Kevin Hopp: Thank you for taking the time to talk to me. I wanted to start off by asking you about your standup, Long Story Short.
Colin Quinn: Well, it's a different type of comedy. Very different from just a normal standup. There's so much you have to do different, from queue's to lighting, but it was fun.
KH: I read the show was directed by Jerry Seinfeld. Is it hard taking direction from another comedien?
CQ: No, in some ways it's easier, because we're both after the same thing. We're all about the laughs, and getting laughs at all cost.
KH: Is it tough doing the same show every night?
CQ: Yeah, sometimes it's tough, especially when you do three shows on Saturday. It starts to look a lot like work sometimes, you know?
KH: Was the show scripted?
CQ: Yeah, the show was completly scripted.
KH: So, no going off script? Was it hard to not add anything?
CQ: No, you can't go off script. That's what every comedien asks me, is it hard to not go off topic, and it's not easy. Especially with everything going on right now. It takes a lot of self restraint.
KH: So, would you do it again? And if so, is it a big difference between TV or movies?
CQ: Yeah, I would do it again, it's a lot of fun. The good part is, when you deliver a joke, you don't have to wonder if the audience will find it funny, you know right away, for better or worse.
KH: So, your coming down to do a comedy show in Treasure Island on the 13th. What is the show going to be about?
CQ: Yeah, I would do it again, it's a lot of fun. The good part is, when you deliver a joke, you don't have to wonder if the audience will find it funny, you know right away, for better or worse.
KH: So, your coming down to do a comedy show in Treasure Island on the 13th. What is the show going to be about?
CQ: Well, it's going to be about everything that's going on right now. The war, Bin Laden, Politics, all that stuff. I find the stuff that's actually going on is more funny than anything you could write.
KH: So, is it family friendly?
CQ: It's clean, I just curse a lot.
KH: So, I have to ask, and it's not just because you are known for your amazing SNL Weekend Updates, but what do you think of this Osama Bin Laden thing?
CQ: I like the fact that everyone is celebrating about his death. And Pakistan not even realizing he's there. I think it's totally real, I think we're trying to be sensitie, and not show how proud we are. We don't want to gloat, because other countries are trying to be like us.
KH: So, they announced they won't show the photos of Bin Laden, do you think they should?
CQ: I think they should. Maybe give the guy his own Facebook page.
KH: So, what is a Rabble Rowser?
CQ: I don't know why I've been called that, but I like it. If you're doing comedy correctly, then you're going to get people's attention. That shows your being current, and your doing it correctly.
KH: So, what kind of comedienes influence your comedy?
CQ: Well, I love George Carling and Richard Prior. Those are two of the best. Carlin, for the socio-political, and Prior did the anthropology, the stuff about human behavior. Combining them is the trick.
KH: So, last question, I read that you're a fan of Jersey Shore? I admit, I stayed away like it was the plague, until my girlfriend got me hooked.
CQ: That's true, it's crazy TV. I love Snookie.
KH: Well, Mr. Quinn, thank you so much for your time, and I can't wait to see the comedy show on the 13th.
CQ: Thank you! I'm looking forward to it!
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