Brett Ratner of Rush Hour fame, and X3...not..so fame is signed to direct the big screen adaptation of the top selling Playstation 2 game.
In the game, Kratos, a Spartan warrior is out for vengeance after being tricked by Ares, the God of War. Kratos is after Ares, and to kill a god, you have to get Pandora's box. This game had an immense storyline including many famous Greek gods and some of their myths. The character of Kratos was simple, but with a troubled past, it was addicting, begging you to find out his secrets. The question will be, can Ratner explore the character, or just copy the game.
Another question will be, who will play this anti-hero? When I think big, bad ass anti-hero, who is bald, unfortunately, there is only one choice that comes to mind, Vin Diesel. If Ratner can get Diesel, he would be headed in the right direction.
I really wish they could have gotten Frank Miller, or Robert Rodriguez, of Sin City fame. I think this is a dark, bloody, demented storyline that would do very well with that gritty style of filming.
Here is where the ugly lies, it's a movie about a video game. Historically, directors (I'm lookin' at you Uwe Boll) and studios have just assumed they have a guaranteed audience, no matter the quality of the movie. Unfortunately, due to that assumption, movies based on video games have, well, stunk and now, most people will assume anything based on a game will be bad. It may only take one movie to change peoples' minds, but, at this point, there hasn't been a movie that has gone against the grain.
If you think of one, let me know, and don't say Resident Evil, those movies may have been the best of the Video Game movies, but compared to real movies, they are crap (Sorry Mila).
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