So, news comes down today Don Cheadle will be replacing Terrance Howard in the upcoming Iron Man 2.
I am really excited about this. I didn't really like Terrance Howard in the first movie, but I let it slide due to the amazing performance by everyone else in the movie. Howards character was supposed to be a tough, Bad Ass-type guy, and in the movie, he just didn't convey that, but, I guess every character has to make a journey, and maybe his will be viewed in the second installment.
As far as Don Cheadle is concerned, he is a great actor! I think Hotel Rwanda was amazingly acted, but I can't help think of Basher in the Ocean's Trilogy and I think Cheadle is a serious upgrade in the second movie over the first.
So, in short, Howards out cause he wanted too much dough, so they get Basher to come in and show everyone how it's done in a movie where the character of James Rhodes will be huge in the second with the coming of War Machine, a suit that will be built just for him in Iron Man's absence. (That wasn't really short, though, huh?)
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