Just in case the name didn't immediately make you change your voting card status, let me lay out the ideas and principles of the Nerd Party:
First off, immigration isn't immigration anymore, it's called the "Noob policy." While some don't like noobs, they're an integral part of the game society.
Healthcare is now "Powerup Care," and is very important. Not all of us run around with health and shield bars always recharging, so we're putting it right at the top of the priority list.
Movies are now Government subsidized. No more shitty Transformers 37 without committee approval, and more indie movies will get their chance. (this is a personal project of mine).
The economy? The treasury will now be "the ore refinery," and we Nerds have a very simple plan to create jobs. Government money for tech-stuff like new, Remote Controlled bombers, smart computers, and those Tron light-cycles, everyone who is un-employed is now employed contributing to one nerd category...video games (if you program, great, if not, gamers need their soda...), Comic books (if you draw, awesome, if not, then learn to, or get them their soda), or movies (there is plenty of need for extras, and track-layers.) Or Soda makers...see above.
Military? Take all the Command and Conquer and Starcraft players and put them in one room and don't tell them their units represent real computer-driven units....watch them take over the world.
Energy? - All the people who couldn't find a job can run a hamster wheel, or blow on a windmill. And U.S. companies will be required to use solar or electric within two years. No questions asked. Before you get upset, they have the technology, they just don't want to use it to upset the oil people. So, I say, eff them. No likey? Frag Grenade to the face.
Infrastructure will be taken care of by Lego, and their many, many Lego engineers. If you can build an amazing Dinosaur at Disney with legos, you have my vote for highway infrastructure.
It's the age of the Nerd, and it's about time we took over. It was bound to happen anyway.
Got anymore nerd-inspired changes? You have to share them with me!
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