Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Fantasy Casting - The Jetsons

Meet George do dodoo...Alright, most of you guys probably don't really know the Jetsons theme song, but I'm sure you've atleast seen the show once or twice. There is serious talk about a script being done, and casting getting ready to start for a live action Jetsons Movie.

I always liked the Jetsons just because its basically the same social attitude as back in the '70s, except its set in the distant, cool future with flying cars, and all kinds of really cool gadgets. Granted, the stuff they had was kinda goofy versions of stuff I can download an IPhone app for, but it was cool when I was a kid. Now, who are we gonna cast as the Jetson family?

George Jetson - Will Ferrell - I know Land of the Lost blew and all, but I think if you can put some sort of reigns on Farrell's wackiness, he would be perfect. Between Land of the Lost and Bewitched, maybe third time is a charm.
Jane Jetson - Amy Adams - This woman is amazing in everything. She is adorable, she has great range and should be in more movies. I think she can do the sweet American Mother-type thing justice.
Judy Jetson - Hayden Panitierre - This is another girl who just oozes charm. She has the ability to do the perfect teenager bit well, as she has demonstrated in I love you Beth Cooper, and Heroes. No, we aren't saving the cheerleader to save the world...stop it!
Elroy Jetson - Freddie Highmore - If anyone says Zach Efron, I will punch them in the face. Alright, this one has me stumped. I don't know any little kids. The only one I could think of is getting a bit old, but its the kid from Finding Neverland and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Both movies, Freddie showed a lot of promise. Hopefully this movie can get made before the kid picks up a nasty crack habit.
Mr. Spacely - Danny Devito - This one is a no brainer. I mean, short, loud, annoying, in the original movie, you just knew the boss was from Jersey, and here ya go, proof!
Rosie the Robot - Queen Latifah - You may have to go CGI here, but Rosie always had a bit of an attitude, but was loving and caring, and the Queen could do that perfectly, and no, I will not refer you to Taxi Cab for reference. Your welcome.

So, there ya have it. The Jetsons in a nutshell. If you ever saw the movie that came it, it taught us one thing, you must have an '80s rock anthem for the theme song and me, it just works.

So, did I get it right, or did you think of something better? If you say Megan Fox for Judy, be prepared for some slappage; this is a family movie!


Anonymous said...

100% correct in my book! I have no qualms with any of those!!!


Kevin said...

So, you didn't think Elroy should go to Zack Efron either, ehh? Thank god!

Rabid Nick said...

George--Tom Hanks
Jane--Amy Adams IS a good choice
Judy--Paris Hilton (yeah I said it)
Elroy--WWE's Hornswaggle
Spacely--Kevin Space(l)y

Kevin said...

I like Tom Hanks for George. He really needs to do some comedy again, he definetly has the gift.