Friday, April 3, 2009

Trailer of the Week!

This weeks trailer is for a movie opening today to surprisingly good reviews. First off, this is a red-band trailer, which means it has some bad language, so you don't wanna have it cranked at work, it's ok...I'll wait while you turn the volume down....yep, click the speaker icon...there ya go. Anyway, redband trailers are usually a huge waste of time, promising R-rated content and delivering didly squat. This trailer acknowledges the mythos behind the red banner, and smacks you in the face with it.
The movie looks great from this preview, and makes Kristen Stewart of Twilight fame look absolutely adorable, completely abolishing any problems I had with her with the first Twilight trailer. I think this is a movie I would actually go see in theaters, given the time, and this trailer is expertly done, and hitting its target audience, check it out and enjoy!

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