If there are any guys reading this, let me warn you, colors are an important thing. Apparently, they are supposed to all match up, creating a beautiful theme, that goes along with the month of the wedding, and a certain message of love. Not only did I not know that colors affect place settings, and bridesmaid dresses, but they are also supposed to go with wedding cakes, and it's really, really bad to have certain colors on certain months. I mean, really bad. Like talking during a movie bad.
So, we had decided on October 15th, but the problem is, October is a fall month, which means Autumn, which means brown. Lots of brown. Brown and Orange, maybe, but more brown. The problem is, brown was not on the list of colors we liked. Is brown really on anyone's liked colors? I don't think so. On the list of M&M's, it's always at the bottom. It's the color you eat when green and blue and red are gone. So, we had reached our first obstacle. The dreaded colors. I refused to let them best us, but what to do? I don't want someone busting up our wedding because we didn't follow the rules.
Finally, I asked what colors she liked, and my fiance, being the amazing woman she is, said stop saying "I don't know, and tell me what you like." She may have added a few additional words, with a slight Hispanic accent, but you get the idea. Finally, we realized we like blue and silver, and to hell with the wedding police (please don't arrest us). It was yet another obstacle we easily overcame, but the drama was there.
I like how, even through all this stuff is going on, and so much more I've not mentioned, we never really argued. We always kinda just sat down, and discussed things. She would deal with me being an idiot, and I would deal with her being amazing, and we would move on. Of all the conversations we had, the only thing that determined how bad of a conversation it was, was how much wine it would take. Most often, it was very little. It was another clear sign this road we were on together would be a long, smooth one.
The colors were done, and it was time for locations. This is the part that I thought would be difficult, but the difficulties never came around. It was partially due to our budget being quite small, and partially because my future wife is incredible, but it was a non-issue. We like beach stuff, and it's Florida, so that's pretty common, but looking at beach stuff we realized sand everywhere and salt water spray is extremely costly. Fortunately, my supportive family stepped in, and offered their humble abode up for the picking. As the bills started to rise, and moving in was lurking on us both, what was once a really good option became a life-saving option. So, we had our location. I know, we're really rolling, aren't we?
COMING UP: A WEDDING TO REMEMBER PART IV: The Voyage Home (Suck it Star Trek)
Ya know, you gotta stop making me out to be such an amazing person :-)]
I love you my future husband!
Baby, if anything, I'm not giving you enough credit. You ARE an amazing person. My future wife!
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