Human Target is a show on Fox that is on Tuesdays at 8 pm, and is basically a traditional action movie condensed to one hour, and boy is it fun to watch.
The show has Christopher Chance trying to protect someone from a threat each week with two friends/colleges backing him up that also provide the comic relief. The show has had three episodes air so far, and it seems to be going for an all-out action show, with some comedy, and very little drama. In fact, there seems to be almost no drama at all, as the show seems to focus more on the action than anything else.
The true jewels of the show are not the main star, although he is played quite well. The stars are the comic relief with Chi McBride and Jackie Earl Haley, who shows that he can do more than be Freddie Kruger and Rorschack. They are truly interesting characters that are funny, yet show they could have some depth to them, if the show chooses to exploit it.
That brings me to the drawback of the show. While I truly enjoy it, and look forward to it each week, there is no exploring these characters yet, and there does not seem to be any greater story arc than the client of the week. And, with characters as rich as they are, it seems to be a waste with no backstory.
Either way, Human Target is a fun ride, that if they can add an overall arc to the season, it could be one of the better new shows of the season.
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