Friday, May 28, 2010

Why Do I Blog?

So, as I am reading through countless blogs today, we were talking about Sex and the City, and after listening to a familiar podcast, I was messaged a link with a blog with further thoughts from the author. As I read the thoughts, and commented my approval, I saw a link that said "Why Do I Blog?" It was one of the best things I've read in years, as the author talked about all the reasons she blogs, how it's for her, her family, her friends, her sanity, and a lot more. As I read through the expertly constructed sentences, I thought three things to myself;

1) "Is there some sort of class I can take to write more like that?"
2) "I clearly have a long way to go"
3) "Why do I blog?"

The first one is easy enough. The second requires a few beers to ponder, but the third, well that's just downright tricky. "Why do I blog?" It's still echoing through my head. If it is just to advance my career, it seems kind of silly, since there are only three clicks a week, and my wonderful sister, who is also my greatest fan make up all three of them; so, if it isn't that, what is it?

Is it for practice? Maybe, I mean, if you want to do something, you need to practice to make it perfect, right? It seems reasonable, considering that if you go back to my first post, you can see a big difference in my voice between then and now, but is that it? It seems to lack heart to me. And where does it go? What is the purpose in practicing and practicing for nothing?

Is it because, like the author, I love writing? Sure. I love getting into a story, when my fingers, no matter how quickly I type, can never get the thoughts down quick enough, and I love how sentences just explode in my head as I feverishly try to get them down, and I love, when I finish a post on a topic and I get an e-mail with a link, and I click on the link, how the words seem to go from a whole bunch of words I tried to get out of my brain to a finished blog post with full thoughts, that a few people may actually read and enjoy.

Maybe it is to say that I can do something that not everyone else can do. I mean, think about it; all the things you do throughout the day, your work, the tasks you do from the elaborate to the mundane, how many of those can you really say you do well? For me, I can honestly say zero, zip, nada. So, maybe blogging is looking for that something I am good at. So, am I good at it? More importantly, does it matter? With something like that, it's similar to something someone told me about Lost the other day; it's more about the destination than the journey.

Well, there seem to be more questions than answers. Maybe it's just simply entertainment, for me and for you. Maybe it's me as a little kid wanting to show my mother what I wrote, and maybe it's just another movie blog. Either way, there will be another post up tomorrow about something that excites me and I work type away and work to get that smile when I click "submit."

Alright, so this thought isn't finished, not by a long shot. But, it's a thought, and it's going to meander around in my empty head for awhile. If there are fellow bloggers reading this, why is it that you blog?

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Hey Kevin!

Thank you, thank you for your kind praise and for linking to the Lance. On days I hate my job, or on days I'm just plain sick of writing, I go back and re-read that post to remind myself of why I will never ever shake this hobby.

I've attempted to quit blogging a dozen times, but each time I swear off it, a Montana-sized post begins brewing in my head and it's like where else can I let it all out? When I was 13, a journal worked just fine, but now my hand cramps quicker and my skills as a writer are hopelessly dependent on the computer, high-speed Internet and

Keep blogging! You keep a very nice cyber space here.

Having said that, don't be afraid to take breaks. The best thing you can do as a writer is to stop WRITING and explore.

I hope you have an excellent Memorial Day weekend.