This is enough to make anyone crazy. Sequels seem to be all the rage as of late, but the amount of possible sequels in some sort of pre-production over the past week is enough to make anyone go "whoah, if I see one more sequel, I may throw up." You may not say that, but you get the point. Here are some sequels at least being talked about in the movie circles this week.
Star Trek 2...well, 2. J.J. Abrams Star Trek has already greenlight a sequel, and the cast are already signed, so, like it or not, it'll be comin' down the pipes soon enough.
Who Framed Roger Rabbit 2. This was just announced today in the pre-pre-production. Apparently Robert Zemeckis has a great idea and with new technology looks to push the envelope even farther.
Predators-Robert Rodriguez wants to do a remake, or sequel or prequel, he's not sure yet, but he wants to bring the Predator back to the glory of the first one.
Alien-Ridley Scott wants to come back to the Alien franchise with a prequel, set before Ripley.
TMNT- a new live action movie is planned for 2010, and promises to reignite the turtles to 80's fame.
Wall Street 2- Oliver Stone announced the sequel to the classic starring Michael Douglas. Apparently Douglas and Shiah Lebouf are the popular vote around there, cause Shiah has a bit of experience with old movies being dusted off and ruined (Indiana Jones).
Clueless-I can't make this crap up, but apparently Alicia Silverstone hasn't been famous for awhile, so she needs more money.
Gremlins 3-Yes, Gizmo is coming back, and once again, people will feed him after midnight and spill water on him and his evil friends will rise; evil shennanigans will ensue.
Robocop 4-There is talk of a reboot to the gritty, hardcore 80's slaughterfest. This could be great, with today's technology making a slightly less cheesy action movie.
Remember, it's not a good sequel unless the tagline has "secret of the ooz" or "this time they mean business." The exception is Hot Shots "Part Deux"
I, personally am still waiting for the long promised Dude Where's my car sequel...if Clueless gets the sequel treatment, that can't be far behind.
Stay cool, movie geeks!
I want to be a writer when I grow up. This blog is my journey. I will become a better writer, better husband, better Dad and a better movie geek.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Doesn't that blow your mind?!?
/Film has being getting all 'Socratic Method' on us and has come up with a theory about two of my favorite movies that makes me question reality. Their theory involves the famous Fight Club, and Ferris Bueller's day off. I know, the similarities between the two movies are astounding, right? Well, according to /Film's theory, maybe they are.
So, are you sitting down? No? Ok, well, sit down... ... ... now that you've sat down, the theory goes that Ferris Bueller is suffering from the same problem Tyler Turbin is, in that he is just a figment of someones imagination, in this case, Cameron. The idea is that Ferris Bueller is actually Cameron's alter ego, a character that allows him to be the super guy that gets the girl, and that is a guy everyone loves. It's only after Cameron's character asserts himself and destroys the Ferrari that Buellers character gets a happy ending and Cameron starts to get on with his life. This does explain how they did everything in Chicago between the hours of 9 to 5.
Now, there are a few flaws, but it's an interesting idea, don't you think? It makes you wonder if Ferris is a figment, maybe there are others that are guess is we are all just a dream of Gallagher, but that is neither here nor there.
Stay cool movie geeks!
So, are you sitting down? No? Ok, well, sit down... ... ... now that you've sat down, the theory goes that Ferris Bueller is suffering from the same problem Tyler Turbin is, in that he is just a figment of someones imagination, in this case, Cameron. The idea is that Ferris Bueller is actually Cameron's alter ego, a character that allows him to be the super guy that gets the girl, and that is a guy everyone loves. It's only after Cameron's character asserts himself and destroys the Ferrari that Buellers character gets a happy ending and Cameron starts to get on with his life. This does explain how they did everything in Chicago between the hours of 9 to 5.
Now, there are a few flaws, but it's an interesting idea, don't you think? It makes you wonder if Ferris is a figment, maybe there are others that are guess is we are all just a dream of Gallagher, but that is neither here nor there.
Stay cool movie geeks!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
New Transformers 2 trailer online!
I'm sure I will have it for my trailer of the week segment on Friday, but it is out there, go to Youtube, and it'll be impossible to miss. Right now, all the links eventually get killed because the trailer doesn't officially come out until Friday. But, I saw it, and WOW, I hope they have plenty of IMAX theaters because it looks like all out robot mayhem.
Despite what people are saying about the first one, I thoroughly enjoyed the first Transformers, I mean it did a lot of thinks right and was an enjoyable movie to watch. I think this will be more of the same, and will probably remove some of the stupid peeing jokes and be a bit darker movie, judging from the trailer, that outta please the masses. You have to hand it to Michael Bay, he makes a heck of a popcorn flick, but will never win an Academy Award.
So, what do you think about the upcoming Transformers movie? Excited? Bored?
Despite what people are saying about the first one, I thoroughly enjoyed the first Transformers, I mean it did a lot of thinks right and was an enjoyable movie to watch. I think this will be more of the same, and will probably remove some of the stupid peeing jokes and be a bit darker movie, judging from the trailer, that outta please the masses. You have to hand it to Michael Bay, he makes a heck of a popcorn flick, but will never win an Academy Award.
So, what do you think about the upcoming Transformers movie? Excited? Bored?
We're goin' back in time!
I am going to spare you the babble about how Kevin's Movie Blog is so popular, we bought a Time Machine and just get into the topic. My sister asked me yesterday an interesting question that I think would spawn some interesting answers. "If you could go back in time and stop any movie from being made, which one would it be." Now, you can think of the butterfly effect if you wanna get all deep and philosophical, or you can just respond with a movie that you thought was so incredibly terrible, it would actually do the world good if it didn't exist.
Is there a movie that would align the planets, allowing for meaningful communication from extra terrestrials to common household pets and bring about world peace? (By the way, that bit was from Bill & Teds Excellent Adventure, and if that is your's on!)
Now, I thought long and hard about this... ... well, ok, you got me, I thought about it for a matter of 2 minutes, but I really concentrated... ... fine, it was while I was inflating a tire and carrying on a conversation, but I am really good at multi tasking. Anywho, my answer surprised me, but hear me out.
The answer is Star Wars Ep. 1. Now, let me preface that by saying I am a huge Star Wars fan, according to the movie Fanboys, I would pass any trivia test they can throw at me, but the reason why I would kill this is due to the fact Ep. 1 tainted the entire 6-tology. Now, the first reason you can think of is Jar Jar Binks, and that is not correct, in fact, I think Jar Jar has his place (more on that later). I think the movie was by far the most inferior, it tainted the image of Darth Vader, by showing him as a little annoying kid. He went from a feared badass with a bone chilling breathing sound to a kid who has a crush on Natalie Portman and can fix anything. As I have said before, you don't need to know everything that made the monster, sometimes just that he is evil is good enough, and usually more terrifying... ...forget making him human and justifying his later monstrous actions.
The film also showed the then "Immortal George Lucas," at that point, a god among men a truly flawed movie maker. No matter what would come after this, the newer trilogy would never recover and always have a tainted image, and the one flaw in an otherwise great set of movies.
Now, which would it be for you? Is it Dude Where's My Car? or maybe you would stop Saw and end the torture porn subclass before it ever got started? Let me know!
Until then, movie geeks, stay cool!
Is there a movie that would align the planets, allowing for meaningful communication from extra terrestrials to common household pets and bring about world peace? (By the way, that bit was from Bill & Teds Excellent Adventure, and if that is your's on!)
Now, I thought long and hard about this... ... well, ok, you got me, I thought about it for a matter of 2 minutes, but I really concentrated... ... fine, it was while I was inflating a tire and carrying on a conversation, but I am really good at multi tasking. Anywho, my answer surprised me, but hear me out.
The answer is Star Wars Ep. 1. Now, let me preface that by saying I am a huge Star Wars fan, according to the movie Fanboys, I would pass any trivia test they can throw at me, but the reason why I would kill this is due to the fact Ep. 1 tainted the entire 6-tology. Now, the first reason you can think of is Jar Jar Binks, and that is not correct, in fact, I think Jar Jar has his place (more on that later). I think the movie was by far the most inferior, it tainted the image of Darth Vader, by showing him as a little annoying kid. He went from a feared badass with a bone chilling breathing sound to a kid who has a crush on Natalie Portman and can fix anything. As I have said before, you don't need to know everything that made the monster, sometimes just that he is evil is good enough, and usually more terrifying... ...forget making him human and justifying his later monstrous actions.
The film also showed the then "Immortal George Lucas," at that point, a god among men a truly flawed movie maker. No matter what would come after this, the newer trilogy would never recover and always have a tainted image, and the one flaw in an otherwise great set of movies.
Now, which would it be for you? Is it Dude Where's My Car? or maybe you would stop Saw and end the torture porn subclass before it ever got started? Let me know!
Until then, movie geeks, stay cool!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Trailer mashup: Oceans 11 meets the Muppets!
This is hilarious, and a good job at editing, too! I hope the Muppets can return to glory soon, because this trailer has me feeling nostalgic for Kermit, Fozzy and the gang.
Check it out!
Check it out!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Trailer of the week
I know, I know, I'm late. I prefer to call it fashionably late, but I don't know anything about fashion, so, who knows. So, on to the important stuff.
This week is a perfect example of a bad trailer. The trailer is creepy enough, but it does a few things wrong. First off, the trailer shows and practically flaunts a cardinal no no for horror movies, it shows the face of the bad guy. If your writing and filming is bad enough to where you need the poor shock value of showing the bad guys face, fine, call it a cheap movie, but don't flaunt the error in the trailer. The movie, in case I forgot to mention is Rob Zombies H2, and it shows a major complaint of the remake, and while us movie critics want to hang him from his pinky toe until he screams like a little girl, and this trailer comes out and waves it around like a fat guy and a free donut; Zombie tells the entire origin of the monster. I mean, in the name of all that is holy, do we need to know exactly why the monster is a monster? Why can't he just be evil, I mean, that should be good enough, and it was good enough for the original? I don't hate remakes as a rule, but there are a few things here I don't like. First off, it's clear you need to see the first movie, which sounds terrible, second it looks really cliched, not original, which is why the movie should be remade, because you have an original idea for the character, and finally you have some crazy chick ready to explain the history of Mike Myers into some convenient George Lucas approved film o' crap.
So, there ya have it, kinda negative, but this trailer breaks all the rules and doesn't scare me in the least, what do you think?
This week is a perfect example of a bad trailer. The trailer is creepy enough, but it does a few things wrong. First off, the trailer shows and practically flaunts a cardinal no no for horror movies, it shows the face of the bad guy. If your writing and filming is bad enough to where you need the poor shock value of showing the bad guys face, fine, call it a cheap movie, but don't flaunt the error in the trailer. The movie, in case I forgot to mention is Rob Zombies H2, and it shows a major complaint of the remake, and while us movie critics want to hang him from his pinky toe until he screams like a little girl, and this trailer comes out and waves it around like a fat guy and a free donut; Zombie tells the entire origin of the monster. I mean, in the name of all that is holy, do we need to know exactly why the monster is a monster? Why can't he just be evil, I mean, that should be good enough, and it was good enough for the original? I don't hate remakes as a rule, but there are a few things here I don't like. First off, it's clear you need to see the first movie, which sounds terrible, second it looks really cliched, not original, which is why the movie should be remade, because you have an original idea for the character, and finally you have some crazy chick ready to explain the history of Mike Myers into some convenient George Lucas approved film o' crap.
So, there ya have it, kinda negative, but this trailer breaks all the rules and doesn't scare me in the least, what do you think?
Sex Drive review

The characters are simple in Sex Drive, you have the wallflower virgin, looking for love, you have the confident best friend, practically swimming in women, you have the gorgeous woman who happens to be the wallflowers best friend. You see, the gorgeous woman and the wallflower love each other, but the audience is the only ones who realize this until the climax of the movie. The final character is the car, it represents sin, and is usually the first thing that breaks the wallflower lead out of his shell of lameness. In Sex Drives case, the sin incarnate is a 1969 GTO Judge, a truly sweet car that has sin written all over it.
When you rent the DVD, there are two sides, the first side is the traditional PG-13 movie, which has the normal pee-pee jokes, and the unrated movie has all the same jokes. The payoff for the unrated version, however, is the intro. In the beginning, they say they hate when they just put in an "extra tit" so they just show a naked woman right there, and if that wasn't enough, they have some wang next to the director saying how this won't be just the same old movie. They were right, they just add a random woman walking through the scene, completely natural. On top of the complete randomness of that, they also show a few outtakes, left in the movie, which, in my opinion is some of the funniest of the jokes in the movie. The best is "ooh, Cyclops!"
There are good parts of the movie, besides the sheer raunchiness, James Marsden is hilariously funny, and easily carried the film, and provided for the funniest moments in the movie for me. The other good character was Seth Green. Green is a minor character, but provided the remaining humor in the movie.
With the exception of Green and Marsden, you can pretty much fast forward through the rest of this cliche ridden movie. While it's funny, it is easily forgettable and will quickly go back to Netflix without much of a second thought.
I recommend catching this if your in the mood for some cheesy fun, but, whatever you do, make sure the parents aren't in the room, and in the name of all that is holy, don't pay to watch it.
5 out of 10
Monday, April 20, 2009
TV Edits that make you cringe!
I got this video of the edit FX did to make Snakes on a Plane more TV friendly from /Film and it just made my jaw drop. I mean, the line I am talking about is THE signature line in the movie, it involves Samuel L. Jackson striking such an obvious hero pose, it's silly, and uttering a line that makes me shed a tear of joy....however, this edit, makes me laugh and feel dirty about laughing.
I'm sorry, but if you have to edit a line like this, maybe you shouldn't air the movie. I am a huge advocate for not editing movies, as far as I'm concerned, it's like putting a F*%$ing censor box over the Mona Lisa, if you don't like the artists work, don't watch. Don't get me wrong, here, Snakes on a Plane is no Mona Lisa, but it is silly, cheesy fun, and when that snake jumps out of the barf-bag, I still bounce off the ceiling.
Check out the video below...and see how editing is really done! *End sarcasm
I'm sorry, but if you have to edit a line like this, maybe you shouldn't air the movie. I am a huge advocate for not editing movies, as far as I'm concerned, it's like putting a F*%$ing censor box over the Mona Lisa, if you don't like the artists work, don't watch. Don't get me wrong, here, Snakes on a Plane is no Mona Lisa, but it is silly, cheesy fun, and when that snake jumps out of the barf-bag, I still bounce off the ceiling.
Check out the video below...and see how editing is really done! *End sarcasm
201...and they haven't said I suck...yet!
That's wright, the last post was number 201. It's a milestone, so pull out the paper hats, and the noise makers and the beer...woohoo!!
Hopefully, the next 200 will come even quicker!
Hopefully, the next 200 will come even quicker!
is PG-13 ruining Horror?
With the news that Sam Raimi's (Spiderman, Evil Dead) new movie Drag Me To Hell working to get a PG-13 rating, there are a few columns that have said that filmmakers watering down their film to get a PG-13 rating is ruining the horror days of old. What do you think, is the idea of a PG-13 horror movie turn you off of the movie?
I personally agree with the idea of watered down horror movies, I mean, I would be stupid to say they don't exist, however, not all PG-13 movies are watered down horror movies. I think some movies out there don't have to be R-rated to be good, however, I think when you make the movie you come right out and say yes, it's PG-13, or we will rock the R, but don't be wishy-washy and make an R movie, and realize you'll get more money if you shift it to PG-13, and I hope that's not what Raimi did, but I have a feeling the studios took over and worked him like a little kid in India.
So, what do you think, watered down horror, or crappy decide!
I personally agree with the idea of watered down horror movies, I mean, I would be stupid to say they don't exist, however, not all PG-13 movies are watered down horror movies. I think some movies out there don't have to be R-rated to be good, however, I think when you make the movie you come right out and say yes, it's PG-13, or we will rock the R, but don't be wishy-washy and make an R movie, and realize you'll get more money if you shift it to PG-13, and I hope that's not what Raimi did, but I have a feeling the studios took over and worked him like a little kid in India.
So, what do you think, watered down horror, or crappy decide!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Ashton Kutcher, the king of Twitter? Really?!
Semi-movie related news coming today that CNN was thwarted for a very prestigious honor, not by FOX, or even Jon Stewart, no, CNN and Ted Turner lost to none other than Mr. Demi Moore himself, Ashton Kutcher. Ok, first off, he will always be Chester from Dude Where's My Car? and as such, I will not be able to take him seriously; secondly, what does that say about the people on Twitter, that they would care more about Ashton Kutcher, than a news organization.
I personally don't use Twitter, mainly because I'm never doing anything interesting enough to share with others, but if I did use the site, I wouldn't give two...well, you know, about what Ashton Kutcher is doing, I mean, besides the Nikon commercials, what has he done lately?
Well, that is it for my semi-real news, not Reel, back to the stuff that matters....MOVIES!
I personally don't use Twitter, mainly because I'm never doing anything interesting enough to share with others, but if I did use the site, I wouldn't give two...well, you know, about what Ashton Kutcher is doing, I mean, besides the Nikon commercials, what has he done lately?
Well, that is it for my semi-real news, not Reel, back to the stuff that matters....MOVIES!
Box office predictions, Round 1
There has been a lot of talk about box office predictions, and the talk gets only more critical as a Wallstreet esque system arises for predicting the mulah a movie makes. Given that, I am going to start trying to predict how much movies will take in. I assure you, the numbers won't be just whipped out of my....well, you got the idea.
So, today, a report is saying studios are expecting X-Men Origins: Wolverine to bring in $80 million for the opening weekend. That's a pretty hefty amount, here's some numbers to ponder.
Pirates of the Carribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl - $46 million
The Matrix - $27 million
Fast and Furious just released - $70 million
X-men - $54 million
X-men: The last stand (a.k.a. the abomination) - $122 million
Spiderman - $114 million.
Given those numbers, you could say $80 is a pretty good number, considering Fast and Furious had such numbers. I think I will go in the opposite direction with this one, I think opening weekend will be a bit light, despite the fact there is nothing big opening the same day, I'm putting in writing I think the opening weekend will be $73 million.
So, today, a report is saying studios are expecting X-Men Origins: Wolverine to bring in $80 million for the opening weekend. That's a pretty hefty amount, here's some numbers to ponder.
Pirates of the Carribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl - $46 million
The Matrix - $27 million
Fast and Furious just released - $70 million
X-men - $54 million
X-men: The last stand (a.k.a. the abomination) - $122 million
Spiderman - $114 million.
Given those numbers, you could say $80 is a pretty good number, considering Fast and Furious had such numbers. I think I will go in the opposite direction with this one, I think opening weekend will be a bit light, despite the fact there is nothing big opening the same day, I'm putting in writing I think the opening weekend will be $73 million.
Trailer of the week!
It's Friday, movie geeks, and you know what that, not that Dollhouse is on tonight, no, not that you have two whole days to play Fallout 3 (guilty) it means its time for Trailer of the Week.
Today's trailer just came out. A shorter, teaser version had been out for some time, but this trailer is the last, and most current, and, by far the best in a series full of great theatrical moments. I'm talking about Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I've always liked the movies, but I've always felt that I was missing a lot of back story and felt like I only got part of a bigger picture by not reading the books. I understand there is copious amounts of material that simply can't be put in a movie, but I still think you should get a well rounded story, not cut scenes from a storyboard based on a book. Anyway, I digress, back to the trailer. This trailer looks incredible, dark, and it feels like we are reaching the culmination of a characters journey that gets me onto the edge of my seat. Before someone wants to come running in, screaming spoilers from the book, don't bother. I know how the movie ends, but in no way does that effect how excited I am for this movie after the trailer. I will be there at midnight with all the Pott-heads...wait, um, Potter-heads....Harry-Heads....death eaters....Granger's gang? I dunno, but I will be there.
Check this trailer out, it perfectly sets up a battle and doesn't give away too much at the same time.
Today's trailer just came out. A shorter, teaser version had been out for some time, but this trailer is the last, and most current, and, by far the best in a series full of great theatrical moments. I'm talking about Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I've always liked the movies, but I've always felt that I was missing a lot of back story and felt like I only got part of a bigger picture by not reading the books. I understand there is copious amounts of material that simply can't be put in a movie, but I still think you should get a well rounded story, not cut scenes from a storyboard based on a book. Anyway, I digress, back to the trailer. This trailer looks incredible, dark, and it feels like we are reaching the culmination of a characters journey that gets me onto the edge of my seat. Before someone wants to come running in, screaming spoilers from the book, don't bother. I know how the movie ends, but in no way does that effect how excited I am for this movie after the trailer. I will be there at midnight with all the Pott-heads...wait, um, Potter-heads....Harry-Heads....death eaters....Granger's gang? I dunno, but I will be there.
Check this trailer out, it perfectly sets up a battle and doesn't give away too much at the same time.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Fight for a TV show!

Anyway, my current favorite show on TV, CHUCK, is on the bubble, and because I really like supporting a fun, smart, entertaining show that reminds me of my Best Buy days, I am looking to support Chuck. Attached is a link to a site that talks all about how to save the show. I'm not asking you to do this, all I'm asking is watch it, you may or may not like it, either way, I will have an impact on you, muahaha. Anyway, Monday nights, NBC, 8 pm, be there or be ... ... well, somewhere else, but hopefully there.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Chris Pine is now officially EVERYWHERE
If you don't know who Chris Pine is, turn on your TV, open the paper, or pick up a tabloid mag, and he is right there, either promoting Star Trek, as James T. Kirk, or talking about massive rumors over his next few projects, cameras are attacking this guy like a fat kid attacks a cupcake.
There are many rumors swirling as to what Pine's next role will be, and on top of that, reviews are coming out saying he is the next Kirk, and truly owns the role, which is impressive considering the shoes he had to fill. He has been rumored to be in talks to play the lead in the next Green Lantern movie, and was also overheard the other day saying he was talking to the director of the new A-Team movie, he was saying he loves Hannibal, and will be aggressively going after that role, which could be likely, considering the director of A-Team has worked with him before on Smokin' Aces, and the result was a great, crazy-guy performance. Furthermore, a sequel to Star Trek has already been approved, which means, after a bit of salary negotiation, you'll most likely see Pine return to the Captains seat one more time.
So, as the Star Trek promotional train reaches full speed, look for Pine, he'll be the guy that's hard to miss!
There are many rumors swirling as to what Pine's next role will be, and on top of that, reviews are coming out saying he is the next Kirk, and truly owns the role, which is impressive considering the shoes he had to fill. He has been rumored to be in talks to play the lead in the next Green Lantern movie, and was also overheard the other day saying he was talking to the director of the new A-Team movie, he was saying he loves Hannibal, and will be aggressively going after that role, which could be likely, considering the director of A-Team has worked with him before on Smokin' Aces, and the result was a great, crazy-guy performance. Furthermore, a sequel to Star Trek has already been approved, which means, after a bit of salary negotiation, you'll most likely see Pine return to the Captains seat one more time.
So, as the Star Trek promotional train reaches full speed, look for Pine, he'll be the guy that's hard to miss!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Bourne 4 coming in 2011
You heard it here, on Kevin's movie blog first, unless you saw it on another movie blog, but I urge you to forget that and just go with me on this one that you saw it here first....anyway... The fourth movie in the series has been given the green light to start filming with Matt Damon reprising his role as Jason Bourne, the bad ass with the bad memory.
The interesting part is, the first three movies were based of a best selling book series of three books, so the fourth will have to be independent of the books, and actually create a story for the character. Will this be the end of the great movies? Will the story telling fall flat on it's face? Will Batman and Robin get out of this alive? Stay tuned, same bat-time, same bat-channel. Ok, but seriously, this will be a big difference that could make the movie even better, no longer confined to the constraints of a dead medium, or it could lean on poor storytellers and be like Quantum of Solace. Which do you think is more likely, and will you go see the fourth Bourne?
And, more importantly, what will the title be, I mean, Bourne Supremacy was good, and how do you get better than Bourne Ultimatum? Bourne Finale? Bourne Again? Bad-ass Bourne and the secret of the ooze? Yes, that last one is it, I'm calling the studios right now!
Stay cool, movie geeks!
The interesting part is, the first three movies were based of a best selling book series of three books, so the fourth will have to be independent of the books, and actually create a story for the character. Will this be the end of the great movies? Will the story telling fall flat on it's face? Will Batman and Robin get out of this alive? Stay tuned, same bat-time, same bat-channel. Ok, but seriously, this will be a big difference that could make the movie even better, no longer confined to the constraints of a dead medium, or it could lean on poor storytellers and be like Quantum of Solace. Which do you think is more likely, and will you go see the fourth Bourne?
And, more importantly, what will the title be, I mean, Bourne Supremacy was good, and how do you get better than Bourne Ultimatum? Bourne Finale? Bourne Again? Bad-ass Bourne and the secret of the ooze? Yes, that last one is it, I'm calling the studios right now!
Stay cool, movie geeks!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
How movies are like sponges
Fast and Furious finished with another $28 million this week, giving the movie a two week total of $130 million, already enough to warrant a fifth movie. Rumors are circling and several websites are reporting Paul Walker and Vin Diesel have signed on and the fifth film will take place in Brazil. This series is a clinic on how to turn a remake of a good action movie (Point Break) and stumble and stumble with an obviously popular concept until there is not a penny left. My guess for the title, follow the fourth films trend of removing words from the original: Fast Furious, or maybe and Furious, or just Fast and... I guess that means, either they will have to change schemes, or they can only have 3 more movies.
Don't get me wrong, I admit, as a guy, there is a mild interest in the fourth movie. I admit, I watched the first two, but I didn't inhale....wait... I was forced into it by a girlfriend? No, huh? Ok, would you believe it was on, and I was too lazy to change the channel.....oh you believe that one, don't you?!?
So, next time you say "they are just making that sequel for the money" (which is ok, it's a business, you can't blame them if people pay to watch it) then you can say they are pulling a Fast and Furious.
Don't get me wrong, I admit, as a guy, there is a mild interest in the fourth movie. I admit, I watched the first two, but I didn't inhale....wait... I was forced into it by a girlfriend? No, huh? Ok, would you believe it was on, and I was too lazy to change the channel.....oh you believe that one, don't you?!?
So, next time you say "they are just making that sequel for the money" (which is ok, it's a business, you can't blame them if people pay to watch it) then you can say they are pulling a Fast and Furious.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Trailer of the week!
It's that time again, Friday is here, and you know what that,, no, it means it's time for the trailer of the week! That's so much better than beer and a couple days off of work, right? Hello?!? Anyone there?!?
Todays trailer is for a movie called Mutant Chronicles. According to the trailer, it seems to have some good actors, including Thomas Jane, John Malkovich and Hellboy himself, Ron Pearlman. If that wasn't enough to get your attention, the way the film is shot, it makes it look like a cross between Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow and Sin City, the uniquely Green Screen style that has become very famous, much to the dismay of the actors in the movie.
I thought a few things with this trailer, which is a good sign, but, I instantly knew how the movie would end, and I was wondering if this movie is going to be amazing, or incredibly horrible, something I couldn't tell from the trailer. Usually, it is very clear whether a movie will suck or be a blockbuster by the trailer, you may not always be right in the assumption, but the assumption is always clear; this trailer, I have no idea whether or not it will be any good...kinda leaning toward the negative. What do you think, a pass or fail grade on this trailer?!?
Todays trailer is for a movie called Mutant Chronicles. According to the trailer, it seems to have some good actors, including Thomas Jane, John Malkovich and Hellboy himself, Ron Pearlman. If that wasn't enough to get your attention, the way the film is shot, it makes it look like a cross between Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow and Sin City, the uniquely Green Screen style that has become very famous, much to the dismay of the actors in the movie.
I thought a few things with this trailer, which is a good sign, but, I instantly knew how the movie would end, and I was wondering if this movie is going to be amazing, or incredibly horrible, something I couldn't tell from the trailer. Usually, it is very clear whether a movie will suck or be a blockbuster by the trailer, you may not always be right in the assumption, but the assumption is always clear; this trailer, I have no idea whether or not it will be any good...kinda leaning toward the negative. What do you think, a pass or fail grade on this trailer?!?
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Liam Neeson to be Zeus
That's right, the man, the myth, the legend, Mr. Liam Neeson has signed on to the recent Clash of the Titans remake to play the king of all gods, and Perseus's father Zeus.
First off, I am a huge fan of Liam Neeson;everything from Star Wars to Taken, to Batman, even his older stuff, hell, even Love Actually...that's right, I admit it, I watched that chick flick...who wants some?!? Anyway, he was great in every part he's ever done. I was also a huge fan of Clash of the Titans, and, unlike many remakes going through Hollywood lately, I am happy and excited for this one. The story is a classic, and with a story like this, and the graphics studios are able to achieve, this movie should be incredible. So, I say bring on the remake, in this case anyway.
First off, I am a huge fan of Liam Neeson;everything from Star Wars to Taken, to Batman, even his older stuff, hell, even Love Actually...that's right, I admit it, I watched that chick flick...who wants some?!? Anyway, he was great in every part he's ever done. I was also a huge fan of Clash of the Titans, and, unlike many remakes going through Hollywood lately, I am happy and excited for this one. The story is a classic, and with a story like this, and the graphics studios are able to achieve, this movie should be incredible. So, I say bring on the remake, in this case anyway.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
I was blind, but now I see.
So, I was going through some articles on IMDB today, and saw an article entitled "tv characters that were probably serial killers" which, of course, begged to be clicked. What I found opened my eyes, it talks about how the likes of Wilson, from Home Improvement, Steven Urkel, and Danny Tanner, amongst others were actually serial killers. It got me thinking if there was any other characters from my childhood that could've been serial killers, hiding right under my nose.
Here's the link:
Now, to my ideas:
Here's the link:
Now, to my ideas:
- Mr. Rogers. That's right, now hear me out. The guy always started off by coming in and .... ...that's right, changing clothes. Did you ever wonder why? It's because he was disposing of the evidence. The blood-soaked shoes he wore would get in the way of driving that creepy trolly-thing. And, anyone who has an evil-king dictator just begs creapy.
- Fozzy the Bear. The comedy routine is just a cover up. He doesn't like it when you don't laugh at his jokes. You never see Fozzy get upset, that's because, like many others, he bottles it up until the anger overflows into a murderous rage. He is the one who contacted the frog-hitman in the original Muppet Movie.
- Sponge. He originally went to summer camp at Camp Onnawanna, where Salute Your Shorts was filmed. Sponge, however, didn't like Budnick and the rest of the campers. Did you ever wonder why the show ended? That's because there was no one left alive. This is the origins of the Jason mythos, it's not some hockey-masked guy, it was sponge, promptly killing Deana, Tori, Budnick, and lastly, Donkeylips. Unfortunately, Kevin "Ug" Lee was not one of the victims, he is the one who kept bringing back campers to their doom, hence the reason why we have so many Jason movies.
- Carmen Sandiego. That's right, Carmen Sandiego was a mass murderer. Why do you think people were always looking for her? I just wanna know why you have one of the countries worst seriel killers on the loose, and you hire a couple kids who don't know where Brazil is to find her. I'll give you a secret, though. Carmen Sandiego was just the chief lady with a's ok, it is our secret. And, while we're on it, Carmen's brother is also famous, his name is Waldo....people are looking for him to in relation to several of Carmen's murders.
Are there any famous mass-murderers hiding in plain sight that I missed? Bill Cosby, that British chick from Guts, or what about Ted, from Hey Dude, I mean, he did leave for awhile.....
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
How to get fired for being an idiot!
Fox 411 movie critic Roger Friedman wins moron of the week, courtesy of Kevin's Movie Blog.
Roger Friedman has worked for FOX for over 10 years now, and, apparently did not want to make it to 11. Friedman was a movie critic for the network, and after hearing FOX's blockbuster, X-men Origins: Wolverine was leaked online last week, he decided to download it and do what he apparently does best; review it. The problem, however, is the fact FOX has been hunting down the parties responsible for the pirating like a Predator in an Equadorian jungle, and this guy comes out and admits he downloaded it (which is illegal) and watched it. Apparently, he thought, by saying he liked the movie, it would be ok to talk about how easy it was to get his companies cinematic baby. Friedman also went on to say he would have downloaded more movies, if he had a bigger harddrive. So, basically, he came out and laughed at his company, but liked the movie. And that is how to get fired in one, easy step, and all it took was breaking the law.
There has been massive response from the internet about this story, despite FOX being really quiet about the whole thing. As a result of FOX being infuriated over the leak of this movie, which is apparently DVD quality, and no shakey cam, the government has called a meeting with them, to discuss amendments to current laws for a much harsher punishment, along with how it can affect companies who allow this to happen.
So, let me come out and address the issue of piracy right now. First of all, it's illegal, bottom line. There are no qualms about that. I do see this, normally as a don't ask, don't tell kinda thing that doesn't hurt when people used to copy a VHS tape to watch one more time. But, given P2P applications, it's not just for one more watch, it's so thousands can watch the movie, which really crosses the line. On top of that, you have a movie that is not even in it's final version. When you download something like that, you go beyond don't ask, don't tell, and turn into a screaming "look at me!" So, don't be a d-bag, if you wanna see the movie, pay for it, that's what they have Netflix for, or, have the goodness to get the crappy shakey-cam version so you feel the penalty of breaking the law by reliving your previous meal.
Roger Friedman has worked for FOX for over 10 years now, and, apparently did not want to make it to 11. Friedman was a movie critic for the network, and after hearing FOX's blockbuster, X-men Origins: Wolverine was leaked online last week, he decided to download it and do what he apparently does best; review it. The problem, however, is the fact FOX has been hunting down the parties responsible for the pirating like a Predator in an Equadorian jungle, and this guy comes out and admits he downloaded it (which is illegal) and watched it. Apparently, he thought, by saying he liked the movie, it would be ok to talk about how easy it was to get his companies cinematic baby. Friedman also went on to say he would have downloaded more movies, if he had a bigger harddrive. So, basically, he came out and laughed at his company, but liked the movie. And that is how to get fired in one, easy step, and all it took was breaking the law.
There has been massive response from the internet about this story, despite FOX being really quiet about the whole thing. As a result of FOX being infuriated over the leak of this movie, which is apparently DVD quality, and no shakey cam, the government has called a meeting with them, to discuss amendments to current laws for a much harsher punishment, along with how it can affect companies who allow this to happen.
So, let me come out and address the issue of piracy right now. First of all, it's illegal, bottom line. There are no qualms about that. I do see this, normally as a don't ask, don't tell kinda thing that doesn't hurt when people used to copy a VHS tape to watch one more time. But, given P2P applications, it's not just for one more watch, it's so thousands can watch the movie, which really crosses the line. On top of that, you have a movie that is not even in it's final version. When you download something like that, you go beyond don't ask, don't tell, and turn into a screaming "look at me!" So, don't be a d-bag, if you wanna see the movie, pay for it, that's what they have Netflix for, or, have the goodness to get the crappy shakey-cam version so you feel the penalty of breaking the law by reliving your previous meal.
Some movie news to hold you over till hump day!
Happy Tuesday, movie geeks. It's the start of the week, and the movie community is buzzing with little tidbits that will get any fans appetite wet. Let me go through a few of them with ya.
- Star Trek announces a US release party in Houston, along with the official one in Sydney. Reviews of the movie are already out, and all 6 gave the impression we are in for one heck of a ride. Also, in Trek news, the movie was rated PG-13.
- Terminator Salvation is getting ready. The movie will also be rated PG-13. There is talk of Robert Patrick, the actor who launched his carear with the portrayal of T-2's bad guy, the T-1000 is in talks with director McG to make an appearance in the 5th movie.
- Iron Man 2 officially started production today, with principal filming happening today. There are already a few shots on the net, and one has Don Cheadle in his Rhody outfit looking very much the part. Another development is Robert Downey Jr. talking about the story, and what is not going to be in the movie. Basically, there was a major storyline with Iron Man boozing it up, and as a result has Rhody wear the suit, leading to his own suit, and the creation of War Machine. That story will not be in this one, but Downey is saying, they are saving that for another movie, giving hope to a third, signed hopefully sooner than later.
- Fast & Furious came out the gate quickly, setting a record for opening week in the month of April at $72 million. Apparently removing "The" from the title really had an impact.
- Monsters Vs. Aliens came in 2nd in the box office this week, despite killer numbers over seas, only managed a measly $33 million, coming far short of expectations.
- Adventureland, a movie starring Twilight princess Kristen Stewart winds up 6th, with a dismal $6 million. Although, the budget couldn't have been more than that, which means, the film should turn a profit, but its proof that when you have an absolutely terrible marketing campaign for a movie, the movie doesn't do well. I mean, 1 trailer for the movie, never seen on TV, no posters mentioning Ryan Reynolds in a movie, or the fact they have the hottest teen actress in movies, Kristen Stewart, along with a great supporting cast. I guess you get what you pay for.
So, that'll catch you up if you were living in a cave without cable or DVD's. Don't worry, there is plenty of more news, but stuff that deserves its own post. Until then, stay cool, movie geeks!
Friday, April 3, 2009
Trailer of the Week!
This weeks trailer is for a movie opening today to surprisingly good reviews. First off, this is a red-band trailer, which means it has some bad language, so you don't wanna have it cranked at work, it's ok...I'll wait while you turn the volume down....yep, click the speaker icon...there ya go. Anyway, redband trailers are usually a huge waste of time, promising R-rated content and delivering didly squat. This trailer acknowledges the mythos behind the red banner, and smacks you in the face with it.
The movie looks great from this preview, and makes Kristen Stewart of Twilight fame look absolutely adorable, completely abolishing any problems I had with her with the first Twilight trailer. I think this is a movie I would actually go see in theaters, given the time, and this trailer is expertly done, and hitting its target audience, check it out and enjoy!
The movie looks great from this preview, and makes Kristen Stewart of Twilight fame look absolutely adorable, completely abolishing any problems I had with her with the first Twilight trailer. I think this is a movie I would actually go see in theaters, given the time, and this trailer is expertly done, and hitting its target audience, check it out and enjoy!
I love spoilers...until I read them
I am one who is like a little kid at Christmas when it comes to spoilers. I love knowing what will happen in a movie before most do, and generally, as soon as I see a trailer, I know exactly how a movie will go; the beginning, middle and end are clear as crystal during most trailers, and the ones that aren't, I go hunting for. I would say, mostly it comes from the fact I have the patience of a 2 year old, but I am always curious how the story will evolve.
So, there I am today, hunting and scrounging for what will happen on a TV show that I love, which is usually harder to predict than a movie, because, unlike the movies simplistic, 3-act formula, TV shows are different, they consider ratings, and there is no way to tell when the show just stops, and, lets face it, they have to bring in audiences back and fight for their attention every week. So, I finally found out the big switcheroo, and when I read it, I was totally disappointed, not just in the revelation, but the fact this big, huge, 2 year build up is finally over.
So, what makes a good spoiler over a bad spoiler, I mean they do the same thing, essentially ruin a movie, which is why most people avoid them like the plague. So, what made me enjoy, lets say the Star Trek Spoiler, but not my TV show spoiler? I would have to say, the only thing I can think of is the fact these characters hit way too close to my own experiences and trials and truly grew a place in my heart; a rare feat for TV these days that feature a lie detector test and Survivor Island. So, I guess, after this, it feels like a family member is leaving, and you only have those few moments of happiness before their gone.
Thirty seconds before that spoiler, I was a kid at Christmas, and after reading that spoiler, I was a kid on the 26th of December that only got sweaters and underwear.
I guess it's kinda sad to get attached to a show, but that's the intention of all media, to make the characters relate able, and lovable, don't ya just hate it when they succeed?
Do you have a show, or a particular movie that really makes you feel for the characters?
So, there I am today, hunting and scrounging for what will happen on a TV show that I love, which is usually harder to predict than a movie, because, unlike the movies simplistic, 3-act formula, TV shows are different, they consider ratings, and there is no way to tell when the show just stops, and, lets face it, they have to bring in audiences back and fight for their attention every week. So, I finally found out the big switcheroo, and when I read it, I was totally disappointed, not just in the revelation, but the fact this big, huge, 2 year build up is finally over.
So, what makes a good spoiler over a bad spoiler, I mean they do the same thing, essentially ruin a movie, which is why most people avoid them like the plague. So, what made me enjoy, lets say the Star Trek Spoiler, but not my TV show spoiler? I would have to say, the only thing I can think of is the fact these characters hit way too close to my own experiences and trials and truly grew a place in my heart; a rare feat for TV these days that feature a lie detector test and Survivor Island. So, I guess, after this, it feels like a family member is leaving, and you only have those few moments of happiness before their gone.
Thirty seconds before that spoiler, I was a kid at Christmas, and after reading that spoiler, I was a kid on the 26th of December that only got sweaters and underwear.
I guess it's kinda sad to get attached to a show, but that's the intention of all media, to make the characters relate able, and lovable, don't ya just hate it when they succeed?
Do you have a show, or a particular movie that really makes you feel for the characters?
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Someones in trouble!
It is being reported today, that an unfinished copy of X-men Origins: Wolverine has been leaked on the Internet, and apparently the FBI is hot on the trail. FOX studios have announced they will seak out the culprits and prosecute to the full extent of the blah blah blah.
Basically, FOX is pissed because someone uploaded an unfinished movie to the Internet. All I have to say is "Welcome to the 21st century." I mean, come on, what do they think the Internet is good for besides porn? (I'm not saying I look up porn, just an observation) This is not the first time a movie has leaked out, I would be willing to wager 2 in 5 movie goers have watched a pirated movie, heck, back when VCR's were all the rave, I bet that number was more like 4 out of 5, so, instead of freaking out, find the guy, beat the crap out of him, and try to get better security, not that it will matter.
Basically, FOX is pissed because someone uploaded an unfinished movie to the Internet. All I have to say is "Welcome to the 21st century." I mean, come on, what do they think the Internet is good for besides porn? (I'm not saying I look up porn, just an observation) This is not the first time a movie has leaked out, I would be willing to wager 2 in 5 movie goers have watched a pirated movie, heck, back when VCR's were all the rave, I bet that number was more like 4 out of 5, so, instead of freaking out, find the guy, beat the crap out of him, and try to get better security, not that it will matter.
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