I can't really say "ramblings of a dad" yet, can I? Maybe contributor to a peanut? I'm not sure, but referring to myself as a father just gave me chills in the 'all kinds of amazing' category.
So, my peanut, your mother went to the doctor and it's confirmed; you are coming. We were so excited to hear that all is well, we were literally jumping up and down. If you felt something like an earthquake, well, sorry, but that's gonna happen as things get closer.
As we embark on this journey, I'm starting to see things that I can't wait to do with you. It's not just movies, although I can't wait to show you Bugs Bunny. You will thank me later. Also, I can't wait to take you knee-boarding! Your uncle James and I do it all the time during the summer. The secret is to pull your knees up into your chest as soon as the boat goes. It'll take you some time, but we will have patience. Just be careful, because your uncle James likes to slow down at random times. Your mom gets scared of sea creatures and stuff, but trust me, nature is awesome, and as long as you respect it, you'll be fine.
Also, make sure I get on the whole 'teaching you to read' thing. Reading and writing is extremely important. Don't think the terms "lol" and "LMAO" is writing, because it's not english. Writing is a true art form and it's in your blood, so just let it flow, because between your mom and I, you will be a natural.
Also, don't believe in racism. As Ferris Bueller says "ism's are bad, I don't think someone should believe in isms." Also, I need to show you Ferris Buellers Day Off, but be careful, because ditching school is not ok.
Ok, well, we are tossing around what to do with your room. You are going to love it. It's going to be beautiful. Your grandparents are already trying to help put furniture in there.
That's all for now, my little peanut. I'm sure you won't care too much about these posts, but just maybe it'll inspire you, or atleast let you know how much you are loved.
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