Thursday, June 25, 2009

Racism with robots?

I know I haven't posted as much as I normally do, but that is because I am really trying to step up the quality of the next post or two. Anywho, this post on Yahoo, /film and The Movie Blog all got me thinking if there was a real problem, or if movie people got all up tight.

The post is about the two robots, Skids and Mudflap appearing as the comedic relief in Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen. These two robots have been compared to Jar-Jar Binks of Star Wars fame, but the way they talk, and their mannerisms are what is brought into question.

The articles all describe the robots the same way, which cracks me up, "They both speak Jive, and one has a gold tooth." Now, basically, what they are trying to say is both exhibit behavior of a stereotypical, gangster, gold tooth and all.

Now, this has me thinking, is this a lame, lazy bit of script writing, or has the movie community just gone soft? Since I haven't seen the movie yet, although I plan on rectifying that soon, I would say the movie community has gone soft.

I mean, really, get a life. Sure the stereotypes are lame, and sure its Michael Bay's way of getting kids to identify with robots without explosions, and sure its a pretty terrible way, but if you think its offensive, I want you to head-butt the monitor your looking at until your head hurts. People always complain about how America is too PC until a robot looks like someone else, then we start talking racial stereotypes. Since no one on the planet is a ghetto robot, its just silly.

While they may be annoying, they should not be considered offensive, and people need to get a life and move on. So, there is my rant for today. What do you think, is this offensive, or do the writers of these articles need a good pimp-smack?


Rabid Nick said...

Hmm..."should not be offensive."

I don't agree with that. If someone is offended they are offended its just natural and not manufactured. People can't help but be effected by something, good or bad.

Now if you are talking about the media drumming up controversy I am with you.

I think it is lame that they went with the lowest common denominator to "appeal" to people with a franchise that has made millions for 25 years.

The should have spent more time making a good movie. :(

Anonymous said...

I see it as complaining that something in Mummy 3 affected your BS-Radar. Seriously, we are mad at Robots trying to save humans from destruction? Where's the gratitude?

Kevin said...

Why don't you have a blog of your own Bell? I know I would be a reader...religeously!