Friday, June 26, 2009

Amelia Aerhardt gets an actress..unfortunetly

So, it was announced that a biopic of one of the most famous women in all history, Amelia Aerhardt is being made. When I heard that, I thought that was great news, cinema could use a strong female character right now. I have to admit, I instantly thought of Amy Adams and her great portrayal of the character in Night in the Museum 2, say what you want about the movie, I liked it, and she is adorable in everything. So, needless to say, I did have high hopes for a great movie, the likes of Aviator, or some other great biopic I can't think of right now.

Unfortunately, my hopes were shattered when I found out the lead role was going to Hillary Swank. For those of you who don't know, I am not a fan of hers, not even close, in fact, every time I see her act, I want to find the nearest baby and smack it. But, the movie is coming out, with Richard Greer in the role as the husband...Mr. Aerhardt.

Hopefully, they can find another famous female and make a movie with a good actress for cinema to have a strong female lead, but until then, we have Amelia.


Anonymous said...

The fake southern accent in Million Dollar Baby did me in. Almost as bad as "I don't want your life."
She has a funny mouth. =)

Kevin said...

Nice one, Bell! That was really bad, but what did me in was her acceptance speech for a freakin' Oscar..."I'm just a girrll from a trailer park with a dream." I just hope her dream ends with my foot in her ... well, you know.