I’m in the news business, and business is a boomin’ …
Netflix wants more mulah – The top story for the week that was is regarding Netflix, and their incredibly large price hike. The cost of their monthly subscription is now broken up between their online streaming service and their mail DVD’s. The online community is upset over the 60% price hike with news of the online blog having their 5,000 comment thread being maxed out on the first day, and “Dear Netflix” being a trending topic on Twitter, with people venting that the new price hike is outrageous.
I read a blog over at Gizmodo, talking about how people need to get over it, because it’s only $6 and that if you go to Blockbuster, you will still pay much more, and that the streaming service is still under priced at the new pricepoint, and to a point, I agree. That being said, I think a 60% increase is just plain greedy, and inconsiderate to customers who have been with Netflix for a decade or more. I would also argue that the streaming library, while receiving recent gems like Star Trek and tons of new TV shows, is severly lacking in new movies. As a result, I politely canceled my Netflix account. While I may wander back their way, for now, I think I’ll look into other methods, like Hulu +, or Redbox.
What do you think? Is Netflix screwing its customers, or is it a standard business move?
Evil Dead gets a remake, director and shitty..uhh, a writer – For years, there has been hope, but no action on another Evil Dead movie. Last week, the flood gates opened, and we got all kinds of news, but only some is good. First off, the new Evil Dead movie will be a remake of sorts, something probably similar to the second movie. It was also announced Panic Attack! director Federico Alvarez would helm the movie. Alvarez became something of a hit after his short became an instant hit online. It was also announced Diablo Cody would be writing the script. I keep hoping for there to be some sort of “gotcha” at the end of these reports, but I haven’t seen one yet. Cody garnered all kinds of attention after her script for Juno won an Academy Award. Her next script for Jennifer’s Body didn’t fair as well. There isn’t any mention of Bruce Campbell’s involvement, although, there were allegedly some tweets from the star giving the impression he had seen a script, so we can only hope the Chin will be back.
So, I’m a little worried about Cody writing this script (in case you couldn’t tell). Her “stylish,” pop-culture induced scripts wear thin extremely quickly, and seems like a huge change in style from the previous masterpieces. I can only hope Sam Raimi and company can reign her in a bit.
Point Break turned 20 – One of those guilty pleasures of mine, the Keanu Reeves and Patrick Sawyze movie Point Break turned 20 last week. The film, originally directed by Kathryn Bigelow was one of those over the top action movies that was just fun. Swayze was known for the terrible haircut, and Reeves was known for the flat Johnny Utah, but it was good fun. As a side note, the word “fuck” was used 105 times, and Johnny Depp, Matthew Broderick and Charlie Sheen all had been rumored to have tried out for the role of Johnny Utah. /Film also posted the ‘making of’ featurette here, if you haven’t seen it yet.
Captain Kirk could become Robocop – Another one of those vicious rumors hit the web this week, and this time, it’s over the remake of Robocop. The remake has been green-lit and shelved so many times, I don’t know what to believe anymore, but studios have said they are interested in a younger actor to replace Peter Weller, and that younger actor is Captain Kirk himself, Chris Pine. While I would love to see a good remake of Robocop, and I really liked Pine’s turn in the captains chair in Star Trek, I have some serious reservations for any remake. It seems like they don’t necessarily have a new story to tell, just cashing in for nostalgia money. But this one could be different. Maybe.
George C. Scott watches Jack and Jill – I can’t really say much more than what George C. Scott himself says in this really well edited video. I mean, they have Al Pacino flirting with a female Adam Sandler. Comedy Gold, right?
Batman news! – The most anticipated movie of 2012, and maybe ever had some big announcements this week. We got an amazing picture of the batmobile, sitting next to what looks like the bat-pod. It looks like they brought back the tumbler, or something pretty close.
We also got the teaser poster for the movie, hitting theaters next year. There was some talk of people seeing Superman’s shield in the falling debris, but I don’t really see it.
Finally, we have the teaser trailer itself. We see some shots from Batman Begins, a shot from The Dark Knight, and a quick shot of Bane from the new movie. The teaser definetly got my interest peaked. I'm really excited about Bane. This teaser has almost completely erased my Batman and Robin experience. Thank God.
Finally, some Spiderman photos - Check out the latest Spiderman photos. You can see the whole bunch here, but this looks pretty good! The suit doesn't look much different than the Toby Maguire suit, but the differences are there, and it makes it look slightly less cartooney. I like the idea of web shooters, too.
Fans take on Doctor Who - One of the cooler videos I've seen lately involves Doctor Who fans get together to play music from the famous show. They submitted videos of themselves playing thier insturments, and the different insturments were combined together to form a beautiful piece. That is some pretty sweet geekiness. If you're a Doctor Who fan, this will make you smile! Check out the video HERE
Jon Favreau interviews Olivia Wilde - I'm not sure if you have seen the previous interview, where Favreau interviewed Harrison Ford, buy it was by far the best interview I've ever seen Ford give. Normally, the Star Wars actor looks pissed to be there and growls through the interviews, but under Favreau's perfectly geeky enthusiasm, he was excited and shared some great stories. Now, he turns his interviewing to actress Olivia Wilde. Ms. Wilde looked enthusiastic and excited and she had some great stories. My favorite line is "wait, Jeff Bridges thought I was cool? The Dude abides? Nice." That's why I think Favreau does such a good job, because he's a total geek, and as such, has passion and enthusiasm in the subject matter and the actors. Check out the interview HERE.
The Thing trailer - I was a huge fan of the ... well, technically, the remake starring Kurt Russell. That being said, this trailer makes this movie look like the most generic Sci-Fi movie of all time. I mean, this trailer uses a cookie cutter and never breaks for the tired Sci-Fi trailer formula. What does that mean for the movie? Maybe nothing, but it does nothing to get me excited for the film.
Box Office Breakdown – Harry Potter dominates
It what was no surprise at all, Harry Potter took the number one spot with the final movie in the series, the Deathly Hallows Part 2. The surprise to some, however, was that it blew away the previous record, held by the Dark Knight of $150 million. The film also set Friday records with $92.1 million in one day. Transformers: Dark of the Moon had a pretty good third week with $21.3 million and poor Winnie the Pooh, opening at $8 million.
What did you donate your hard-earned George Washingtons’ to this weekend?
1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 - $168.3 million ($168.3 million total)
2. Transformers: Dark of the Moon - $21.3 million ($302.8 million total)
3. Horrible Bosses - $17.6 million ($60 million total)
4. The Zookeeper - $12.3 million ($42.4 million total)
5. Cars 2 - $8.3 million ($165.3 million total)
6. Winnie the Pooh - $8 million ($8 million total)
7. Bad Teacher - $5.2 million ($88.5 million total)
8. Larry Crowne - $2.6 million ($31.6 million total)
9. Super 8 - $1.9 million ($122.2 million total)
10. Midnight in Paris - $1.9 million ($41.8 million total)
DVD’s new to the shelves –
Hey Dude
The Girls Next Door: Season 6
Top Gear US: Season 1
Torchwood: Complete UK Series
Alright, I’m excited about Hey Dude. I used to watch that when I was a little geek, way, way back in the day. It’s one of those shows few people know about, but it was one of the first live action Nickelodeon produced shows. I’m sure, when I watch it now, my inner child will be horribly let down, but I don’t care, I’m buying it anyway.
Trailer of the week - Sherlock Holmes 2
This looks quite similar to the first film, but I did enjoy the first film, so count me in for the second. I’m kinda shocked they show Professor Moriarty, though. I figured he would be a shadowy figure, not seen until the climax, but I guess I was wrong.
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