So, I just realized I hadn't covered how the love of my life and I had met. It occurred to me, out of the blue, when someone asked how we met. Ok, that's not quite out of the blue, more like out of the aqua marine, or out of the turquoise. The tale of my bride to be and I meeting goes way back.
Queue the wavy flash-backy lines.
It was back in late August, when my room mate was talking about how he was going to hang out with this girl. I, at the time was going through this rather vicious stretch of lonely. I hadn't had too much luck when it came to the feminine persuasion. So, there I was, playing video games, looking like a bum when this girl came into my house. She was beautiful to say the least, and introduced herself and sat down. Once I realized how beautiful my roommates friend was, I got a bit embarrassed over how bad I looked, and the fact I was just sitting there, playing video games.
So, we had dinner, and we talked. It seemed like everything we talked about, she was saying just the right things. I felt myself get excited every time she spoke. It was weird, she was fun to talk to and hang out with, yet she was gorgeous. Umm, universe, it isn't supposed to work that way. Women can't be cool and beautiful. How would we resist them, eh? When I thought it couldn't get any better, we fired up the old game console and played Mario Kart. Yeah, you heard that right, our first meeting and we played video games. She talked about how my ass would be red from the beating she was about to give me, and we sat down and played. She won a game or two, but I still left with my pride intact (the sign of a really smart woman).
I had to see her again, but it was a week or so before I was able to. I saw her for a brief moment before she went out with some friends to a baseball game. I wanted to go, but I knew, given the crowd, we wouldn't be able to talk, so, I waited. Fortunately, we started texting back and forth. We talked about simple things at first. Ya know, work, and movies, and stuff. But we texted a lot. It was amazing, because I was starting to think this incredible woman was actually into me.
Next, came our first planned outing together, commonly referred to as a date. Now, I had been on many first dates, and sadly, not quite as many second dates. So, you would think I would handle it like a pro, but you would be wrong. We were supposed to go to a baseball game, but it was sold out. So, we ended up going to dinner at a local Italian restaurant. Nothing fancy, but it was tasty. There, we talked about everything, like we were old friends. To my future wife's credit, she made me feel perfectly at ease. We then did the double-dip and went to a movie. It was a scary movie (yeah, it's stupidly cliche'd, I know) and had a great time. I didn't kiss her that night, even though I wanted to more than anything. It was a great first date.
And then came the e-mail.
After a few outings together, it was clear I had fallen for this woman. She really liked me too, which was a bit puzzling. Here is the gorgeous woman with absolutely no flaws, interested in me. She sent me an e-mail one morning, basically saying that she liked me more than just a friend. She talked about how she liked hanging out with me and then quoted Star Wars. I know! This girl would have to be mine! I responded immediately. I knew I should wait, and let myself calm down, but I didn't care. I was looking to adjust the "YES" font size bigger than 78, but it wasn't allowed. So, let's just say I let her know I wanted to be more than friends too. Life was good.
The board game of doom.
We hung out one time after this e-mail, and things were going along swimmingly. Things felt like I had known this girl for years, and not the weeks it actually was. She had blown me away, going to a movie screening with me, and it was time to chill out at my house, and meet my friends. Yeah, the friend meeting is a right of passage for any woman. My friends are easy to get along with, but it's still a requirement. So, a board game was the activity of the evening. It's simple, quaint, and fun, right? Wrong! My room mate, in an obvious attempt to snuff out any romance, brought out the game of doom, also known as Quelf. This game started off by her drawing a card that required her to kiss me (while a truly pleasant thought, an awkward moment to say the least) followed up by a card that made her put ice down her pants, and my friend make a pillow fort. I was forced to make up a song and dance and another friend was forced to hum music.
The most amazing part about all of that? She came back! That's what all of this taught me. Either it didn't bother her, or she cared enough about me that she would endure it, or both. Either way, I had someone obviously very special on my hands, and if I was smart, I wouldn't let her go.
After the game, she surprised me on my birthday with a great card, and a cake, and her and I would become inseparable in the coming weeks. We would do everything together, hanging out, going to dinner, or playing video games, it didn't matter, we were together, and looking down on cloud 9 and laughing.
Looking for the rest of the fun tales, or as I refer to them "The Chronicles of the Wedding to Remember: The Directors Cut?" Well, here you go:
Part 1: A Wedding to Remember
Part 2: Secret of the Booze
Part 3: Revenge of the Colors
Part 4: The Voyage Home (Suck it Star Trek)