movie Review - Little Fockers

The movie picks up with Greg juggeling his family with the stress of work, and raising two kids while maintaining a relationship with his wife. Sounds funny so far, right? We finally see Jack come back into Greg's life in the only way he can, as he wants to make Greg the patriarch of the family, or the "Godfocker," as long as he can prove he can lead like Jack does. What follows is Jack and Greg dueling, DeNiro's boner, Jessica Alba being kinda annoying and plenty of "focker" jokes.
I loved the first movie; and why not? There's plenty to love with the first movie. The second movie added two fun characters to the same formula, and the third went back to the same formula, only to add some kids. The point is, it's the same formula, just watered down with extra characters, and more of the same jokes. Now, if you really liked the formula, there will be something left for you to enjoy. For me, it felt like when I hear a friend of mine say the same joke over and over again. The first couple times you laugh, but by the third time, you just grow weary.
There were some good parts to the movie. I think Greg has grown into more than a screw-up; he's a real man, with real issues; kids and a lot to juggle. I like how he's developed, and has become an equal to Jack. I also liked any scene with Greg's parents, played by Barbra Streisand and Dustin Hoffman. While there weren't a lot of scenes, there were a few good ones. The other good scenes were visable in the trailer, like Jack's boner and the chemistry between Stiller and DeNiro. Sadly, there wasn't many other funny parts left for the film.
Sure, there was the classic duel between Stiller and DeNiro, which reached epic proportions in this film, and there were scenes making fun of poop jokes, and blood, and how the word "focker" sounds like something else, but in the end, I would've felt ripped off using my whole paycheck to pay for this movie.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
How I learned to stop worrying and love Jon Favreau

Twitter's top Twatted movies of oh 10
1. Inception
2. Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows
3. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
4. Despicable Me
5. Karate Kid
6. The Last Airbender
7. The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
8. The Expendables
9. The Chronicles of Narnia
10. Paranormal Activity 2
2010 Golden Globe nominations
The Fighter
The King’s Speech
The Social Network
Alice in Wonderland
The Kids Are Alright
The Tourist
Darren Aronosfsky, Black Swan
David Fincher, The Social Network
Tom Hooper, The King’s Speech
Christopher Nolan, Inception
David O. Russell, The Fighter
Jesse Eisenberg, The Social Network
Colin Firth, The King’s Speech
James Franco, 127 Hours
Ryan Gosling, Blue Valentine
Mark Wahlberg, The Fighter
Halle Berry, Frankie and Alice
Nicole Kidman, Rabbit Hole
Jennifer Lawrence, Winter’s Bone
Natalie Portman, Black Swan
Michelle Williams, Blue Valentine
Anette Bening, The Kids Are Alright
Anne Hathaway, Love and Other Drugs
Angelina Jolie, The Tourist
Julianne Moore, The Kids Are Alright
Emma Stone, Easy A
Johnny Depp, Alice in Wonderland
Johnny Depp, The Tourist
Paul Giamatti, Barney’s Version
Jake Gyllenhaal, Love and Other Drugs
Kevin Spacey, Casino Jack
Amy Adams, The Fighter
Helena Bonham Carter, The King’s Speech
Mila Kunis, Black Swan
Melissa Leo, The Fighter
Jackie Weaver, Animal Kingdom
Christian Bale, The Fighter
Michael Douglas, Wall Street 2: Money Never Sleeps
Andrew Garfield, The Social Network
Jeremy Renner, The Town
Geoffrey Rush, The King’s Speech
The Concert
The Edge
I Am Love
In a Better World
Danny Boyle and Simon Beaufoy, 127 Hours
Lisa Cholodenko and Stuart Blumberg, The Kids Are All Right
Christopher Nolan, Inception
David Seidler, The King’s Speech
Aaron Sorkin, The Social Network
Alexandre Desplat, The King’s Speech
Danny Elfman, Alice in Wonderland
A.R. Rahman, 127 Hours
Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross, The Social Network
Hans Zimmer, Inception
Despicable Me
How to Train Your Dragon
The Illusionist
Toy Story 3
“Bound To You” (Burlesque)
“Coming Home” (Country Strong)
“I See The Light” (Tangled)
“There’s a Place For Us” (The Chronicles of Narnia)
“You Haven’t Seen The Last of Me” (Burlesque)
Pirates of the Caribbean on Stranger Tides Trailer
Monday, December 13, 2010
New Comedy Central Logo

So, there it is. What do you think?
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Transformers: Dark of the Moon Teaser Trailer
Check it out and let me know what you think!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Chistopher Nolan's Inception map - SPOILERS

Tuesday, December 7, 2010
George Lucas plays God

There is a rumor going around that Lucas is buying up the rights to famous deceased actors so he can digitally recreate them and place them on screen with some of today's famous actors. The question is, is this a brilliant idea that is the next evolution in film, or is it sacrilege.
As a movie geek, I admit I would love to see John Wayne on screen with The Rock, and Sylvester Stallone in an Expendables: Generations movie, or how amazing it would be for Humphrey Bogart to seduce Angelina Jolie. I mean, that's pretty amazing, right? If Avatar taught us anything, it's that technology is getting to the point where it's not only possible, it's looking beautiful.
My movie geekery aside, if there was a deceased loved one on screen; their likeness being used to make stupid amounts of money, I would be pretty upset, and even if I never knew them, I think it would be more than startling to see a deceased actor just walk on to the screen like nothing happened. Would it take me out of the movie? Absolutely.
So, what do you think? Is it ethically wrong? Would you see the movie? And, who would you like to see Lucas resurrect?
Friday, December 3, 2010
The top 10 of Oh 10
2) Toy Story 3 - A beautiful, animated movie that had more heart than most live action movies this year. It was a fitting end to a beautiful trilogy, and left us wanting more from Woddy, Buzz and the gang. You had to root for this movie, and this movie actually met those expectations it set.
800 posts? Dude, get a life
Thursday, December 2, 2010
WTF News of the week - Hugh Jackman as CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow?
Craig Ferguson and The Doctor
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Film terminology 101
Heath Ledgers Joker to cameo in Batman 3?

Monday, November 29, 2010
Anne Hathaway and James Franco to host 2011 Oscars
RIP Leslie Nielsen

Box Office Report - Harry Potter beats Tangled
1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part I - $50.4 million ($220.4 million total)
2. Tangled - $49.1 million ($69.0 million total)
3. Megamind - $12.9 million ($130.5 million total)
4. Burlesque - $11.8 million ($17.2 million total)
5. Unstoppable - $11.8 million ($60.7 million total)
6. Love and Other Drugs – $9.9 million (14.0 million total)
7. Faster - $8.7 million ($12.2 million)
8. Due Date - $7.3 million ($85.0 million total)
9. The Next Three Days - $4.8 million ($14.6 million total)
10. Morning Glory - $4.0 million ($26.5 million total)
Kevin Smith to retire?
This isn’t news. Y’know what is news? That RED STATE podcast – and we give it away every week FOR FREE. Y’know what else is news? That Richard Kelly podcast. That’s one INSANELY juicy and useful document if you’ve ever been interested in making a film, or even if you’ve just wondered about the vagaries of the movie biz.
But THIS “retirement” crap? Not news so much as another sad example of how fucking lazy movie pr ess has become: they cannibalize stories by other writers just to have something to post on their own blogs. Yours was the only website that bothered to go DIRECTLY to the source, Peter – other cats ran articles without even tossing a Tweet my way to check veracity. And I answer Tweets like I answer the dinner bell: often & much. While sweating. And already eating something else.
I’ve always said (since CLERKS, even) that I’ve got about ten films in me (that info might even be on my Wikipedia page). And COP OUT notwithstanding (solely because I didn’t write it), HIT SOMEBODY is the 10th film I’ve got in me. At this moment in time, I’ve got no other flicks I wanna make. The musing about a possible return visit to the View Askewniverse with a third CLERKS is something I’ve been doing since CLERKS II, but I’ve always opened said musings with the disclaimer “If I ever wanna make a flick about being in my 40′s, I’ll think of Da nte & Randal first.” There are no concrete plans for a CLERKS III.
The author of the Boston Phoenix piece did a really nice job of not hyping that throwaway factoid in the article and turning it into the exact piece of specious bullshit “news” the websites you mentioned are trying to create of it.
You want REAL Kevin Smith news? Listen to HOLLYWOOD BABBLE-ON tomorrow morning and I’ll tell you who the lead in HIT SOMEBODY is gonna be. Or download the RED STATE OF THE UNION podcast this Tuesday and find out what actors passed on the flick! THAT shit’s Kevin Smith news, son!
But if you can’t wait ’til then? If you’ve GOTTA have some Kevin Smith news to hold you over? Here’s something that’s not so much news as my stated intentions for RED STATE: if it gets into Sundance, my plan is to pick the RED STATE distributor right there – IN THE ROOM – auction style. Might even bring up a professional auctioneer to make it fun and unintelligible. And if you’re a multi-millionaire who can’t make it to the first screening of RED STATE, fear not: maybe we’ll set up an eBay page for the post-screening bid-calling as well.
See? With a little diligence on a newsie’s behalf, not only did he get to the bottom of his story, he got some exclusive shit nobody else has as well! And it’s not like Peter’s got a secret line to me. I’m WAY reachable. I’m so tired of doing lazy fucker’s jobs FOR them – especially when they’re the same lazy fuckers who’re screaming “YOUR MOVIE SUCKS!” a month later anyway. Some of your peers need to act a little less entitled and a little more Sciretta.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Harry Potter plays Daniel Radcliffe
Monday, November 22, 2010
Movie Review - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows Part 1

The series taken from the beloved children's books and adapted into the biggest movie franchise in history is coming to a close with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1. As sides clash, characters embrace their destiny and studios rake in the dough, we get the feeling something special is ending. So, where does the seventh Harry Potter movie rank in the series?
The second movie picks up some time after the events of the previous film, with the gravity of the situation in full force as the Minister of Magic (Bill Nighy) tries to convince everyone, including himself that everything is ok. As a result, Harry's relatives pack up and leave; Hermoine leaves her parents, making them forget their daughter ever existed, and Ron is left contemplating whether his family will make it out alive as they gather for a wedding.
Once we get the intro, we are treated to one of the best action scenes in franchise history as Harry's friends try to transport their most valuable cargo to a safer location. Things go terribly wrong; brooms fly, and good and evil do battle in the skies as Harry tries to get away in Hagrid's side car. This was my favorite part of the movie with some great scenes, and gorgeous action shots. We get a quick lull in the action before another death eater attack leaves Hermoine, Ron and Harry on their own, and on the run.
As someone who has never read the books, I always feel like there are stories hinted at that are never fully realized in the movies, and this one is no exception. Dumbledore's mysterious past is referenced, but left in the background. There were hints to movies past, from mention of the Basilisk in Chamber of Secrets, to the Sword of Gryffindor, and the golden snitch from the first quiddich game.
The actors only get better with age as you get the feeling Emma Watson, Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint are as comfortable in their characters shoes as they are in their own. Radcliffe especially flexes his acting chops with several scenes of intensity in a

This movie shows it's no longer for kids with torture, death, and a pretty hot scene involving Harry and Hermoine. While there are several bright spots in the series, Goblet of Fire being my favorite, this has to be lower on the list for me. The grayness in the movie, meant to enforce the weight of the world left me depressed. There were some amazing, beautiful, dramatic scenes, but at 2 hours and 36 minutes, I started to notice the length at times, specifically in the middle.
With the action packed beginning and the dramatic end, littered with just a hint of humor, like scene with multiple Harry's, or any time they change shape, the middle, with all its scenery, and emotion packed dialogue dragged. It seemed they just teleported from one beautiful location to another without any point or purpose with tidbits of swords and the origins of magic spread throughout their travels, with the radio spreading news of death in the background the whole way.
Overall, any Harry Potter fan will be flocking to see this movie no matter what I say, and the movie will set box office record after box office record, but in the end, I don't think this will be my favorite. With the grim feeling, and depressing backdrop, this movie won't beg for the repeated viewings the others will. Either way, Harry is more than worth your time. It's beautiful, wonderfully dramatic, with a hint of humor and some nicely done action. See it; if for nothing else, to see the buildup to the ending we've all waited for since meeting that young boy all those years ago.
EDITORS NOTE: This also appeared on Creative Loafing's website HERE and SpoilerTV's website HERE. Check out the comments from these great communities.
Movie Review - Faster - Starring Dwayne Johnson

Disney done with Fairy Tales? Please no
WTF news of the week - Abraham Lincoln comes to the big screen