After Brian Singer’s less than enthusiastic rendition of the blue boy scout known as Superman Returns, nearly everyone had thought that Superman would be dead. When the studio wanted to do a reboot, all geekdom let out a small grown, not wanting to see another tale of how Superman learns to be Superman and stalks Lois Lane. And, after the rights to Supe’s origin story were lost back to the estate of the original creators, it seemed the 2006 Superman Returns would be the last time we saw such a movie.
Well, there seems to be good news from the DC camp in the form of Christopher Nolan. On the heels of news he is working on a third Batman script, it was announced the director of The Dark Knight is to be in a “godfather role” for Superman to ensure the project is successful. There is no word on whether he will direct the project, but most sources are doubtful.
The new movie, which is supposed to go in a completely new direction will be without an origin story, and will be a reboot of sorts. There was talk of a grittier Superman that is more modern and real, similar to the newer graphic novels, as opposed to the boyscout of the movies.
So, would you like to see a grittier Superman? How about a reboot? Does anyone even care about the last son of Krypton?
I read this somewhere else too, I don't understand the "godfather" role part.
I don't know if anyone, including Nolan knows what it'll mean. But, to me, it sounds like an executive producer role, where he may oversee script writing, casting, and hiring a director.
I'm hoping it's not just throwing a name on the bill to get people to see a crumby movie. It may work, but, in the end, you still have a crumby movie.
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